School Health Calendar 2010-2011

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School Health Calendar 2010-2011

August 2010 – National Immunization Awareness Month & Children’s Eye Health and Safety August 11-13 Professional Learning Days (teacher workdays) August 16-20 Preplanning August 19 SHS Back-To-School Planning Staff Meeting: 10:00AM – 1PM @ The Meadows Operations Center August 23 FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL August 25 MANDATORY: New SHS Clinic Assistants Orientation: 9AM - 4PM @ The Meadows Operations Center August 31 MANDATORY: Experienced Clinic Assistants Orientation (Cluster Meetings)  Follow-up on Data Enrollment Information/Emergency Information – Clinic Assistants  Ensure Emergency Parent Letter is sent by schools – Cluster Nurses  Immunization Records Intake & Review - Data Clerks/School Designee  Preparation of Medical Alerts/Chronic Illness Reports - Cluster Nurses, Clinic Assistants & Data Clerks  Begin Preparation for Mass Vision and Hearing Screenings - Elementary Schools & Cluster Nurses  Update Student Healthcare Plans - Cluster & Special Needs Nurses  Secure Physician Orders for Medically Fragile Students – Special Education Nurses  Ongoing Identification of High Risk/Medically Fragile Students - Cluster and Special Education Nurses  Begin Scheduling Staff & Students for Flu Vaccine Clinics - Cluster Nurses  Contact School AED Site Coordinators - Ensure Manuals/Supplies are Updated & Compliant  Send Medication Administration Forms Home to Parents & Set-up Medication Administration Forms Log in Schools  Begin Coordinating & Conducting In-services to Address Classroom Health Issues - Cluster & Special Education Nurses  Kick-off Hand-washing Campaign in Elementary Schools - Cluster and Special Education Nurses

September 2010 – National Childhood Cancer, Sickle Cell, Lice, Prostate Cancer, Suicide, Backpack September 2 CPR & AED Class – Tri-Cities & Northview Clusters September 6 LABOR DAY HOLIDAY – Schools Closed September 9 SHS Coordinator Meeting with the Special Education Nurses September 10 GRITS Training (North/South Counties) September 17 CPR & AED Classes - Creekside & Alpharetta Clusters September 21 SHS Staff Meeting: 10:00AM – 1PM @ The Meadows Operations Center September 24 MANDATORY: SHS Training – New Clinic Assistants Subs Class September 28-29 Bus Driver CPR & AED Classes North and South County Transportation Centers - Cluster and Special Needs Nurses  Update Emergency Information for Parent Contact Numbers - Clinic Assistants & Data Clerks/School Designee  Follow-up With Students Needing Immunizations - Data Clerks/School Designee & Cluster Nurses  Conduct Universal Precautions Classes - SHS Staff  Continue to Meet with the AED Site Coordinators and Following Up on AED’s - SHS Staff  Begin Mass Vision & Hearing Screening - Elementary Schools  Continue Scheduling Schools for Flu Vaccine Clinics

October 2010 – National Fire & Red Ribbon, Breast Cancer, Domestic Violence, Halloween Safety, Down Syndrome October 8 Clinic Assistant Workshops - Complete Orientation/Skills Checklist October 11 TEACHER WORKDAY (students off) SHS Handling Medical Emergency Classes or Cluster CPR Classes - North & South County Clusters October 22 CPR & AED Classes - Westlake & Chattahoochee Clusters October 23 Breast Cancer Walk October 26 SHS Staff Meeting: 10:00AM – 1PM @ The Meadows Operations Center  Continue Mass Vision and Hearing Screening - Elementary Schools (Cluster Nurses)  Continue Scheduling Staff & Student Flu Vaccine Clinics - Cluster Nurses  Begin Scheduling Middle Schools - Scoliosis Screening Dates - Cluster Nurses  Continue Scheduling and Presenting “Handling Medical Emergency” Classes – SHS Staff (all schools)  Breast Cancer Month Initiatives – SHS Staff

