The Road to Servomechanisms: The Influence of Cybernetics on Hayek from The Sensory Order to the Social Order by Gabriel Oliva CHOPE Working Paper No. 2015-11 October 2015 The Road to Servomechanisms: The Influence of Cybernetics on Hayek from The Sensory Order to the Social Order Gabriel Oliva University of São Paulo
[email protected] October 2015 Abstract: This paper explores the ways in which cybernetics influenced the works of F. A. Hayek from the late 1940s onward. It shows that the concept of negative feedback, borrowed from cybernetics, was central to Hayek’s attempt of giving an explanation of the principle to the emergence of human purposive behavior. Next, the paper discusses Hayek’s later uses of cybernetic ideas in his works on the spontaneous formation of social orders. Finally, Hayek’s view on the appropriate scope of the use of cybernetics is considered. Keywords: Cybernetics, F. A. Hayek, Norbert Wiener, Garrett Hardin, Ludwig von Bertalanffy. JEL Codes: B25, B31, C60 2 The Road to Servomechanisms: The Influence of Cybernetics on Hayek from The Sensory Order to the Social Order1 Gabriel Oliva When I began my work I felt that I was nearly alone in working on the evolutionary formation of such highly complex self-maintaining orders. Meanwhile, researches on this kind of problem – under various names, such as autopoiesis, cybernetics, homeostasis, spontaneous order, self-organisation, synergetics, systems theory, and so on – have become so numerous that I have been able to study closely no more than a few of them. (Hayek, 1988, p. 9) 1. Introduction It is widely recognized in the literature2 that the Austrian economist F.