Date of Proposal

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Date of Proposal

HRSA SPNS Culturally Appropriate Interventions of Outreach, Access and Retention among LatinoPopulations Initiative – Dissemination Log


Status (Under Accepted to Review, Product Journal or Journal Lead Product Data Date Concept Revise Completio Conference & Primary Author Title or Site Type Used Submitted & Re- n Status Submission Confere Submit, Date nce? Approv ed) Presented (note A Qualitative Analysis of HIV Minority Health conf was Care Experiences among HIV- Conference, UNC Chapel Accepted cancelled due Dirk Davis Positive Latino Men who have Presentation Local University of North Yes Hill 12/9/2014 to snow but Sex with Men & Transgender Carolina at Chapel poster was later Women in North Carolina Hill presented) Salud y Orgullo Mexicano: Using a community-level AIDS intervention to remove barriers Illinois Public Health Foundation of Amy Johnson to HIV testing and connection to Presentation Local Accepted Association (IPHA), Yes Chicago a peer-navigation project for Lisle, Illinois. retention in medical care for men of Mexican descent Meaningful Use of Community 2015 CDC HIV AIDS Arms, Nicole Chisolm, Assessments with Prevention Presentation Local 04/17/2015 Accepted Prevention Conference Inc. MPH Applications for the Latino Conference Population.

City of New Attitudes and Experiences of York Health Care Service Delivery Janet Wiersema Presentation Local 2/13/2015 Accepted APHA Yes among HIV Positive Puerto Ricans in New York City Jails

Enlaces Por La Salud: CDC National HIV Development and Evaluation of UNC Chapel Joaquin Prevention a Transnatinoal Intervention for Oral Presentation Local Accepted Yes Hill Carcano Conference Mexican MSM and Transgender December 2015 Women Infectious Diseases ground rounds at HIV Primary Care within a the Hospital of the Philly FIGHT Laura Bamford Syringe Exchange Program in Oral Presentation Local Accepted Yes Philadelphia University of Pennsylvania on 9- 17-15 1 HRSA SPNS Culturally Appropriate Interventions of Outreach, Access and Retention among LatinoPopulations Initiative – Dissemination Log

Status (Under Accepted to Review, Product Journal or Journal Lead Product Data Date Concept Revise Completio Conference & Primary Author Title or Site Type Used Submitted & Re- n Status Submission Confere Submit, Date nce? Approv ed) HIV grand rounds HIV Primary Care within a at the Hospital of Philly FIGHT Laura Bamford Syringe Exchange Program in Oral Presentation Local Accepted the University of Yes Philadelphia Pennsylvania on 1- 22-15 New York City Preliminary Findings from American Public Health and Formative Evaluation with Health Association Janet Wiersema Oral Presentation Local Presented Yes Hospitals Puerto Ricans housed on Rikers Conference, Corporation Island living with HIV Chicago, IL 11-2-15 Proyecto PROMOVER: Illinois Dept. of Conceptualization and Public Health- STD Core Center Patricia Aguado development of a multilevel HIV Oral Presentation Local Presented Yes conference 10-28- intervention for Mexican 15 immigrants in Chicago Vincent Guilamo- Ramos, PhD, NYC Health Jacqueline Promoting Health Equity among and APHA, abrstract Cruzado- Criminal Justice-Involved HIV Presentation Hospitals Quinones, submitted 3-4-2016 Patients of Puerto Rican Origin Corporation Janet Wiersema, Alison O. Jordan Janet Wiersema Jacqueline Cruzado- Transnational Connections and Quinones, Health Care Access among APHA, abstract NYC CHS Presentation Local Paul Teixeira, Puerto Rican HIV Patients in submitted 3-4-2016 Neha Qureshi NYC Jails and Alison O. Jordan

2 HRSA SPNS Culturally Appropriate Interventions of Outreach, Access and Retention among LatinoPopulations Initiative – Dissemination Log

American University Intersectionality and HIV Center on Health, UNC Chapel Clare among Latino MSM and Presented on Oral Presentation Local Invited talk Risk and Society Hill Barrington transgender women Feb 24 2016 (CHRS) in North Carolina

Intersectionality and HIV PAA conference Presented UNC Chapel Clare among Latino MSM Oral Presentation Local Accepted Submitted in Sept March 31 Hill Barrington in North Carolina 2015 2016

Kasmara, Liza; Implementing Transnationalism USCA conference, Josaphat, Luc; Harlem United to Facilitate Engagement in HIV Workshop Submitted abstract submitted Perez-Medina, Care for Puerto-Ricans April 2016 Elizabeth

3 HRSA SPNS Culturally Appropriate Interventions of Outreach, Access and Retention among LatinoPopulations Initiative – Dissemination Log


Status (Under Revie Accepted to w, Product Journal or Date Journal Lead Product Data Revise Completio Conference & Primary Author Title Concept or Site Type Used & Re- n Status Submission Submitted Confere Submi Date nce? t, Appro ved) Intersectionality and the HIV continuum of care among Latino UNC Chapel Clare Manuscript In 09/25 submitted to men who have sex with men in Qualitative paper Local Hill Barrington process PAA conference North Carolina

Title: New Yoricans: Leaders in Networking & Knowledge (LINK II) - Developing a Culturally International AIDS Pedro GMHC Appropriate Intervention for Abstract Local 3/15/2016 Conference Rodriguez Access to & Retention in Care July 18th – July 22nd among Puerto Rican MSM

Patient’s Exertion of Control over their HIV: A Qualitative Analysis UNC Chapel Manuscript in Yesenia Merino of HIV Positive Latino MSM in Qualitative Paper Local Hill Process North Carolina

Intersectionality and HIV UNC Chapel Clare Manuscript In among Latino MSM Qualitative paper Local Hill Barrington process in North Carolina

4 HRSA SPNS Culturally Appropriate Interventions of Outreach, Access and Retention among LatinoPopulations Initiative – Dissemination Log

5 HRSA SPNS Culturally Appropriate Interventions of Outreach, Access and Retention among LatinoPopulations Initiative – Dissemination Log


Status (Under Accepted to Review, Product Journal or Date Journal Lead Product Data Revise Completio Conference & Primary Author Title Concept or Site Type Used & Re- n Status Submission Submitted Confere Submit, Date nce? Approv ed) Bienestar Brendan Linking to a Healthier Life /Article Accepted Adelante Yes O’Connett, Acceso a Una Vida Más magazine, pg. 16- Luis Peñate, Saludable 17, November Ernesto 2015 issue Valles

6 HRSA SPNS Culturally Appropriate Interventions of Outreach, Access and Retention among LatinoPopulations Initiative – Dissemination Log

SECTION 4: MEDIA DISSEMINATION Status (Under Accepted to Primary Author Review, Product Date Journal Lead (Media/Ne Product Data Revise Completio Title Concept Date or Site ws Type Used & Re- n Status Submitted Confere Source) Submit, nce? Approv ed) AIDS NBC Gay, Bisexual Black Men News story 2-23-16 NBC Project Los Have 50 Percent Risk of Angeles HIV: ealth/health-news/gay- bisexual-black-men-have- 50-percent-risk-contracting- hiv-n524366 (uses a Fuerza photo)


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