The Wind of Breakthrough the Gentiles Are Also Heirs
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The Wind of Breakthrough – The Gentiles Are Also Heirs May 12-13, 2011 I. WELCOME, 15 mins. Plan one to two icebreakers for the purpose of mixing around and getting group participation or getting acquainted.
II. WORSHIP, 20 mins. Prayerfully choose a few songs to lead people into God’s presence. During this time, cell leaders will encourage cell members to listen to the Holy Spirit and release the words of strengthening, encouragement, and comfort they have received for the cell group, the church and nations. Upon each word shared, the cell leader will lead members by thanking and praising God for His promise and/or praying aloud together for the needs, etc.
III. WORKS, 20 mins. During this time, the cell will break into groups of 3 to pray for the followings: (1) the mission organization or daughter church adopted by the cell (2) the church ministry needs as printed on Sunday bulletin (3) individual’s needs, new comers, the sick, and blessings for one another.
IV. WORD, 35 mins. Use the format of sharing & discussion to apply God’s word in our daily lives.
Scriptures: Acts 15:1-34 (Please take turns to read the passage verse by verse and reflect upon it for 5 minutes.) Memory Verse: This righteousness is given through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference between Jew and Gentile. (Romans 3:22 NIV 2011) Reflection on the Words
God used the church of Antioch to preach Gospel to the Gentiles. The number of believers grew rapidly. Barnabas asked Paul to join him in rectifying and pastoring the disciples, which resulted in tangible numeral and spiritual growth of the church of Antioch, God’s vessel of evangelism. The Spirit sent Paul and Barnabas out on a mission trip. They returned to Antioch afterwards and shared with the disciples how God’s presence and His mighty power manifested and led many Gentiles to Him during the trip. The congregation was greatly pleased and motivated. Certain Jewish believers came down from Jerusalem and were teaching the believers that unless they were circumcised, according to the custom taught by Moses, they couldn’t be saved. Even though this brought Paul and Barnabas into sharp dispute and debate with them, God used this opportunity to reveal His truth about salvation, for He has opened a new and living way for His people, and the Gentiles are heirs together with Israel, members together of one body, and sharers together in the promise in Christ Jesus.
1. Gentile Believers were challenged by Jewish custom (Act 15:1-5):
1. Dispute:
Paul and Barnabas saw that the redemption of Jesus Christ was twisted, so they stood up and debated in truth. The church had to appoint Paul, Barnabas and a few congregation members to go to Jerusalem to see the apostles and elders there about this question. (Acts 15:2)
2. God’s deeds were shared to make believers glad (Acts 15:3):
Wherever they traveled through, they shared with the local disciples how the Gentiles were saved by their faith in the Lord. Brothers and sisters there were also very glad to hear without any doubt in their mind.
3. God’s deeds were shared with the apostles and elders in the church of Jerusalem. (Acts 15:4)
4. There was still some resistance: Then some of the believers who belonged to the party of the Pharisees still insisted that the Gentiles be circumcised and required to keep the law of Moses.
Discussion 1: Why did those Jewish believers from Jerusalem teach the believers that unless they were circumcised, according to the custom taught by Moses, they couldn’t be saved?
Discussion 2: Why did they have to send Paul, Barnabas to see the apostles and disciples in Jerusalem about this question?
After Paul and Barnabas gave their sharing and testimony, the apostles and elders met to consider this question. After much discussion, they still failed to reach any conclusion. Then Peter stood up and gave his testimony. (Acts 15:6-7a)
2. The indisputable facts attested that salvation is also for the Gentiles (Acts 15:7-11):
1. God led Peter with the vision to preach the gospel to the Gentiles (Acts 15: 7): God led Peter with vision to preach the gospel to Cornellius and his family. They all confessed and were baptized. Peter already gave this testimony to the church before. The congregation was glad and gave glory to God.
