Subj: ACAVC Meeting Minutes

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Subj: ACAVC Meeting Minutes

20 March 2005

To: ACAVC Membership

Subj: ACAVC Meeting Minutes

1. Date, Time, Location: 13:30 PM, 22 Jan 2005, Bill McCullough’s House.

2. Purpose: General membership meeting and social. We sincerely thank Bill McCullough and his wife Marilyn for inviting us to their home to meet as a group and conduct the meeting. As always, they were generous and gracious hosts.

3. Attendees: The following members were present for the membership meeting: John Matthews - President Mike Gavin – Vice President Mike Robertson – Secretary/Treasurer Bill McCullough Richard Pennington Carrol Zollicoffer Bernard White Dan Fri Theron “TJ” Jenson (AM) Jeff Bunney (AM)

A quorum was present; one (1) valid proxy presented: - Proxy from John Cecere was held by John Matthews

4. Standard Agenda Items:

a. The 14 Aug 2004 meeting minutes were reviewed and approved.

b. Financial Status: The treasurer reviewed the financial status. All financial reports can be viewed on the ACAVC web-site:

1) The 2004 annual Financial Report was read; summary below:

Beg. Bal. Receipts Expenses End Bal. $177.60 $9365.00 $9167.61 $374.99

2) Recap of 2004 reunion finances was provided:

Beg. Bal. $000.00 Receipts $10,087.17 Expenses -$10,727.00 Over+/Short- -$639.83 Paid by ACAVC $7,037.44 Paid by ACA $1872.17 Paid by Indv. $1817.39 Surplus 1177.56 (Available to cover “Paid by Individual” Expenses)

Reunion cash surplus was discussed. Although the surplus is insufficient to cover all expenses paid by individuals, a large percentage of personal expenses could be reimbursed (See ACA Reunion Summary/Reunion Funds Register – attached). The people who incurred personal expenses were all present and agreed to contribute their share of the surplus to the ACAVC treasury. This is a significant contribution by these members totaling $1,817.39.

- John Matthews Contribution = $1,370.27 (Does not include 2004 Donation of $500; ACAVC dues will be paid from this amount)

- Mike Gavin = $447.12 (2005 ACAVC dues will be paid from this amount)

- Mike Robertson = $220.05 (Contributed amount due in exchange for 5 remaining ACA Reunion shirts valued at $160.00)

3) The 2005 Financial Report was read (attached); summary below:

Beg. Bal. Receipts ACA Dues Balance $374.99 $1,822.17 $250.00 $1,947.16

c. The President appointed Bill McCullough and Dan Fri to conduct the Annual Internal Audit of the Financial Account. The audit was conducted with no errors noted, signed, and is on file for review (attached).

2 0 0 4 f u n d s a u d i t . P D F

d. Dues: The status of dues was reviewed and discussed. 2005 ACA and ACAVC dues was collected during the meeting. As of the date of these minutes 16 ACAVC members are in good-standing, 2 members are not current, and 7 are in inactive status. See 5.c. below.


AMMO Chiefs Association Virginia Chapter, P.O. Box 65499, Hampton VA 23665-5499 5. Old Business:

a. Awards Committee: The awards committee headed by Mike Gavin and Bill McCullough provided a written status update for the record (posted on ACAVC web-site). In summary, they proposed the ACAVC award program recognize any MAJCOM level award winner within the ACAVC area. They have contacted ACC, Reserves and ANG and communicated our desire to recognize their Command’s annual award winners. The Reserves have no bases in our area, but the ANG has seven bases. After ANG and ACC make annual award selections the ACAVC will provide a cover letter signed by the ACAVC President, ACAVC coin, and a plaque for presentation to the Command award winners. An ACAVC member could present ACAVC awards or local Flight Chief based on proximity. Plaque and design costs are in work. It is our understanding that ACA would recognize any Air Staff level award winners. It was suggested that an ACAVC policy be drafted for the awards program and a standard letter be drafted for the President’s signature for presentation to award winners. It was also suggested that MAJCOM or Air Staff level awards do not provide the amount of exposure and ability to recognize AMMO people as intended. It was further suggested we look at some lower level awards at perhaps the base level so that we can achieve our goal of recognizing AMMO troops. Possible award winners to consider are base level Leo Marquez, annual airman, NCO, and senior NCO, MAJCOM (ACC) award nominees from ACAVC area bases, etc.

