2005 Embrace-A-Stream Program

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2005 Embrace-A-Stream Program

Trout Conservation Fund for the Virginias 2012/13 Instructions and Application Form

Virginia Deadline – May 1, 2012


Initiated by a $100,000 commitment from The AEP Foundation, the Trout Conservation Fund for the Virginias (TCFV) is a matching grant program administered by the Virginia and West Virginia Councils of Trout Unlimited and employees of AEP/Appalachian Power. TCFF awards funds to TU chapters in southern West Virginia and southwest Virginia for coldwater habitat improvement/conservation and trout-in-the-classroom projects. It also funds trout-in-the-classroom projects in Kingsport, Tenn. TCFV was established by a grant from the AEP Foundation in 2009. Projects funded by TCFV will engage members of TU chapters and employees of Appalachian Power in common cause. The AEP/Appalachian Power Service area:

For each of the next four years TCFV will commit $5,000 to conservation projects in Virginia and another $5,000 in West Virginia. TCFV projects fall into two categories: habitat improvement and trout-in-the-classroom.

1 Selection of habitat improvement/conservation projects will be based on: 1) projected potential for sustained restoration or enhancement of wild trout fisheries 2) endorsement by state and federal fisheries biologists 3) commitment of participation by AEP/Appalachian Power employees in the project area 4) emphasis where feasible on restoration of brook trout 5) matching funds and in-kind contributions from the applying chapter and other sources 6) willingness of chapter to provide TCFV with a written assessment of the project’s success including comments from other participants

In similar vein, for each of the next four years TCFV will commit $4,000 to trout-in-the- classroom projects in Virginia, $4,000 to trout-in-the-classroom projects in West Virginia, and $1,000 to trout-in-the-classroom projects in Kingsport, Tenn.

Selection of trout-in-the-classroom projects will be based on: 1) agreement of host teacher and school to participate in the program for one school year 2) endorsement by chief of AEP/Appalachian Power office or entity in community served by the participating school 3) willingness of state and/or federal agencies to provide eggs/fry and a suitable stream for the release of fingerlings 4) emphasis where feasible on rearing of brook trout 5) matching funds and in-kind contributions from the applying chapter and other sources 6) willingness of chapter to provide TCFV with a written assessment of the project’s success including comments from other participants

For Virginia, Deadline for 2012/13 TCFV cycle is May 1, 2012 West Virginia and Kingsport, Tenn. will establish their own deadlines.

For the 2011/12 TCFV funding cycle, chapters must provide one signed copy of the proposal to their council chairs by mail, or email as a Microsoft Word document, PDF, or scanned application.

Projects will be selected by a committee made up of the chairs of the West Virginia and Virginia councils, one chapter president from each state, one representative of each state’s fisheries agency, and representatives from AEP/Appalachian Power. Trout-in-the- classroom projects will be chosen by the Overmountain Chapter of TU and forwarded to the selection committee by Chapter President

2 2. Project Guidelines

TCFV offers a pool of $10,000 annually for conservation projects and $10,000 for trout- in-the-classroom projects. It is anticipated that the maximum grant for a single habitat improvement project will be $5,000.

For trout-in-the-classroom projects the maximum is $1,000, however the awards committee would prefer to award TIC grants for no more than 50% of the costs of equipment or roughly $500 per site.

 Applicants have two years to complete a proposed project.

 Applicants must match (except in cases of extreme hardship) the TCFV grant request on a one-to-one basis.

 Chapters receiving grants will ensure that their projects receive publicity noting the contribution from The AEP Foundation/Appalachian Power and Trout Unlimited. Trout-in-the-classroom tanks will carry appropriate decals and habitat improvement projects will be identified with signs carrying the AEP/Appalachian Power and TU logos.

 Chapters undertaking multi-phase projects are welcome to apply for TCFV funds. However, the TCFV committee will only consider grant funding for a single phase at a time. TCFV is intended as a source of funding for the early stages of projects, not as a multi-year funding mechanism for long term projects.

3 Trout Conservation Fund for the Virginias Application Form


Note: Chapters may apply for BOTH Habitat Improvement AND TIC Funds. Submit a completed Habitat Improvement form for each project for which your chapter seeks grant money. Submit a separate form for TIC grants.

Chapter Name:______

Project Leader Name:______Address: ______City: ______State: ____ ZIP:_____ Phone:______email:______

Project Description – Habitat Improvement

In a few short paragraphs, please describe the need, location, work to be done, potential partners, and long-term benefit of the project.

Please complete the budget form

Required Signatures:

Chapter president:______

Council chair:______

4 Habitat Improvement Project

2012/13 Trout Conservation Fund for the Virginias Budget Request

Item TCFV Cost Matching Funds* Total

TU Volunteer Labor $19.51/hr. x # of hrs.

Other Volunteer Labor

Agency Labor

Materials / Equipment Purchases – Rental

Materials/ Equipment Donations

Other Expenses

TOTAL Notes: Please provide detailed itemizations for each TCFV cost. Where applicable, please specify unit costs and quantities for materials, equipment, consultant, and contractor time, etc. Attach additional pages if necessary.

Note: Please provide list of sources of matching funds for Habitat Improvement:

Source of Matching Funds Amount

5 TOTAL TIC Matching Funds

6 Trout in the Classroom 2012/13 Trout Conservation Fund for the Virginias Budget Request

Note: Chapters may apply for BOTH Habitat Improvement AND TIC Funds. Submit a completed Habitat Improvement form for each project for which your chapter seeks grant money. Submit a separate form for TIC grants.

Chapter Name:______

TIC Coordinator Name:______Address: ______City: ______State: ____ ZIP:_____ Phone:______email:______

Please complete the budget form

Required Signatures:

Chapter president:______

Council chair:______

7 Project Description – Trout-in-the-Classroom If more than one school or class copy and submit the form below.

School:______Grade: ____ Number of students ____ Town or City: ______Participating educator Name:______Address: ______City: ______State: ____ ZIP:____ Phone:______email:______

Item TCFV Matching Total Request Funds* Cost



Teacher Training




Note: Please provide list of sources of matching funds for Trout in the Classroom:

Source of Matching Funds Amount

TOTAL TIC Matching Funds


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