2. The Spirit Himself testified for their faith (Acts 15:8): God knows well about our doubt. So he gave the Gentiles the Spirit as the proof, just like the Spirit he gave to the apostles and elders. The Spirit is the seal of our salvation (Ephesians 1:3)
3. The Gentiles are heirs together with Israel (Acts 15:9): The Jews and the Gentiles are saved and their hearts purified by their faith in Jesus. The two groups become one to be the heirs of Abraham together and share the inheritance from God (Galatians 3:26-29)
4. Don’t test God (Acts 15:10a): 1 and 2 once again proved that the Gentiles could be saved by their faith in Jesus. It is to test God by insisting that they be saved by circumcision and making the outward custom the proof of salvation against God’s will, just like how those Israelites tested God by arguing with Moses again and again in the wilderness (Exodus 17:2, Numbers 14:22).
5. Don’t put the yoke that they couldn’t bear on the neck of the Gentiles (Acts 15:10): The Pharisees made much complicated custom to make sure people lived according to the law. However, this custom became their and other’s chains and shackles (Matthew 23:4).
6. Salvation is to be saved by faith in Jesus. There is no other way to get saved (Acts 15:11): Anyone can be saved by his faith in Jesus, cleansed by His precious blood to be free from sin, and justified, regardless whether he is Jew or the Gentile. There is no other way to receive salvation.
7. No dispute, but no decision, either (Acts 15:12): The solid facts made people unable to argue any more. But no judgment was made. The whole assembly just listened to Barnabas and Paul telling about the signs and wonders God had done among the Gentiles through them.
Discussion 3: Why did they choose to be silent and not to make any judgment right away, despite Peter’s testimony and his power among the apostles?
Discussion 4: When God’s wind of opportunities arises, we may try to fulfill God’s will or promise in our own way. After this study, how are you going to trust in God?
3. James made the judgment not to make it difficult for the Gentiles (Acts 15:13-21):
James, Jesus’s younger brother, spoke up and made judgment on this question:
1. Verification by the words of the prophets (Acts 15:15-18): Like what is said in Amos 9:11-12, God will make all the Gentiles who bear His name seek Him. Now converting the Gentiles is indeed God’s work, to let them seek the salvation, hear the gospel and then turn to God.
2. Don’t make it difficult for the Gentiles turning to God (Acts 15:19): tell them to follow God’s words, do not set up unnecessary custom to keep the Gentiles from turning to God. 3. Requirements to follow (Acts 15:20): tell the Gentiles to abstain from food polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from the meat of strangled animals and from blood, which are the taboos to the Jews in every city of the Gentiles to whom law of Moses has been preached. These are to be abstained from in order to avoid separation and conflict between the Gentile and Jewish believers.
4. Acts 15:22-23: They sent Judas and Silas to go to the church of Antioch with Paul and Barnabas to confirm by word of mouth the judgment of the assembly to them to follow, so that they would no longer be disturbed and deceived by others.
By now, the church of Antioch and the Gentile believers were completed accepted into the realm of God to be heirs of Abraham together with Israel, to share the identity of God’s people, and to share the inheritance of what God gave to Abraham.
Discussion 5: God leads his people to know, follow and fulfill His will step by step. Do you have similar experience? Please share.
Discussion 6: The church of Antioch became a stronghold for outreach and mission to bring God’s blessings to His people. How can we be built up and participate in the ministries of our church, so the river of the Spirit can flow freely inside us and flow to all nations through us?
Our Response
Praise the Lord! His mighty hands always guide the apostles and disciples to follow Him and make judgment that is pleasing to God. The Gentile believers can be saved by faith and be in the realm of Jesus without bearing any yoke. Praise the Lord! His hands of grace never forsake us. His guidance always guide us along his way so that we can understand his principle, live our whole life according to his will, and glorify him with our life. May God use us to preach the gospel to other people so they can share with us this wonderful grace, which eventually will reach Jerusalem where the Jews will realize Jesus is the Messiah they have been waiting for and be saved by their faith in Jesus.