Review Sheet for US History Fall Final 2011

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Review Sheet for US History Fall Final 2011

Review Sheet For US History Fall Final 2011

Define the following:

1. Entrepreneurship 2. Free enterprise 3. Philanthropy 4. Urbanization 5. Laissez-faire 6. Assimilation 7. Chisholm Trail 8. Populism 9. Americanization 10. Transcontinental Railroad 11. Social Gospel 12. Initiative 13. Nativism 14. Prohibition 15. Municipal 16. Sedition 17. Armistice 18. Allies 19. Fourteen Points 20. Reparations 21. Teapot Dome Scandal 22. Eugenics 23. Calvin Coolidge 24. Social Darwinism 25. Warren G. Harding 26. Tennessee Valley Authority 27. Public work 28. Expanded 29. Relief 30. Economic recovery ______

31. Why was the Interstate Commerce Act passed? 32. What types of policies/philosophies would big business see as a negative with 19th century economic policy? 33. What made American industrial growth possible in the late 1800s? 34. What 2 inventions revolutionized American communications in the late 1800s? 35. What was the goal of the Sherman Antitrust Act? 36. How did industrial growth affect the distribution of wealth in the United States? 37. Who did the American Federation of Labor organize? 38. What sparked the expansion of American industry? 39. Andrew Carnegie argued that the success of wealthy industrialists was what? 40. During the late 1800s, why did children often worked in factories? 41. What service did Alexander Graham Bell help set up a company for in 1885? 42. With what did both Thomas Edison and George Westinghouse work to improve? 43. What was the role of government in economic matters according to social Darwinism? 44. How did most Americans view industrialists by the end of the 1800s? 45. What were the results of the government’s laissez-faire policy toward big business? 46. How did the transcontinental railroad affect the economy of the United States in the 19th century? 47. What are Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller both best remembered for? 48. What did the Morrill Land-Grant Act and the Homestead Act have in common? 49. Why did agreements between Native Americans and the federal government fall apart? 50. What happened at the Massacre at Wounded Knee? 51. Why did western farmers want “free silver”? 52. Why was the Interstate Commerce Act passed? 53. What did the settlers of the Great Plains do in reaction to the hardships and challenges they faced? 54. Why did most African American Exodusters migrate west? 55. Why did settlers believe that they had a greater right to western land than the Native Americans did? 56. In what ways did the government attempt to change Native Americans? 57. What did farm mechanization result in? 58. What did the Populists provide provisions for in their platform? 59. Who owned most of the western land near the prime transportation routes? 60. What was a key requirement that applicants had to meet in order to receive land under the Homestead Act? 61. What drew many new immigrants to the West? 62. What occurred in Native American nations as Americans moved west in search of land? 63. What did white reformers believe that Native Americans should do? 64. What contributed to the cattle ranching boom? 65. What were the provisions of the Dawes Act? 66. What did the Democratic Presidential candidate William Jennings Bryan support? 67. What were the economic results of the growth of railroads in the West? 68. In what state did the last great North American Gold rush take place? 69. What was a major economic argument for expansion? 70. What event led to the Spanish-American War? 71. What were the results of the Spanish-American War? 72. Why was the Open Door Policy important to the United States? 73. Why did Roosevelt’s opponents disapprove of his actions in Panama? 74. What was the central message of the Roosevelt Corollary? 75. Why did the United States follow a policy of expansion in the late 1800s? 76. In his book, Influence of Sea Power Upon History, 1660-1783, what did Alfred T. Mahan argue that the United States must build up in order to protect its trade? 77. How did the United States reaffirm the Monroe Doctrine in the late 1800s? 78. What did William R. Hurst and Joseph Pulitzer use their newspapers to accomplish in the 1890s? 79. What was a main goal of the United States during the Spanish American War? 80. What happened as a major result of the Spanish-American War? 81. What did anti-imperialists argue in order to support their point? 82. How can the foreign policy carried out by President Wilson be characterized? 83. What were the banana republics of Central America? 