City of Derby s3
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Meeting called to order: meeting called to order at 7:10 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance: all rose and pledged allegiance
Introduction and swearing in of New Member Chairwoman Ms. Parizo introduced and swore in the new Board of Education member – Tina Ulman.
Roll Call Present: Jodi Chevarella, Rebecca O’Hara, Marguerite Bondi, James Stadt, Sheila Parizo, Tina Ulman, and Kim Kreiger. Also Present: Superintendent Dr. Stephen Tracy. Absent: Brad Tobin. Ken Marcucio is excused. There is a quorum.
Resignation of Dr. Meg Boice Chairwoman announced with deep regret the resignation of Dr. Meg Boice, Assistant Superintendent.
Motion to accept the resignation of Dr. Boice with appreciation and regret by Jodi Chevarella with a second by James Stadt, all in favor, motion carries.
Approval of minutes June 19, 2008 – Motion to approve by Jodi Chevarella, second by Margo Bondi, all in favor, motion carries.
Public Participation Sherry Rinaldo – teacher in Derby. Ms. Rinaldo wanted to thank Dr. Boice and felt she made a difference, challenged the teachers and is a remarkable woman.
Name Unclear – (another teacher) the teacher wanted to also thank Dr. Boice for all she has done with the Science Department.
Linda Romano – 304 Hawthorne Avenue – faculty member also wanted to thank Dr. Boice. When she went to Dr. Boice with the UCONN proposal she said go with it and do what you need to do. Ms. Romano is very grateful for that.
Paula Ferrara – P.E. teacher also wants to thank Dr. Boice for allowing flexibility in the program to expand it and work in terms of behavioral opportunities for the rest of the school. She had the confidence in Paula to tell her to take it and run with the new additions to the program. On behalf of the students she thanks her. She received numerous letters from the staff of Irving School with how positive reinforcement worked throughout the school year.
Ms. Harrington - 76 Marshall Lane - teacher. She thanked Meg with the curriculum for the foreign language.
Fran Gallo, President of the Administrative Union – Offered a great deal of thanks, she has been supportive, helpful and it is appreciated. Kim Kreiger also noted the changes that have been implemented and the demand for the call to excellence. The teaching instruction in the classroom is superb. As a parent she appreciates what Dr. Boice was able to assess as the immediate needs.
Public Portion Closed.
Motion to go into Executive Session at 7:40 p.m. to discuss personnel matters and some individual student circumstances by Rebecca O’Hara, with a second by Margo Bondi, all in favor, motion carries.
Motion to move back into Public Portion at 7:47 by Jim Stadt, second by Tina Ulman, all in favor, motion carries.
Preliminary Financial Report FY 08– Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick addressed the board with her report. Motion to approve the preliminary financial report by Jodi Chevarella, second by Rebecca O’Hara, all in favor, motion passes.
Approval of Custodial Contract – Motion to approve the Derby Board of Education and Local 1303-239 of Council 4 Custodial Maintenance contract by Rebecca O’Hara, second by Margo Bondi, all in favor, motion passes.
High School Principal Search – Resolve the Derby Board of Education authorizes the Superintendent to contract with a consultant to assist in the identification of candidates for the position of principal of Derby High School at a cost not to exceed $5,000.00. Motion to authorize by Jim Stadt, second by Tina Ulman, all in favor, motion carries.
Recommended Hires – Recommended Faculty Appointments Giana Harrington – World Language Coordinator – DHS Maria Melillo – 6th Grade Language Arts – Irving School Walter Mayhew – 8th Grade Math – DMS
Recommended Coaching Rehires Summer Sochrin – Head Varsity Baseball Coach – DHS Mike Stockmal – Asst Varsity Baseball Coach – DHS William Cornwall – Volunteer Baseball Coach – DHS Mike Gottesegen – Volunteer Baseball Coach – DHS Steve Reilly - Volunteer Baseball Coach – DHS Mark Williams - Volunteer Baseball Coach – DHS William Pucci – Head Baseball Coach – DMS Tony Gonzales – Volunteer Baseball Coach – DMS Scott Bottino – Volunteer Baseball Coach – DMS Joe DiMartino – Head Varsity Softball Coach – DHS Jennifer Wolcott – Asst Varsity Softball Coach – DHS Jen Moffat – Volunteer Varsity Softball Coach – DHS Steve Kichar – Volunteer Varsity Softball Coach – DHS Rich Monaco – Volunteer Varsity Softball Coach – DHS Jim Stadt – Head Softball Coach – DMS Ryan Adams – Head Outdoor Track & Field Coach – DHS Nicole Mastrianni – Asst Track & Field Coach – DHS Matthew Bradshaw – Volunteer Track & Field Coach – DHS Richard Nucifora – Weight Trainer - DHS
Motion to approve the recommended faculty appointments as recommended by the superintendent by Rebecca O’Hara, second by Jodi Chevarella, all in favor, motion carries.
