CSI Foundation Bridges Community and Students

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CSI Foundation Bridges Community and Students

NEWS VOLUME 6 ISSUE 9 SEPTEMBER, 2007 PACE – Go Team! http://pace.csi.edu/

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CSI Foundation Bridges Community and Students We specialize in “on the one hand, on the otherCSI hand”. FOUNDATION On the “one” side of the Foundation, we work with communityB OARDfolks. OF On DIRECTORS the “other” side of the Foundation, we work with and for the benefit of students at CSI. The Foundation serves as a connection pointSheila between B. Adams the community and the students. Glenn S. Arrington There are twoTom major Ashenbrener dimensions to the community side of the Foundation: the FoundationBrice Board Beck and Foundation friends and contributors. The Foundation isGerald a large L. business Beck that is governed by a Board of Directors. The Board consistsAdrian ofBoer citizens of the greater Magic Valley who volunteer their time andDiane energy Boyd to guide the business insightfully. The current President is CharlieDonna BrizeeCreason, President of PMT corporation in Rupert. The immediateCharlie past president, Creason Anna Scholes, Swensen’s Pharmacy, and president-elect,Deanna Tom Ashenbrener, DalSoglio owner of Rudy’s, are both from Twin Falls. These Gladysthree leaders M. Esquibel are representative of the 25 Board members who care deeplyMac about N. Evans helping the College discharge its mission in the communities John and forO. Fitzgerald, the benefit II of CSI students. Thank the Board members listedJohn up aboveHepworth when you see them. Jason Meyerhoeffer The other communityBruce Newcomb of the Foundation consists of friends and contributors. CallyA stellar J. Parrott example is Bill Grange. He and his wife Penny, prior to her passing,Steve Peterson donated to the students of the College. In doing so, Bill said, “EveryRuth time S. PierceI drive by the beautiful buildings and campus at CSI, I get gooseJudy bumps Pollow when I think about what CSI is doing for – what is it now-Ginny over Riffle 7000 students? Where else could you get a better return Brendafor your Sanford investment? I urge anyone to do likewise.” In what he says Annaabout Scholes the College, Bill speaks for many other civic minded citizens who haveRichard supported B. Stivers CSI students and hopefully will continue to do so. Dave Werbeck

And then there is the student side of the Foundation. Sometimes donations from the community are directed toward buildings or other tangible items. The Student Union and Aspen Building are examples. Most of the time, however, donations are intended for the direct benefit of students through scholarships. Last school year, the Foundation awarded more than three quarters of a million dollars in scholarships. This year it will be even more. The Foundation Board is especially proud of the New Hope Scholarship for first generation college students offered this year for the first time. Seventy-eight students who otherwise would not be able to attend College have taken advantage of this scholarship opportunity this fall.

Where the Foundation is currently is only the staging area for where we want it to be. Within five years, the Foundation will double the annual dollar amount of scholarships. In order to reach that goal, significant additional endowment money will be needed. The Foundation Board is committed to work very hard in the coming months to begin to achieve the goal. They will need your help in getting the word out and finding innovative ways to help donors help CSI students. Stay tuned and thanks.

Curtis Eaton

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Early Childhood Program News The Early Childhood Education Program’s two learning labs have been accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children. Program directors received word this past summer after a year’s self study by the program. We are one of the first in the nation to receive this newly revised accreditation. ~ Submitted by Alice Anderson, Professor/Manager, Early Childhood Education Program ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2007 PACE Rep Meetings 2-3 PM <> 2nd Wed. of the Month <> Taylor 248 Check Your E-mails for Any Changes Date...... Chair...... Recorder October 10...... Shelby Carter...... Leslee Treshow November 14...... Ann Keane...... Kristi Bronson December 12...... ______...... ______~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Monthly List Check it out after the first of every month. http://pace.csi.edu/wow.asp

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Reminders  CSI Employees can have a cup of coffee or pop for 50 cents in the Eagles Nest.  Just ask and be ready to show your ID in case the server doesn’t know who you are.  Advertise your personal goods on CSI Classifieds at http://forums.csi.edu ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ New Faces on Campus

Tiffany Paul Replacing Sherry Hardin Teacher Child Care Center, Ext 6645 Dated August 01, 2007

My name is Tiffany Paul. I just got hired as a full-time head teacher at the CSI Child Care Center. I have worked at the CSI Child Car Center for three years now, first in the kitchen and then in the classroom. I am currently working towards my AAS in Early Childhood Education. My husband’s name is Jonathan Paul and we live in Twin Falls, ID. I love working with children and am very excited to be working at the college full-time. I look forward to meeting all the staff new and old.

Next Edition Scheduled For October, 2007 (Subject to Change) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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