84. What did expansionists, such as Frederick Jackson Turner, argue would be the result of a quest for empire? 85. What were the reasons in which the United States annexed Hawaii? 86. Why did the United States want to build a canal across Panama? 87. What did the United States’ actions related to the Panama Canal create among Latin Americans? 88. What was President Taft’s foreign policy based on? 89. What led Americans to call for war against the Spanish? 90. What did the cruise of the Great White Fleet show? 91. What were the reasons for the development of progressivism? 92. What prompted the government to get involved to pass legislation to protect workers? 93. Which president was known as the “trust-buster”? 94. What are examples of progressive legislation passed during this time period? 95. What was the name of Teddy Roosevelt’s Third Party that split the Republican vote in the 1912 election? 96. What was the biggest difference between the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890 and the Clayton Anti-Trust Act of 1914? 97. What did Wilson continue while he was president? 98. What group(s) did not receive benefits from the Progressive Era Reforms? 99. Who are the 3 Progressive presidents? 100. What was the 18th amendment to accomplish? 101. What event sparked World War 1? 102. What country actively encouraged anti-German feelings in the United States? 103. What factors contributed to the decision of the United States entering World War I? 104. What happened to African Americans during World War I? 105. What was the Great Migration? 106. What was the Selective Service Act? 107. What happened when Vladimir Lenin seized control of Russia in 1917? 108. How did the government increase control of the economy during World War I? 109. What did fears of spies and sabotage in the United States during the war lead to? 110. Why did senators oppose American entry into the League of Nations? 111. Why was much of Europe drawn into the war? 112. What happened because the generals were not used to the killing power of modern weapons? 113. What did Preparedness advocates argue that the United States should do? 114. Why did the German U-boat change the rules of naval warfare? 115. What did the convoy system, instituted in May 1917 do? 116. What was the death toll for World War I? 117. Why was the United States able to loan more than $10 billion to the Allies? 118. What was Wilson’s goal for the League of Nations? 119. What was the main economic problem facing the returning war veterans? 120. What were the major demographic shifts of the 1920s? 121. What was one result of the Prohibition during the 1920s? 122. What movement did Marcus Garvey lead? 123. How did life change for American women in the 1920s? 124. What did Americans recognized in Charles Lindbergh and other heroes? 125. I what movement did the writers Langston Hughes & Zora Neale Hurston take part? 126. What is Amelia Earhart is best known for? 127. What legal right was at issue in the Scopes trial? 128. Who were the main targets of the Ku Klux Klan’s terror? 129. What did the Charleston embody during the 1920s? 130. What happened to the status of women in the workplace in the 1920s? 131. What brought Jazz to the northern cities? 132. What was the Red Scare a response to? 133. Why did many Americans fear Vladimir I. Lenin and his followers, the Bolsheviks? 134. Nativist legislation like the National Origins Act of 1924 reduced the number of immigrants to what % from countries in Eastern and Southern Europe? 135. What does a consumer economy depend largely on? 136. Why did many Americans believe that Sacco and Vanzetti were executed? 137. What are the warning signs of an unsound economy? 138. What did Republican Presidents (in the 1920s) generally favor? 139. What did many American consumers begin to adopt the practice of in the 1920s? 140. What was Henry Ford’s dream? 141. What did Ford do to the assembly line? 142. What were the key features of Republican administrations of the 1920s? 143. After the crash, why did thousands of American banks close? 144. What people/groups were hit hardest by the Depression? 145. When Roosevelt won the 1932 presidential election what did he promise? 146. The 1932 presidential election served as a turning point in the way Americans viewed what? 147. What was a fundamental disagreement between the candidates in the 1932 presidential election? 148. What happened to women during the New Deal Era? 149. What did many members of minority groups do during the New Deal Era? 150. What group gained some support because of the terrible conditions of the Great Depression?

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