Recommended Coaching Appointments – Motion to authorize the re-hires pending certification as needed and noted by Jodi Chevarella, second by Margo Bondi, all in favor, motion carries. Jim Stadt recuses himself from the motion.
Approval of Salary Adjustments – Motion to approve the salary adjustments as recommended by the Superintendent for non affiliated Derby Board of Education employee by Jim Stadt, second by Jodi Chevarella, all in favor, motion carries.
Vacancy Report – Dr. Tracy said there are a half dozen faculty administration positions and some coaching appointments to be made.
Superintendent Report Dr. Tracy gave the board an update on his twelve priorities.
The Board retreat went well and would like a second meeting to talk about what was left to discuss.
The operating budget for FY 09 is done.
Key leadership vacancies have been addressed with the principal search and he has posted internally only the Assistant Principal at DM/HS. By the end of the month he will work through some of the candidates who have applied and come back with a recommendation. There is also a vacancy in the Assistant Superintendent’s office. Dr. Tracy said Ms. Gaynor will be retiring effective November 1st.
Dr. Tracy has talked with some of the students in summer school. He asked some of the members of the PTO to help him in a more formal way to see places to get to know people better.
Paula Ferrara, Lou Coppola and Dr. Tracy had meetings devoted to particular issues and how to work with one another.
He spent time with Dr. Boice regarding the state of academic achievement throughout the district reviewing mastery tests and CAPT test information for the last several years. That will be the first topic for the second retreat.
Dr. Tracy spent time with the Chairman of the Building School Committee – Keith McLiverty. There were about 20 companies that came to the bidder’s conference to look at the project. They have two more weeks to come in with their proposals. FIT Construction will be reviewing that and coming in with the overall price of the project.
Dr. Tracy met with Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick regarding financial management and will be coming back to the Business Sub Committee at their next meeting with some thoughts on format, timing of reports and ground rules as to how transfers could be made through the year.
The District Leadership team has been formed with central office managers and principals. The first meeting was held June 24th. They will get together every other week. There will be conference calls on the off weeks.
Discussions on student engagement, motivation and self discipline were part of the leadership team meeting. More information will be provided on that.
Dr. Tracy met with the President of the Board of Aldermen, Police Chief, Treasurer, Youth Services Director and the Finance Director in an effort to promote positive working relationships with the Mayor and City officials.
The strategic plan for the district will also be one of the topics discussed at the next retreat.
CAPT and Mastery scores will be released Tuesday the 15th at 10:00 a.m. A press release will be on the 17th.
Dr. Tracy met Craig Edmondson who is the director of ACES. Derby is entitled to representation on the board. Rebecca O’Hara will serve as the Derby Representative on the ACES Board.
Dr. Tracy had a discussion with the Mayor on the health insurance. The City is no longer interested in pursuing the combining of risk pools because the shift to the health savings accounts realizes all of the savings that the City can realize at this time. There might be savings to put the two brokers together and put it out to bid. This will be addressed in a couple of months.
Administrative Reports Mr. Gallo said the vacancies at Irving School have been filled.
Summer cleaning of the school buildings is on schedule.
Supply orders for the reopening of schools are being processed.
Our summer school and is going well, as is the summer program for specials needs students.
New Business no new business
Previous Business no old business Executive Session – Motion to go into Executive Session and invite Dr. Tracy, with no action when coming out at 8:38.m. by Jodi Chevarella, second by Margo Bondi, all in favor.
Motion to go back into public session at 8:55 p.m. by Jodi Chevarella, second by Rebecca O’Hara, all in favor, motion passes.
Motion to adjourn by Jim Stadt, second by Rebecca O’Hara at 8:56 p.m., all in favor, motion carries.
***These minutes are subject to the approval of the Board of Education at their next regularly scheduled meeting.
Respectfully Submitted,
Denise Cesaroni Recording Secretary