Notice Is Hereby Given of a Meeting

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Notice Is Hereby Given of a Meeting



Present: Cllr S Barker (Chair) Cllr M O’Moore Cllr T Steel Cllr D Waller Cllr S Woodcock

Absent: Cllr T Petty

Also in attendance: Mrs B Hucker (Assistant Clerk)

PT13/338 To receive and accept Apologies for Absence and reasons for approval There were none.

PT13/339 To receive Declarations of Interest Declarations of Interest were received from Cllr Woodcock for Item PT13/369 – Waitrose.

PT13/340 To receive Declarations of Lobbying Declarations of Lobbying were received from: - Cllr Waller for Items PT13/369 -Waitrose, PT13/346 - Phase 3 and PT13/365 to 368- Anti Speeding Campaigns and Cllr Barker for Items PT13/346 - - Phase 3, PT13/369 Waitrose, PT13/365 to 368 and Item PT13/382 - Phone Mast.

PT13/341 Minutes – It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 19th February 2014 be approved and were duly signed.

PT13/342 Chairman's Announcements – to receive announcements. Cllr Barker welcomed Cllr O’Moore to the Planning & Transportation Committee.

PT13/343 Officer’s Report PL12/146 - Kent County Council Highways (KCCH) - Parish Portal Report A Parish Portal link is awaited from KCCH as they have changed their website. A request had been made to KCC concerning roads within Kings Hill Parish being displayed within West Malling Parish Council’s (WMPC) area. Work has been requested for the full parish boundary to be included in future versions. It may take a few weeks for this work to be completed. Noted PT13/292 & PT13/337 – Officers Report – Questions from Councillors – Road Layout & Markings KCC have been contacted with regards to road layout and markings on the A228 onto Tower View - KCCH will be sending information regarding obligatory markings for roundabouts to the Parish Office and have asked for some examples of locations on Kings Hill that the Parish Council have concerns about. Liberty Property Trust (LPT) will investigate the points raised concerning road markings and layout and update the Parish Office as soon as possible. Noted

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PT13/297 Chairman’s Announcements – 6th Rail Summit Contact had been made with KCC concerning members of the public attending the 6th Rail Summit. The Parish Council was informed that the meeting is open to anyone representing either a council or a rail users group or association. Noted PT13/309 – Local Plan Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council sent information to the Parish Council regarding the Local Plan meetings that had taken place with all Parish Council’s in the Tonbridge & Malling area. This update is included under the Item PT13/382 Correspondence on the agenda. Noted

PT13/344 Accounts for Payment – to present to members for review, approval and signature. Accounts for Payment totalling £1,494.87 were circulated, approved and signed. A list of payments is attached in Appendix 1.

PT13/345 Public Session – To discuss issues from residents. There were none.


Phase 3 PT13/346 To discuss the Phase 3 Consultation and agree actions. After discussion it was agreed that the addition of a shared services hub for Parish residents should be requested as part of the S106 agreement. Office

Planning Applications – consider and agree responses PT13/347 TM/14/00932/RD - Area 57 Discovery Drive Kings Hill - Details of soft landscaping and boundary treatment pursuant to condition 3 of planning permission TM/13/01397/FL (Erection of 63 residential dwellings (Class C3) with associated access and amenity space). It was RESOLVED that there were no objections to this application but the Parish following comments should be made: - There are concerns with the planting of Office viburnum as these shrubs can be more prone to pests and disease. Care should be taken when planting trees as they should not be planted within 1 or 2ft of fences. PT13/348 TM/14/99629/FL – 2 Blenheim Road Kings Hill – First floor side Parish extension. It was RESOLVED that there were no objections to this Office application. PT13/349 TM/14/01174/DEN -KCC Commercial Services 30 Gibson Drive Kings Parish Hill - Demolition of Kent County Council Supplies Depot, ancillary buildings Office and hard standing. It was RESOLVED that there were no objections to this application. PT13/350 TM/14/00993/FL – The Control Tower, 29 Liberty Square, Kings Hill – Change of use of ground floor of vacant Control Tower to mixed use A1/A3/A5, B1 (a) office and cultural uses within Class D. It was RESOLVED that there were no objections to this application but the Parish Office following comments should be made: - The central seating area in the cultural area should be moveable and not permanently fixed. Toilet on the ground floor is not labelled as a disabled toilet. Air conditioning units on the outside of the building should not cause surrounding residents noise issues. There are no shown ventilation units for the toilets.

