Medication Drips and Titratable IVs Charting in CareMobile 1. Scan the IV solution

The rate will be listed in the order, including Titrate

2. Tap Add IV Events 3. Tap Begin Bag 4. Complete the required fields 5. Enter Dose unit and the Dose. The rate will auto calculate 6. Tap the calendar to change the time if back charting 7. Tap Save

Entering Dose unit and Dose will auto- Medication calculate the rate

Start with the Dose unit

Tips  Make sure Dose unit is correct. Dose unit calculates the rate and affects the IV Drip section of Interactive View and I&O.  A weight-based titratable drip must have a weight entered to chart Begin the Bag. The Titratable weight is tasked at admission. If the weight has not been entered, you may enter the weight through CareMobile. Change the time to Weight is required match the Begin Bag time Tap to chart Charting Drip Rates in PowerChart Charting medication drip dose/rate and changes on IV Drips section will auto-calculate the volume on I&O when the column is activated. IV drip rates are to be charted hourly. 1. Go to Interactive View section of the chart 2. Click IV Drips 3. Double-click the time on IV Drips header 4. Enter either the dose or the rate. The other will auto-calculate. 5. Click Sign

Tips  To enter a change if your flowsheet is set to 1-hour increments, click the Insert Date/Time Icon to add a current time column . You will not need to change the time.  Enter the changed rate/dose and sign.

IV Drips section on the Monitoring band Hourly IV drip rate and any rate changes must be charted before charting on I&O 1. Chart on IV Drips section 2. Got to I&O 3. Refresh I&O 4. Chart I&O

Rate changed on IV Drips section of the Monitoring band. The charting must be signed before it will populate I&O. After refreshing the I&O band, the new volume will auto-populate the I&O when the time column is activated.