Take the American Idol Quiz

Do you have what it takes to be an American Idol in the mortgage industry? Take the American Idol quiz and find out? (The singing and dancing questions have been eliminated (from the original quiz) but these are some of the questions taken from the idol website.)

1. Do you have any experience performing on stage—like school plays, speaking in public? Y N

2. Do you take your work seriously? Y N

3. Do you enjoy being the center of attention? Y N

4. Do you enjoy performing for others? Y N

5. Are you self-confident enough to know that you are good, even when people put you down? Y N

6. Do you value yourself and your instincts? Y N

7. When people say unkind things about you, does it get you down? Y N

8. Do people look at you as a leader or role model? Y N

9. Are you able to take constructive criticism without getting defensive? Y N

10. Do you have a supportive family? Y N

11. Do you have supportive friends? Y N

12. Do you make friends easily? Y N

13. Are you easy to get along with, even under stressful conditions? Y N

14. Are you loyal to your friends? Y N

15. Are your friends loyal to you? Y N

16. Do you take direction well? Y N

17. Do you give in easily to peer pressure? Y N

18. Do people often comment that you are unique and you have your own style or personality? Y N 19. Do you dress for you and not according to fashion or trends? Y N

20. Are you creative? Y N

21. Do other comment on your creativity? Y N

22. Do you have a strong work ethic? Y N

23. Do you look for quick or easy ways to get things done, even if it means sacrificing quality? Y N

24. Are you proud to be you?

25. Do you spend your free time in an creative endeavor? Y N

26. Do you do volunteer work? Y N

27. Do you like to show off (in a fun way) when you are with friends? Y N

28. Do you often smile? Y N

29. Do you laugh a lot? Y N

30. Do people describe you as friendly and outgoing? Y N

31. Are you good at answering questions on the fly? Y N

32. Do others seem to be drawn to you? Y N

33. Do you believe that most superstars are “discovered”? Y N

(Disclaimer—this questionnaire appeared on the American Idol Website and is no way an indication on how you will perform.)

If you answered YES to 27-33 questions—You are a mortgage superstar idol YES to 21-26 questions—You have superstar potential YES to 15-20 questions—You may not make it to round 2 YES to 0-14 questions – You may be an underwriter