Applications received after Agenda has been submitted PT13/351 TM/13/01535/OAEA – Kings Hill Phase 3 Kings Hill – Outline Application (with all matters reserved except for means of access) for demolition of existing buildings including the KCC Supplies depot and removal of a section of Kings Hill Avenue; the erection of up to 635 residential dwellings; a two form entry primary school with associated playing fields and land safeguarded for an extension to create a three form entry primary school; a multi-functional

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extension to the Community Centre and adjacent to Crispin Way; improvements to the highway network at Alexander Grove, Gibson Drive and Queen Street; and trim trails, woodland paths and green spaces. Noted PT13/352 TM/14/01113/FL – 93 Discovery Drive Kings Hill – Orangery rear ground Parish floor extension. It was RESOLVED that there were no objections to this Office application.

Planning Approvals PT13/353 TM/13/02069/FL - Churchill Square Kings Hill - Installation of photovoltaic panels to the roofs of 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 Churchill Square. Noted PT13/354 TM/13/03677/CR3 - Land To The East And South East Of 11 Tower View Kings Hill - County Regulation 3 Application: Proposed new access road to future development plot and 52 space car park for use by 30 Kings Hill Avenue and associated footpath, lighting columns (6m high) and lighted bollards (2m high) (KCC reference KCC/TM/0386/2013). Noted PT13/355 TM/14/00004/FL - 12 Eden Way Kings Hill - Conversion of garage into storage area/games room. Noted PT13/356 TM/13/03876/FL - 2 Alfriston Grove Kings Hill - Single storey rear and side extension with flue. Noted PT13/357 TM/13/03984/LDP - 45 Stirling Road Kings Hill - Lawful Development Certificate Proposed: Single storey rear extension. Noted PT13/358 TM/14/00130/FL - 8 Worcester Avenue Kings Hill - Conversion of detached double garage to habitable room. Noted PT13/359 TM/13/3861/2014 – The Discovery School, Discovery Drive – Increase the size of the existing playground located to the rear of the school. Noted PT13/360 TM/13/36572013 – Blaise Farm Quarry, Kings Hill – An ancillary bio-gas to grid compound with associated plant and infrastructure and connection to the mains gas supply network. Noted PT13/361 TM/14/00339/FL – 41 Lambourne Drive, Kings Hill – Single storey rear/side extension. Noted


Anti Parking Campaigns on Kings Hill PT13/362 To receive update and agree actions. An update was received and the road location for the proposed campaign was Parish agreed. Office PT13/363 It was agreed that the Parish Office would organise a meeting with LPT, KCCH Parish and the Police to discuss the campaign. Office PT13/364 To receive and discuss adoption status of Fortune Way An update on the adoption of Fortune Way had been received from KCCH. It was agreed that a request would be made to KCCH for KHPC to be informed Parish of highway adoptions as soon as possible. This matter would also be Office requested at the KCCH yearly Parish Seminar.

Anti Speeding Campaigns on Kings Hill PT13/365 To receive & discuss the latest VARS data for 2014. It was agreed to continue to request information for the next Planning & Parish Transportation Committee meeting. Office PT13/366 To discuss and agree actions for Speedwatch Campaign. After discussion it was agreed that an article would be placed in the parish magazine Summer edition, asking for volunteers to run a Speedwatch SB campaign on Kings Hill. PT13/367 It was agreed that all the latest Crash Data statistics would be e-mailed to all Parish committee members. Office PT13/368 It was agreed that the Parish Office would investigate the cost of speed Parish reduction stickers for wheelie bins ready for the next committee meeting. Office

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Waitrose Pedestrian Access PT13/369 To receive update and agree actions. Cllr Woodcock refrained from taking part in this item at 20.51pm.

Parish After an update was received it was agreed that within the next month a letter Office will be agreed and sent to the Managing Director of Waitrose to urge for a site meeting if no response is received from their managing agents.

Cllr Woodcock re-joined the committee at 20.55pm.

