Student Expectations: Spanish

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Student Expectations: Spanish

Grover Cleveland Middle School

Señora Aviles [email protected] # 7525 Spanish: Grades 8th Intro (973) 228-9115


Student Expectations Spanish I. Students must come prepared to class with the following materials:

a. Binder with three dividers for Spanish separated as follows: 1. Calentamientos - to be arranged in order 2. Apuntes - daily notes 3. Tarea - must have a complete heading

b. Pencils, pens, and paper

c. Student Planner – for writing all homework assignments

II. Grades will be calculated as follows:

50% - Summative Assessments (major projects, presentations, unit tests, and exams)

40% - Formative Assessments (class works, daily or weekly performance/assignments, quizzes, smaller projects, warm-ups and/or exit slips

10% - Homework

Classwork: Will consist of oral, listening, writing, and reading activities and will be done both individually and in groups. You are expected to participate positively and to meet the classroom expectations on a daily basis.

Homework: Is for your benefit. When I assign homework, please write down the assignment in your student planner. Homework receives full credit if it is completed and/or handed in at the beginning of the class period, if it is complete, and demonstrates your best effort.

Tests and quizzes: Vocabulary quizzes will be given one or two times each week. Quizzes may be announced OR unannounced. All tests will be announced. Tests and quizzes will test oral, listening, writing, and/or reading skills.

Projects: Will be assigned several times throughout the year. Each project will include an assessment rubric.

III. Students are responsible for completing all assignments, homework, and projects in a timely manner. Assignments not completed will receive a grade of zero. Late assignments will be given a grade of 50 if completed within a week.

IV. All students will follow rules of conduct for Grover Cleveland Middle School . Classroom Rules

Please always… 1. Come to class on time and prepared with all required supplies and assignments. 2. Stay in your seat unless you have permission to get up. 3. Raise your hand if you have something to ask or say. 4. Respect others and their property. 5. Refrain from eating, drinking or chewing gum. 6. Pay attention and put forth your best effort!

Violations of classroom rules will result in the following consequences: 1. Warning 2. Detention 3. Parent Contact 4. Office Referral

Some Important Classroom Procedures Entering the classroom (Room 301) Students will line up in the hall and enter the room only when a teacher is present. Take your assigned seat and quietly complete the day’s “CALENTAMIENTO” (the Do Now/ Warm-Up Activity) that is posted on the Smart Board or written on the white board. Please note that CALENTAMIENTOS are designed to help us get the class off to a productive start every day. You are to copy each Calentamiento as specified and answer all questions or respond to each instruction. Keep your Calentamientos arranged in order in a separate section of your binder. Calentamientos are scored and collected every 10 days and count as a PARTICIPATION GRADE. When you are absent When you are absent, I expect you to contact a classmate to find out what work you missed and/or check the school website. Copies of handouts you might have missed will be filed in your class folder in the box on the white book shelf. If you missed handing in a homework assignment, hand it in at the beginning of class the day you return. If you missed a quiz or test, you must set up a time with me to make-up the assignment within one week of your absence.

Extra Help If you need help or have questions I can be available before or after school. You must make an attempt to complete your assignments at home. TO BE COMPLETED AND RETURNED TO SEÑORA AVILES BY TUES SEPT. 15, 2015

I have received and read Señora Aviles’s 2015-2016 STUDENT EXPECTATIONS and CLASSROOM RULES letter. I understand that these rules are in effect so that I and all other students may have a positive learning experience this year in Spanish class.

Student signature: ______

Guardians signatures: ______



Name: ______Spanish name: ______

Student email:______Date of Birth: ______

Name of HOMEROOM TEACHER:______Grade: ______

Parent/Guardian Information: Name:______Name:______


Home Phone #:______Home Phone #:______

Work Phone #:______Work Phone #:______

Cell Phone #:______Cell Phone #:______

Email Address:______Email Address:______Additional Information:

Name(s) and grade(s) of siblings at GCMS



Language(s) other than English spoken at home (if any):______

Please indicate as is applicable. Elementary School Spanish: ____year(s) in CWC district ____year(s) out of district 6 th grade Spanish Teacher: Sra. Aviles Sra. Reyes Sra. De los Santos Sra. Ferrer 7 th grade Spanish Teacher: Sra. Aviles Sra. Reyes Sra. De los Santos Sra. Ferrer

Student’s Name: ______Spanish Class Period: ______

PARENTS/GUARDIANS, Please indicate the best phone number & email to reach you during school hours.

Mother’s Name: ______#:______

Father’s Name: ______#:______

Student/Guardian Contact Log

Date Phone Call/ Spoke With Action Taken/ Comments Conference

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