B Willfully Violating the Constitution Or By-Laws of the Association

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B Willfully Violating the Constitution Or By-Laws of the Association

B] willfully violating the constitution or by- 3. At least ¾ of all council members shall be 3. All participants in any sanctioned laws of the association. necessary for a quorum. tournament shall be NHPA members in good C] participating in a tournament under an standing of the association or associations of assumed name, being guilty of fraud, fixing 4. Each member of the council shall have one other states. games, or conduct unbecoming a member. vote, and the majority shall rule. D] directly or indirectly betting on a 5. In matters requiring immediate action, the 4. All entrants in sanctioned tournaments must contestant or self when entered in sanctioned president shall poll the council by mail, e-mail have valid NHPA cards. competition. or phone without having a formal meeting. All 5. NATSTAT ringer percentages, if available, will members of the council must be notified. E] consistently violating the rules and be used to rank tournament participants. standards set up by the NHPA and the EPHPA. 6. The executive council is the judicial body and 6. All participants must wear shirts with, at a shall define and interpret the constitution and For all but the first violation [A], any member minimum, their last name, hometown and state by-laws. Questions concerning technical points neatly displayed on the back. may be suspended for a period of one year. shall be submitted in writing to the council for Members suspended for non-payment of their decision. The council’s ruling shall be 7. All shoes pitched must be sanctioned by the monies due the association shall be reinstated official. NHPA and must pass maximum weight and upon such payment of monies. For other measurement standards and be unaltered. violations, no member shall be suspended until 7. Should any member of the council[with the exception of the president], not be able to 8. Wins and losses shall determine the final given a fair hearing before the Executive position of players. A tie for 1st place in any Council. fulfill his/her responsibilities due to death, resignation, suspension, or movement to out- class shall be decided by a playoff. Playoffs will Article II: Directors at Large of-state residence, that position shall be filled be arranged by the tournament director. Ties Directors shall consist of individuals from by presidential appointment within 30 days. for all other positions shall be decided by ringer Eastern Pennsylvania. In no case shall there be The appointee shall serve the remainder of the percentage with the highest percentage player fewer than three, but there is no limit as to two year term. placed in the highest position. how many. If for some reason directors cannot 8. Minutes shall be kept of all meetings by the 9. Any player who forfeits games shall finish be elected at a regular meeting, the president secretary and are to be available upon request wherever his/her record puts them in the shall appoint directors to meet the minimum by any member of the association. standings, unless they forfeit for unapproved requirement. reasons, then they finish last. Their record will Article IV: Tournaments Article III: The Executive Council be published with the others. In every case no 1. NHPA rules will govern all events that are game may be forfeited unless sufficient cause is 1. The Executive Council consists of the Officers sanctioned by the association. Exceptions to determined by the tournament director. and Directors. The council shall address all those rules are stated in the EPHPA 10. Two dollars of each entry fee in any matters which are not governed by the constitution and by-laws. constitution and by-laws. sanctioned tournament, except state 2. Any tournament conducted in Eastern PA tournaments, are to be given to the EPHPA 2. The president shall act as Chairperson. All must be sanctioned by the state and NHPA. treasurer to be placed in a fund designated for necessary meetings shall be called by the Sanctioning is obtained through the Eastern PA state tournament expenditures. president. secretary. Sanction certificates must be 11. State Tournaments: The executive council is displayed during the tournament. responsible for such tournaments. The council 1. collect fees and provide NHPA sanction cards Horseshoe Pitchers shall select sites for tournaments, appoint a for membership in the EPHPA tournament director and monitor the 2. keep accurate financial records and pay Association Revised April 2016 preparation and operation of tournaments. All approved expenses in a timely manner. money paid as entry fees, less expenses, shall be returned to contestants as prize money or Article VII: Specific Duties of the Tournament trophies. A prize list shall be provided to the Coordinator president prior to a state tournament. Contestants must have pitched in a minimum The tournament coordinator shall: of three sanctioned tournaments within the 1. coordinate the preparation of the annual past twelve months prior to the entry deadline. pitching schedule. Contestants must be residents of PA. A canceled 2. obtain and provide materials as necessary to tournament will count as one of the three tournament directors including, but not limited required tournaments if the pitcher was to, certificates, patches, plaques, plates, score present and ready to pitch. The eight 40 foot sheets, player cards, summary sheets and pitchers with the highest ringer percentages percentage sheets. will compete in a championship class. This class will pitch a double round robin round one on 3. collect tournament results for NATSTAT the first day and round two on the second day. calculations and other purposes. 12. Any change in the rules shall be approved at 4. determine the winners and provide the Article I: Membership prizes for the points championship. a regular meeting. 1. Any reputable person whose principle Article V: Specific Duties of the Secretary 5. act as coordinator for all major tournaments residence is in Eastern Pennsylvania may in Eastern Pennsylvania and neighboring states become a member of the Eastern PA Horseshoe The secretary shall: for the purpose of eliminating scheduling Pitchers’ Association [EPHPA]. 1. inform the members about membership conflicts. 2. The EPHPA dues may be retained at the news and other events. 6. provide other assistance to tournament same rate or changed at a regular meeting. 2. provide tournament schedules directors as necessary. 3. Any member may be suspended for: 3. keep the president informed of all matters of A] non-payment of monies due the association. state-wide interest that come to his/her attention. 4. record minutes at all meetings and make them available to the membership.

Article VI: Specific Duties of the Treasurer BY- LAWS The Treasurer Shall: Eastern Pennsylvania

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