NAPT Executive Board Meeting

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NAPT Executive Board Meeting

NAPT Executive Board Meeting Ramada Grand Dakota Lodge – Dickinson April 26, 2013

Present: Donna Kisse – President; Sharon Kupper – Secretary; Bobbie Hauck – Treasurer; Kristina Foster – Immediate Past President; Luci Koepplin – Member-at-Large; Barbara Lacher – Parliamentarian; Diane Halvorson – ND Board of Pharmacy Liaison; Mike Schwab – NDPhA Liaison Member; Tamara Link – Secretary Elect

Absent: Jennifer Joyce – Member-at-Large

President Donna called the meeting to order at 5:00pm.

1. Secretary report – minutes from NAPT Executive Board Meeting of March 16, 2013 reviewed. Motion made by Bobbie, seconded by Luci to approve minutes. Motion carried. 2. Treasurer’s report – Motion made by Kristina, seconded by Bobbie to approve the report. Motion carried. a. 2012 Fiscal Review - Diane had done a fiscal review of NAPT Treasurer’s checkbook, everything looked to be correct. b. Outstanding check from 2012 – Barbara had an uncashed check and decided to donate the funds back to NAPT of $100. c. New process of Treasurer Responsibilities was reviewed, including the job description. Sharon motioned to accept the revised duties as printed, seconded by Kristina. Motion carried. d. Treasurer’s Computer – discussion on whether to have a raffle at the Fall Conference or to donate it to NDPhA secretary. Tabled until next meeting. 3. NDPhA bookkeeping procedures – job description was reviewed of NDPhA Executive Director. Sharon motioned to approve job description as printed, seconded by Luci. Motion carried.

4. NDPhA Spring Convention – donation to Scholarship auction by Gerald Finken was discussed. Mike suggested the board define need for the money and have a decision made by next year on where the funds would be best used. The Pharmacy Advancement Corp will hold the funds.

Other suggestions were: technician students and/or NAPT board members to help with Scholarship Auction. Identify an amount to be held in a reserve fund. After new board members are installed Donna will form a committee to bring information to next meeting.

5. New Positions on NAPT Board – Tamara Link – Secretary, Sharon Kupper – Vice President, Kiah Erdman – Member-at-Large, and Brittany Butler – Member-at-Large. Officers will be installed at the General Membership meeting on 4/27/2013.

6. Review of Fall Conference – it will be held in Fargo on October 11 & 12, 2013 with 8 – 10 CE’s offered. Diane Halvorson is the chairperson with a committee of about 6. A Fall Conference flyer will be handed out at the General Meeting on April 27, 2013.

7. Gerald Finken has offered a donation of $2500 to be used for the Fall Conference. Tabled until more information is available.

8. Reviewed agenda for General Membership meeting.

9. Northland Community Technical College located in East Grand Forks requested to have someone from NAPT speak on the importance of being active in an association. Barb offered to check into the details and plans to attend as a representative of NAPT. Kristina motioned to reimburse expenses incurred, seconded by Bobbie. Motion carried.

10. Mike spoke on how registering NAPT as a “Trademark” name would be good business practice. Kristina motioned to allow NDPhA to file the paperwork with the Secretary of State, Bobbie second the motion. Discussion held on who would own the name “NAPT” since NDPhA is filing. NAPT would still own the rights to the trademark. Cost would be about $25. Motion carried.

11. Mike explained the details of having liability insurance through Pharmacist Mutual Insurance. NAPT would have an umbrella policy under NDPhA. Cost will be $500/year. Kristina motioned to have Mike move forward with having liability insurance for NAPT. Seconded by Luci. Voice vote was taken of board members: Luci – yes, Kristina – yes, Bobbie – yes, Barb – yes, Donna – yes and Sharon – yes. Motion carried.

12. Kristina offered a suggestion to sponsor a Technician Job Fair at a convention or conference. Objective would be to get the word out about NAPT. Barb will look into offering a lecture online about NAPT.

Kristina motioned to adjourn, seconded by Luci. Meeting adjourned.

Sharon Kupper, Secretary Minutes subject for review and approval of NAPT Executive Board

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