7Th Grade Comprehensive Science
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7th Grade Comprehensive Science 2011-2012 Aventura Waterways K-8 Center “STRIVE, STUDY, SUCCEED”
Teacher: Ms. Darshae Harris School Phone: (305) 933-5200 Email: [email protected]
Purpose & Content of Course The purpose of this course is to offer students the opportunity to study the nature of science, understand scientific processes, the nature of matter, energy resources, alternative energy, how ecosystems change, as well as our solar system and beyond. Students will be expected to complete projects and demonstrations that are consistent with a rigorous, academically challenging program. Activities will be designed for the learning styles of different students. Assessments of that learning will be based on your grades on group work and group, presentations, your individual projects, and tests of your knowledge of certain science concepts. External resources, such as the Internet and current articles from scientific literature will be used to broaden the student’s knowledge.
Course Guidelines/Policies The following course guidelines will help students better understand class policies and procedures that will help students become successful in this course. Please read over them and make sure that you understand them completely. If you have any questions or concerns about the course guidelines please feel free to contact me.
I. Classroom Expectations Be prompt. Be in your seat BEFORE the tardy bell begins to ring. Be prepared. Have your textbook, composition notebook and pen or pencil every day. Be respectful. Show respect and keep hands, feet, and other objects to yourself. Be responsible. Leave the room neat and in good shape; return supplies to their proper places. Be patient. The teacher will dismiss the class, not the bell. Class will not be dismissed until everything is cleaned up. Be considerate. To avoid potential pest problems, do not eat or drink anything in classes. I will be prompt, prepared, respectful, responsible, patient, and considerate. I would never expect anything of you that I will not agree to myself. Teachers reserve the right to adjust the course work and/or differentiate instruction as needed to meet the needs of students and ensure academic success. II. Classroom Consequences
Behavior 1st Offense 2nd Offense 3rd Offense 4th Offense
Bad Verbal Contact Parent Conference with Counselor/Administrative Behavior Warning Student/Parent Action
Tardiness Verbal Tardy essay Contact Parent Detention Warning
Misconduct Verbal Contact parent Contact parent and Counselor/Administrative Warning Conference with Action Student/Parent Combinatio n of Verbal Written Warning Parent Contact and Counselor/Administrative Bad Warning/Pare and Contact Conference Action Behaviors nt contact parent
Note: Consequences may not follow in the above order. There are some violations that generate an automatic referral.
III. Textbook Students will be given a Florida Course 2 Interactive Science textbook for the entirety of the school year. They will be allowed to write in the textbook and have access to the book online. Once all of the students are uploaded into the system, they will be given a username and password to access learning tools at home. There will also be a parent guide available to assist students in utilizing the online resources.
IV. Materials/Supplies Required for Class One 3-ring binder College ruled loose leaf paper Package of Pens (blue or black ink) TWO composition books Colored pencils or Markers 2 Pencils
All students must have supplies by September 8 th or 9 th (depending on your period on block day)
V. Grading System Homework, Class work 25% Quizzes 20% Tests 20% Labs 15% Projects 20% You can ALWAYS check your student’s grades via the parent portal on dadeschools.net. If you need help accessing the grade book the media center specialist will be more than happy to help you!
VI. Grading Scale Every Student starts the nine weeks with 100 Points “A”. Points are deducted for any type of negative behaviors displayed by a student in class. For Example: Excessive tardiness, talking, out of seat, gum chewing, and breakage of classroom or lab rules are behaviors that will deduct conduct grades. Conduct points reset after each grading period.
90.100 Points= “A” 80.89 Points= “B” 70.79 Points= “C” 60.69 Points= “D” 1.59 Points= “F”
VII. Turning in Work / Deadlines
You are responsible for making up missed work. Students are expected to hand in work ON TIME. Each time work is given, the student is given a clear deadline. If a student forgets to turn in work on the deadline, each day the assignment is late ONE LETTER GRADE WILL BE DEDUCTED FROM THE GRADE GIVEN. Students who have an “Admit” form an excused absence have allotted days they were absent to complete assignments and not be penalized. But, it is the responsibility of the student to get the missed assignments. .
VIII. Projects Each nine week period, students will complete projects pertaining to topics covered within the grading period. Projects should be treated as standing homework projects because they require great effort and time outside of normal class time. These projects are usually worth multiple grades. STUDENTS NOT COMPLETING THEIR PROJECTS RISK LOWERING THEIR ACADEMIC GRADE IN THIS CLASS.
IX. Cheating, Plagiarism, and other forms of academic dishonesty are not tolerated. Students who attempt any of these will earn a zero for the assignment and will receive disciplinary action according to the Student Code of Conduct, which both parents and students all signed.
“A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions”