Category 2 CCP Scope of Work Template

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Category 2 CCP Scope of Work Template

FORMATTING NOTE: This template has been created to outline CCP elements that should be included in the Plan. You are encouraged to make this Plan a reflection of your agency. Highlight your agency’s attributes and situations that may make it unique. Use graphics (photos, tables, charts, diagrams, maps, and infographics) to help illustrate the narrative you are telling with this Plan. 2

Table of Contents Transit Agency Name • CCP • 2017– 2022 3

The PTD has also implemented a requirement for systems to develop a “Success Plan,” the purpose of which is to create actionable and measurable plans aimed at leading agencies to higher levels of success. Once created, these Success Plans are to be updated annually, with a more significant update process scheduled every three years. Success Plans will also be updated as part of the CCP process.

Part I « Introduction 10 MH’s

Use this section of the document to provide an overview of the planning process and material presented in the plan. Content included here, could include, but is not limited to: 1. Introduction – Detail the importance of a CCP and how it is an integral part of the

overall planning process for sub-recipients including the Success Plan.

2. Background and Purpose – Detail how this process evolved and what the final

objective for a final CCP is for each sub-recipient.

3. A statement explaining the purpose of the report and summary of the Project

Charter Agreement. (NOTE: Include the actual Project Charter Agreement as an

Appendix to the report)

4. Define the last time that a 5 Year Plan was conducted.

5. Define the period of time during which the report was prepared.

6. Identify key players involved in preparation of the report.

7. Identify by name the key sections that are featured in the CCP including, but not

limited to –

o Current Performance & Service Area Trends

o Public Input

o Updated Success Plan

o Asset Enhancement Plan

o Service & Connectivity Plan 4

o Financial Plan

o Assessments and Strategies Plan

o Updated Success Plan

o Draft and Final CCP Plan

Executive Summary

Use this section of the document to summarize and highlight the most important elements and findings of the results from the Final CCP. All sections below are required:

 Current Performance & Service Area Trends

 Public Input

 Updated Success Plan

 Asset Enhancement Plan

 Service & Connectivity Plan

 Financial Plan

 Assessments & Strategies Plan

 Updated Success Plan


1. Where possible use infographics, tables and charts that clearly illustrate key points made in the Executive Summary. Transit Agency Name • CCP • 2017– 2022 5

CCP Public Involvement Participants

Use this section to identify the participants that were involved during the completion of the tasks of conducting research, drafting, and developing the CCP.

List their names, positions, organizations and responsibility (Customer, committee member, stakeholder, elected official, etc.) 6

Part II

Tasks - Maximum Allowable Man Hours The tasks to be performed within this assignment include the follow items. The total maximum allowable man hours for the consultant to complete these tasks are three hundred sixty four (364) Man Hours.

Tasks Maximum Allowable Man Hours Introduction 10 1. Current Performance and Service Area Trends 58 2. Public Input 100 3. Service and Connectivity Plan Asset 80 4. Enhancement Plan 20 5. Financial Plan 28 6. Assessment & Strategies Plan & Success Plan 48 7. Final CCP Report 20 Total Allowable Man Hours 364

Milestone I Task 1 « Current Performance & Service Trends 58 Mh’s

This section of the CCP will outline the agency’s current level of service. Critical information to be documented here includes, but is not limited to the following:

Task 1.1 A 5-year table comparing agency performance to its Peer Group average using OPSTATS data (table and data supplied by ITRE) 4

Task 1.2 A 5-year table illustrating the comparison of the agency’s Customer Satisfaction to its Peer Group average using Overall Customer Satisfaction Score and Net Promoter Score (NPS) from surveys. (This information may not be available)

a. NOTE: Provide this for as many years as possible if 5 years of data does not yet exist. Transit Agency Name • CCP • 2017– 2022 7

Task 1.3 Provide an analysis of the Transit Dependency Index (TDI) by Block Group, demographics, and population estimates from ITRE. 10

Task 1.4 Intra and inter County Trip Origins and Destinations and locations of key service demand drivers (medical facilities, vocational schools, colleges, universities, major employers and centers of employment) from ITRE to help assist in identifying needs and opportunities for regional coordination and/or consolidation. 6

Task 1.5 Discuss trends and identify possible reasons behind them. Begin discussing how the agency intends to maintain or improve upon metrics and respond to unmet current and projected service needs. 16

Point the reader to the CCP document’s Task 3 called Service & Connectivity Plan for all tables and analysis relating to current service.

Task 1.6 Review of Current Success Plan Based on when last Success Plan was completed the consultant project team will review each section of the plan with key staff and stakeholders. In addition, the consultant project team will review the most recent Success Plan guidance from PTD to ensure the Success Plan structure meets the requirements for the effort. The Success Plan will then be updated as part of the CCP process, pending the results of Tasks 2 through 6.