November 2010 – American Diabetes, Great American Smokeout, Lung and Pancreatic Cancer November 19 CPR & AED Classes – Riverwood & Banneker Clusters November 23 SHS Staff Meeting: 10:00AM – 1PM @ The Meadows Operations Center November 24-26 THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY (Schools Closed) November 2010 ( continued )  Continue Mass Vision and Hearing Screening – Elementary Schools - Cluster Nurses  Conduct Flu Vaccine Clinics for Staff & Students – SHS Staff  Continue Scheduling Scoliosis Screening Dates for Middle Schools - Cluster Nurses

December 2010 – National Handwashing, World AIDS Day, Safe Toys and Gifts Month December 10 SHS Clinic Assistant Workshops December 16 CPR & AED Classes – Langston Hughes & Milton Clusters December 21 SHS Staff Meeting: 10:00AM – 1PM @ The Meadows Operations Center December 23-Jan 3 END OF FIRST SEMESTER - WINTER HOLIDAYS (Schools Closed)  Complete Mass Vision and Hearing Screening - Cluster Nurses  Continue Flu Vaccine Clinics for Staff & Students - SHS Staff  Continue Coordinating the Scoliosis Screening Dates for Middle Schools - Cluster Nurses

January 2011 - Cervical Health, Thyroid, and National Birth Defects Prevention Month January 4 TEACHER WORKDAY (students off) January 5 FIRST DAY OF SECOND SEMESTER January 17 MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. HOLIDAY (Schools Closed) January 25 SHS Staff Meeting - Nurses Annual Scoliosis Screening Training - 10:00AM – 4:00PM @ The Meadows January 26 Scoliosis Screening Volunteer Training – South County January 27 Scoliosis Screening Volunteer Training – North County January 28 CPR & AED Classes – Westlake and North Springs Clusters

February 2011 – American Heart Month & Wear Red Day, Children’s Dental, Burn and Donor Day February 21 PRESIDENTS DAY HOLIDAY (Schools Closed) February 22 SHS Staff Meeting: 10:00AM – 1PM @ The Meadows Operations Center  Begin Middle Schools Scoliosis Screening - Student Health Services Staff & All Middle Schools  National Child Passenger Safety Awareness Week

March 2011 – National Poison Prevention, Colorectal Cancer, Nutrition, and World TB Day March 11 TEACHER WORK DAY – CPR & AED Classes – Roswell & Creekside Clusters (students off) March 16 SHS Clinic Assistant Workshops March 22 SHS Staff Meeting: 10:00AM – 1PM @ The Meadows Operations Center March 29 - 30 Bus Driver CPR & AED Classes – North/South Transportation Centers Cluster & Special Needs Nurses  Complete Middle Schools Scoliosis Screenings - Cluster Nurses  Immunization Requirements Reminder Letters to Elementary & Middle Schools - Student Health Services  Provide Meningitis Information to Middle and High Schools - Cluster Nurses

April 2011 – National Autism, Child Abuse, Youth Sports, Alcohol Awareness April 4-8 SPRING-BREAK (Schools Closed) April 22 Student/Teacher Holiday (schools closed) April 26 SHS Staff Meeting: 10:00AM – 1PM @ The Meadows (Begin Planning the 2010-2011 School Year Calendar) April 29 CPR & AED Classes - Centennial & Banneker Clusters  Continue to Provide Meningitis Information to Middle and High Schools - Cluster Nurses

May 2011 – Clean Air, Lupus Asthma & Allergen, PE & Fitness, Mental Awareness, May 6 SHS National School Nurse Day May 18 CPR & AED Classes – Johns Creek Cluster (North County) May 20 Last SHS Clinic Assistant Workshops May 24 SHS End-of-Year Staff Meeting and Planning Session & Staff Meeting May 27 LAST DAY OF SCHOOL May 30 MEMORIAL DAY HOLIDAY May 31-June 1 – Post-planning  End of the Year Cleaning and Storage  Reorder Supplies and Forms for the Clinics  Letters to Parents RE: Medication Pick-up and/or Disposal  Complete all Clinic Reports

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