Data & Measurements / Geometry

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Data & Measurements / Geometry

Geometry Behavior Syllabus and Information

Jeremy Cook Phone: (502) 839 – 5118 E-mail: [email protected]

Required Materials: 1) Paper 2) Pencil 3) Calculator TI – 83 or TI - 84 4) Notebook

Bring all materials to class everyday unless otherwise instructed. Students who come to class without one or more of the required materials must return to their locker.

Tardy: Students must be in the door before the bell stops ring. The first tardy over all “not for each class” will serve as a warning. For each additional tardy the student will receive a discipline referral and a call to his/her guardian.

Starting Class: A Bell Ringer will be placed on the overhead at the beginning of every class. The Bell Ringer will be taken up for a grade. Then the class will have to get out their material to begin the days lesson.

Hall Passes: Hall passes will be given out at the discretion of the teacher. There will be no hall passes given the first 10 and last 10 minutes of each class.

Food and Drinks: Drinks will be allowed as long as they are in a bottle with a top so that a spill may not occur. I do reserve the right to revoke this privilege at any time if it is abused. Cell Phones: In accordance with school policy, cell phones, iPods, or any other electronically device may not be used in the classroom unless I have given permission for it to be used. Visible or audible they will be confiscated and a discipline referral will be turned in to the office.

Homework: Homework will be checked or collected at the beginning of each period. Late homework will not be accepted.

Class work: Students are expected to work on in-class assignments during class time. Students who choose to work on assignments from other classes will receive a grade of zero for their assignment. The work from the other class will be thrown away.

Make – up work: The activities for each class will be posted so that if you are absent you can find that day’s activities. It is your responsibility to obtain all assignments, notes, and/or schedule make – up test. Assignments and test must be made up within three days of the absence. Assignments cannot be made up for absences that are unexcused.

Grading Policy: Each assignment, test, or project will be worth a specified number of points. At the end of each grading period, I will divide the total number of points earned by the total number of points possible to determine a percentage grade. Grades will not be curved; however there will be opportunities for extra credit throughout the trimester.

Final Exam: A final exam will be given at the end of the trimester. The final will cover material learned throughout the entire course. The final will count 10% of your grade.

Student Handbook: It is the responsibility of each student to be familiar with the school handbook. Rules and policies specified in the handbook will be followed and enforced in the classroom at all times. Consequences: If a student is unwilling to follow the expectations of the classroom, he or she is subject to appropriate penalties. Possible consequences include: verbal warning, conference with teacher, phone call and/or conference with parent, discipline referral to office.

These policies may be modified or added to as the need arises during the trimester.

In addition I will do everything in my power to make this class and trimester as beneficial and enjoyable for you as possible. However it is you responsibility to work hard, ask questions, and devote class time to the subject matter. I have read the course syllabus, the classroom policies, and the expectations for behavior and understand the meaning and possible consequences for each policy. ______(Student’s signature) (Date)

______(Parent/guardian signature) (Date)

(Parent/guardian e-mail address – optional)

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