Task 2 « Public Input 100 MH’s

This section of the CCP will identify your community’s key transit stakeholders and how you engaged them to be involved in the planning process. Key stakeholders are different for every agency. However, the following lists primary stakeholders you will seek to engage in the process:

 Transportation Advisory Board (TAB), which includes representatives of transportation providers, human service agencies, transit users, and county government  Customers (both general public and human service agency customers)  Elected Officials  Other Stakeholders (human service agencies, universities, major employers, and others). 8

In this section you will also outline the methods you used to engage each stakeholder group. For example: Customers  Customer satisfaction (rider) survey results  Public meetings in easily accessible locations across the agency’s service region Elected Officials  One-on-one interviews  Outreach Surveys Community Stakeholders  Outreach Surveys  Public meetings in easily accessible locations across the agency’s service region  One-on-one interviews  Public events – festivals, fairs, Walmarts, etc.

This section should identify the dates of all input sessions, as well as a description of recommendations identified based on public input findings. You may use a matrix/graph to communicate these findings.

In addition, an updated survey will likely be needed to re-calculate the NPS, as part of the Success Plan Update.

You should create an Appendix to include the dates, locations, sign in sheets, comments gathered, and other important information through the public input process.

Milestone II

Task 3« Service & Connectivity Plan 80 MH’s

This section of the CCP should be used to outline the key points listed below.

Task 3.1 Identify the location and primary hours of transit needs of key service demand drivers obtained from ITRE in Current Performance and Service Area Trends analysis. Transit Agency Name • CCP • 2017– 2022 9

Task 3.2 Analyze any geographic and service time gaps between the current service profile and the key service demand drivers.

Task 3.3 Demographic and population trends, and/or growth in inter-county trips identified in Current Performance and Service Area Trends analysis. Determine if service should be adjusted to address any unmet demand.

Focus should be placed on evaluating opportunities for regional coordination and/or consolidation. If such opportunities are identified, a separate Consolidation study shall be undertaken.

Task 3.4 Based on analysis of productivity metrics conducted in Current Performance and Service Area Trends analysis, present a plan for addressing unproductive service.

Task 3.5 Identify any service adjustments designed to address unmet demand.

Task 3.6 Identify any service adjustments designed to address unproductive service.

Task 3.7 Identify the impact of proposed service adjustments on ridership, operating costs, and service productivity.

Task 3.8 Identify funding sources to support service adjustments that result in increased operating costs.

Keep in mind that funding sources can include reallocation of existing service.

Task 3.9 Compile analysis and service adjustment recommendations. Be sure to refer to this Service & Connectivity Plan when developing Financial Plan and Assessment & Strategies Plan.

Task 4 « Asset Enhancement Plan 20 Mh’s

This section of the CCP should include the following key elements:

Task 4.1 A summary of the Review of annual Transportation Asset Management Plan completed by PTD. This will include summaries of: a.i. Inventory of transit vehicle and any other current assets, including all revenue vehicles, non-revenue vehicles, facilities and equipment a.ii. Vehicle, facilities, and equipment maintenance plans 10

a.iii. Asset replacement schedule

Task 4.2 A summary of Asset Enhancements. This will include: a. Identification of assets that need to be procured to meet local & regional growth plans for each of the next five years. b. Identification of opportunities to regionally coordinate procurement of assets (replaced or added) over the next five years. c. Identification of opportunities to regionally coordinate asset maintenance. d. Prioritization of assets in need of procurement. e. Identification of funds for acquiring new assets for each of the next five years.

Task 4.3 Provide a final analysis of the asset enhancement plan to be integrated into the Financial plan and Assessment & Strategies Plan.

Milestone III

Task 5 « Financial Plan 28 MH’s

This section of the CCP should be used to highlight your Financial Plan. Important components of this section are listed below. PTD has a five-year budget template (spreadsheet) that agencies are responsible for updating annually and should be used to complete this task. A sample is provided as an Appendix to this template.

Task 5.1 Identify operating expenses associated with executing the existing service and any adjustments proposed in Service Plan and Asset Enhancement Plan.

Task 5.2 Identify capital expenses associated with executing the existing service and any adjustments proposed in Service Plan and Asset Enhancement Plan.

Task 5.3 Identify the known/existing funds and funding sources available to support projected operating and capital expenses.

Task 5.4 Identify gaps between known/existing funds and total funds needed support the operating and capital plans.

Task 5.5 Identify strategy for acquiring additional funding needed to cover gaps in above as part of Assessment & Strategies Plan.

Task 5.6 Identify impacts to current performance measurements as a result of identified growth opportunities. Transit Agency Name • CCP • 2017– 2022 11

Task 5.7 Prioritize funding of operating and capital programs and activities that are anticipated to increase agency performance and address any remaining gaps betwenn funding need and availability.