A motion was made to review some base level awards categories for possible inclusion in the awards program; the motions was seconded and carried to review base level annual awards. OPR: Mike Gavin, Bill McCullough.

b. ACAVC 2005 Activity Calendar: See new business.

c. Membership: Membership status was review and discussed; current status is:

Total Membership Base: 25 Members in Good Standing: 16 Members - Dues not current: 2 Inactive ACAVC Regional Individuals: 7

The following members were welcomed as Associate Members (AM) into the ACA Virginia Chapter. - Jeffery Bunney (SMSgt-Ret.) - Theron Jenson “TJ” (MSgt-Ret) - John Usafara (MSgt-Ret)

d. Fundraising: Fundraising efforts were discussed ideas discussed; Status: Open and ongoing


AMMO Chiefs Association Virginia Chapter, P.O. Box 65499, Hampton VA 23665-5499 1) Purchase and sales of ACAVC coins and key chains; Dan Fri will look into design and costs 2) AMMO Cook Book (McCullough); Mike Robertson will work on posting a call for recipes on the ACA and ACAVC web-sites 3) Sponsoring a Food Booth at the Worldwide AMMO Bowl. 4) Richmond NASCAR Booth; Mike Robertson agreed to find out the details and inform the membership.

e. ACA Reunion: Status: Completed/closed.

6. New Business:

a. President’s State of the Chapter message. The ACAVC President, John Matthews reviewed the State of the Chapter for 2004 (text posted on ACAVC web-site). The State of the Chapter focused on the dedication of our members, accomplishments of 2004 including several “firsts” for the first ACA Chapter. Our sponsorship of the ACA Reunion and the Shell and Flame were on the top of the list. John Matthews then discussed the many things that must be done in 2005 and beyond including elections, updating the C&BL, welcoming new members, fundraising, awards, and development of a annual budget. John Matthews encouraged the membership (and spouses) to maintain the momentum we’ve created.

b. Review/discuss/vote on a recommended changes to the ACAVC C&BL for election of Officers. Changes to the C&BL were discussed. John Matthews proposed that we change the manner in which officers are elected. First, he proposed changing the timing of elections so new officers are not elected in the same year. This would ensure continuity and momentum for Chapter business. It was decided and voted on that the President would be elected in 2005 and the Vice President would remain in office until elections are held in 2006. Second, he proposed that the position of Secretary/Treasurer be an appointed position rather than an elected. This would allow greater flexibility in appointing a Secretary/Treasurer and offer greater opportunity for member to remain in the position beyond term limits or be replaced between terms as needed. John Matthews would make proposed changes to the C&BL as discussed and voted on for ratification at the 2 Apr 2005 ACAVC meeting.

c. Review/discuss Lessons Learned from 2004 ACA Reunion. The reunion was discussed and all reunion documentation is on file and available to the ACA or other Chapters planning to sponsor an ACA reunion. All lessons learned will be sent to John Greer (ACA).

d. Nomination/vote for Theron “TJ” Jensen, ACC/DOTW, John Usafara, ACC/DRZW, and Jeffrey Bunney, ACC/DOTW, as associate members of the ACAVC.

e. Set date(s) for nominations for election of new Officers and voting dates/ methodology. It was decided that nominations would be collected by 1 Apr and elections would be held in May or prior to May 2005 so that the new officers could assume their 4

AMMO Chiefs Association Virginia Chapter, P.O. Box 65499, Hampton VA 23665-5499 duty on 1 Jun 2005. Bill McCullough volunteered to organize the collection of nominations for the 1 Apr meeting

f. Review/discuss by-base annual AMMO awards program and develop a yearly ACAVC awards program for bases within our AOR. See Old Business para 5.a.

g. Develop/approve an ACAVC operating budget for CY2005. Mike Robertson agreed to develop an ACAVC 2005 Operating Budget proposal. This is just proposal and I’ve included as many things as I could think of based on discussion and past history. This will be reviewed, amended and approved at the 2 Apr 2005 meeting. The proposed operating budget is worksheet 2 of the attached 2005 Funds Register