Objectives for 2013/2014 PT13/370 To review, discuss and agree actions. After review of the objectives it was agreed to update both the speeding Parish campaign and parking issue objectives. Office

PT13/371 To agree which resolutions are to be shared via social media. Parish It was agreed that Kings Hill Phase 3 should be shared via social media. Office

To report meetings held and to be held with representatives of Planning and Transportation Committee (P&TC) since the last P&TC meeting and to report future meetings affecting the P&TC

PT13/372 08/04/2014 – Blaise Farm Liaison Meeting. Cllr Barker attended - Update given. Noted PT13/373 22/03/2014 – Kent Association Local Council’s KALC - Planning Conference 2014 Cllr Steel attended. Update given. Noted PT13/374 14/04/2014 – Unipar Services – Road Safety, Speedwatch Events and Planning Seminar Cllrs Barker & Steel attended. Update given. Noted PT13/375 24/04/2014 - Kent County Council (KCC), Environment, Highways & Waste Cabinet Committee Meeting. No one attended PT13/376 26/04/2014 – Kent’s Second Mini-Conference for Community Speed Watch Practitioners. Noted PT13/377 30/04/2014 – KCC 6th Rail Summit. Noted PT13/378 01/05/2014 - Joint Parishes Transport Consultative Group Meeting. Cllr Barker attending.

Correspondence and Matters for information

PT13/379 21/02/2014 – Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council (TMBC) – Changes to off Street Parking arrangements in the Borough of Tonbridge & Malling. Noted PT13/380 28/02/2013 – New Earth Solutions – Information Sheet on Dry Vapour Unit. Noted PT13/381 10/03/2014 – TMBC – Notice of demolition of 30 Gibson Drive, Kings Hill. Noted PT13/382 12/03/2014 – E-mail from resident re Phone Mast on Kings Hill. Noted PT13/383 18/03/2014 – Kent Association of Local Councils (KALC) – Note on neighbourhood Planning. Noted PT13/384 19/03/2014 – Liberty Property Trust (LPT) – Advance notice of demolition works – KCC Supplies Building, Gibson Drive, Kings Hill. Noted PT13/385 28/03/2014 – TMBC – Local Plan review – Attendance at Annual Parish Meetings. Noted PT13/386 31/03/2014 – E-mail from resident concerning speeding on Kings Hill. It was Parish agreed that the parish office would respond to the resident. Office PT13/387 01/04/2014 – TMBC – A new local Plan for Tonbridge & Malling. Noted PT13/388 14/04/2014 – KALC – Commons Select Committee Consultation on the operation of the Nation Planning Policy Framework. Noted PT13/389 14/04/2014 – New Earth Solutions Newsletter April 2014. Noted PT13/390 14/04/2014 – Kent County Council – Highway Improvements Notice for

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outside Discovery School. Noted PT13/391 14/04/2014 – Kent Legal Services – Property & Planning Newsletter Spring 2014. Noted PT13/392 14/04/2014 – Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) – Filed Work Spring 2014. Noted PT13/393 14/04/2014 – CPRE – Countryside Voice Spring 2014. Noted

PT13/394 Date for Next Meeting – 11th June 2014.

Questions from Councillors and future agenda items

PT13/395 It was agreed that the Kings Hill Parish Council would request that the street Parish lights in Tower View onto Bovarde Avenue are not part of the Safe & Sensible Office Street Lighting Scheme. PT13/396 There was discussion on the structure erected by Asda outside of their store. The structure is to be removed as no planning permission had been sought. PT13/397 Both Cllrs Barker & O’Moore would not be available for the next Planning & Transportation Committee meeting to be held in June.

Meeting Closed at 21.20 PM



Accounts for Payment For the Planning Meeting on 19 th February 2014 CHQ No or Payee Description Ref AMOUNT Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council Allotments planning application 323246 £ 80.00 Scarbutts (Sales) Ltd Activities leaflets and view from the hill 323247 £ 1,126.00 Michelle Strickland (Larkfield leaflets) Delivery of leaflets 323248 £ 203.00 Viridor Waste Management Ltd Sports Park waste 323249 £ 85.87 TOTAL CHQS £1,494.87 BACS TOTAL BACS £0.00 TOTAL PAYMENTS £1,494.87 Signed: Signed: Date:

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