Milestone IV

Task 6 « Assessment & Strategies Plan 48 MH’s

Task 6.1: This section of the CCP will be used to articulate how the agency intends to bridge any gaps between current and the agency’s desired future state.

Present your action-oriented strategies and indicate if there is an opportunity for regional coordination/coordination.

Prioritize each strategy and determine timeline for implementation by fiscal year.

Additionally, if possible, identify how the strategies integrate with the performance metrics in your agency’s current Performance Scorecard.

Finally, identify funding needs and potential sources. For example, grants, public-private partnerships with local area institutions and businesses, mobile and stationary advertising, fare adjustments, increased ridership, and other options.

Use the table on the next page to summarize your strategies.

The strategies identified in this table will reflect the updated Success Plan and also feed subsequent annual Success Plans.

Task 6.2 – Updated Success Plan

The study team will use the results of the Success Plan review (Task 1.6), coupled with the public input (Task 2); Service and Connectivity Plan (Task 3); Asset Enhancement Plan (Task 4); and Financial Plan (Task 5) to update Success Plan. The performance metrics may be revised and the scorecard will be updated to reflect the most recent values for each metric. 12


Prioritized Estimated Potential Gap in Fiscal Year for Success Plan Action Funding Funding Service Implementation Alignment Strategy Assessment Cost Source/ Splits






6. Transit Agency Name • CCP • 2017– 2022 13

Step 1: Gather and review Service Plan, Asset Enhancement Plan, and Financial Plan, which describe the desired future state of the agency over the next 5 years.

Step 2: Review the Current Performance and Service Area Trends analysis.

Step 3: Facilitate a collaborative conversation with agencies to brainstorm and prioritize strategies for how the agency can bridge the gap between the current and desired future state. You should be facilitating the process of developing and defining strategies, not dictating to the agency.

Keep strategies action-oriented and specific. If an opportunity for regional coordination and/or consolidation was identified, be sure to include specific incremental steps needed to implement or further study possibilities.

Step 4: Identify the performance metrics from the agency’s current Performance Scorecard (updated annually) that each strategy supports.

Step 5: Prioritize each strategy and determine timeline for implementation by fiscal year.

Step 6: Identify funding needs and potential sources.

Consider grants, public-private partnerships with local area institutions and businesses, mobile and stationary advertising, fare adjustments, increased ridership, and other options.

Step 7: Compile analysis and recommendations into Word document and use this to update and finalize Financial Plan.

Note that strategies identified here will feed the agency’s subsequent annual Success Plans. In order to achieve the goals and strategies of the 5-year CCP, agencies must set interim goals and milestones that PTD can monitor and manage against the 5-year plan.

Milestone V

Task 7 « Final Plan 20 MH’s Task 7.1: Using the template provided by NCDOT, the consultant will combine all elements of the CCP including the updated Success Plan into a single comprehensive document. 14

APPENDIX 1 Provided by Agency:  Compliance review reports;  Encumbered County and City budgets for the last three years (by UPTASUPTUS code);  Transportation operating statistics (OpStats) from last three years, including passenger trips, vehicle miles, vehicle hours; subsidy per customer trip; cost per customer trip; customer trips per seat hour.  Fare policy;  Service policies;  Marketing Plan (if one exists);  Most recent Locally Coordinated Plan;  Previous CTSP (if available);  All contract service agreements (executed or not);  Job descriptions for personnel;  Satisfactory survey;  Boarding / alighting data; and  Success Plan.Performance Efficiency & Excellence Guidebook – PDF;  Current Success Plan  .

Provided by NCDOT Public Transportation Division:  Compliance review reports;  Current Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP)  Most recent Locally Coordinated Plan;  Performance Efficiency & Excellence Guidebook – PDF;  STI Project Eligibility List for all transit systems (current eligibility 2016- 2020) to reconcile with five year financial plan;  Current State Transportation Improvement Program Five Year Work Program (FY12-FY16) and Developmental Program (FY 17-FY20); and  Standardized Five Year Budgeting Tool – Excel.

Provided by ITRE: Geodatabase Maps as JPEGS  Transit Dependency Index (TDI) by Block Group;  Trip Origins and Destinations for demand response trips in County (if available);  Medical, educational and employment facilities in County;  Vicinity map;  Service Area map; and  Regional service area map.  Transit zone map Estimates  Demand Estimates from TCRP Report 161 as spreadsheets  Historic Population Figures from State Demographer- Excel Other Data Transit Agency Name • CCP • 2017– 2022 15

 Operating Statistics;  Previous Performance Plan – Word; o Performance Plan Questionnaire – Word; o Business Practices Questionnaire – Word; o Employee Information Worksheet – Word;  Vehicle Utilization Data;  Vehicle Inventory from AssetWorks – Excel;  Technology Plan - Word and Excel; and  Fully Allocated Cost Model.

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