"ACAVC Funds Register - 2005.xls"

i. Discussion/vote to change the Constitution and By-Laws addressing Lifetime Membership dues for Lifetime Membership in the ACAVC. After discussion it was decided that ACAVC (Chapters) should not have lifetime membership. Two primary reasons led to this conclusion. First, annual membership dues may be a primary and consistent source of annual income for Chapters. Second, the logistics and processes for transferring membership and associated dues from one chapter to another would be nearly prohibitive and very time consuming. This “hold-over” provision will be removed from the ACAVC C&BL.

j. Open Discussion - Discussion of topics from members present.

1) ACA Internal Issues – Need ACAVC membership input; John Matthews discussed issues confronting the ACA and the ACA organization. The following issues were discussed:

A) No agendas for membership review/comments; chapter members are members and should have some input on agenda topics and discussion.

B) Chapter Presidents should be automatic BOD members. It seems logical the Chapter Presidents would become automating voting members of the BOD as representatives of their chapters.

C) Establishment of a Florida Chapter that is separate from the National ACA BOD. Should a Florida Chapter be created that is a separate and distinct entity from the ACA BOD, which would be primarily a National head organization?

D) Need to identify the approval of Honorary and Associate members.


AMMO Chiefs Association Virginia Chapter, P.O. Box 65499, Hampton VA 23665-5499 Procedures for Honorary and Associate Membership were discussed and reviewed. It was agreed that procedures would be posted on the web-site. Mike Robertson will post the updated procedures to the ACAVC web-site.

E) Documented voting and approval of Honorary and Associate members. These procedures were discussed and are included in the ACAVC procedures described above.

F) ACA C&BL Change Process – Changes should be reviewed and voted on by BOD and then submitted to membership for voting – Not the process used for September General membership meeting. C&BL changes valid or null and void? May require ACA Officer elections this year.

G) Little to no e-mail traffic to the President – Prefers phone calls.

H) Two BOD members resigned due to lack of change in the ACA.

2) ACAVC Coin: An ACAVC coin was discussed. It was decided to explore options and costs to purchase 100 coins. It was also decided that initial distribution would be 50 each for the membership and 50 each for sales. Dan Fri and “TJ” agreed to look into procurement of coins.

3) Bill McCullough volunteered to host the ACAVC annual get together at no cost to ACAVC. This most generous invitation is typical of what Bill and Marilyn routinely do for the ACAVC membership. A date for the event is TBD.

7. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 1645.

8. Next Meeting: Tentatively scheduled for 2 April 2005 at 1300 hrs at the HQ ACC/LGW Conference Room.

//signed// Michael E. Robertson ACAVC Secretary-Treasurer cc: John Cecere-R [email protected] John A. Matthews Sr.-R [email protected] Bernard L. White-R [email protected] Wilbur (Bill) McCullough-R [email protected] Richard W. Pennington-R [email protected] Michael Lawhorne-R [email protected] Phillip R. Kennedy-R [email protected] CMSgt Michael E. Robertson-AD [email protected] 6

AMMO Chiefs Association Virginia Chapter, P.O. Box 65499, Hampton VA 23665-5499 Carroll Zollicoffer-R [email protected] John Ray -R [email protected] Melvin E. Hill Jr.-R [email protected] Michael R. Gavin-R [email protected] Ronald W. Whisner-R [email protected] George Heinlein-R [email protected] Ronald Paugh-R [email protected] Van Ray-R [email protected] Joel Rhodes-R [email protected] Thomas Danihel-R [email protected] Edward Whitley-R [email protected] CMSgt. Rickey Clay-AD [email protected] CMSgt. Don Moreland-AD [email protected] Dan Fri-R [email protected] Theron “TJ” Jensen - R - AM [email protected] John Usefara – R – AM [email protected] Jeffrey Bunney – R - AM [email protected] Wayne Guilbault – AD [email protected]


AMMO Chiefs Association Virginia Chapter, P.O. Box 65499, Hampton VA 23665-5499

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