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[Return to Fur Trade business records]
William L. Sublette Papers, Missouri Historical Society, St Louis, MO.
William H. Ashley, Jedediah S. Smith, David E. Jackson, and William L. Sublette. Articles of Agreement, July 18, 1826
Articles of agreement made and entered into this 18th day of July 1826 by and between William H. Ashley of the first part and Jedediah S. Smith David E. Jackson and Wm. L. Sublett trading under the firm Smith Jackson & Sublett of the second part witnesseth that whereas the said party of the second part are now engaged in the fur trade and contemplate renewing their stock of Merchandise &c the ensuing year for the purpose of continuing their said business should their prospects of success Justify their doing so now Therefore the said party of the first part promises and hereby obliges him self to furnish such an assortment of Merchandise as said party of the second part may require according with an Invoice hereunto annexed refrence thereunto will more fully show and for the prices therein mentioned to wit
Gunpowder of the first and second quality at one dollar fifty per pound Lead one dollar per pound Shot at one dollar twenty five cents per pound Three point Blankets at nine dollars each Green ditto at Eleven dollars each Scarlet cloth at six dollars per yard Blue ditto common quality from four to five dollars per yard Butcher Knives at seventy five cents each two and a half point Blankets at Seven dollars each North West Fuzils at twenty four dollars each tin Kettles different sizes at two dollars per pound Sheet Iron Kettles at two dollars twenty five cents per pound Squaw axes at two dollars fifty cents each Beaver traps at nine dollars each Sugar at one dollar per pound Coffee at one dollar twenty five cents pr pound flour at one dollar per pound Alspice at one dollar fifty cents per pound Raisins at one dollar fifty cents per pound Grey cloth at common quality at five dollars per yard flannels common quality at one dollar fifty cents per yard callicoes assorted at one dollar per yard domestic cotton at one dollar twenty five cents per yard Thread assorted at three dollars per pound worsted binding [?] at fifteen dollars per gross pound finger rings at five dollars per Gross. Beads assorted at two fifty cents per pound Vermillion at three dollars per pound files assorted at two dollars fifty cents per pound fourth proof rum reduced [?] at thirteen dollars fifty cents per Gallon Bridles assorted seven dollars each spurs at two dollars per pair Horse shoes and nails at two dollars per pound tin pans assorted at two dollars per pound hand kerchiefs assorted at one dollar fifty cents each. ribbons assorted at three dollars per bolt Buttons at five dollars per Gross Looking glasses at fifty cents each flints at fifty cents per dozen mockacine alls at twenty five cents per dozen Tabacco at one dollar twenty five cents per pound Copper Kettles at three dollars per pound Iron Buckles assorted at two dollars fifty cents per pound fire steels at two dollars per pound Dried fruit at one dollar and fifty cents per pound Washing soap at one dollar twenty five cents per pound Shaving soap at two dollars per pound first quality James River Tobacco at one dollar seventy five cents per pound Steel Bracelets at one dollar fifty cents per pair Large Brass wire at two dollars per pound which merchandise is to be by said Ashley or his agent delivered to said Smith Jackson & Sublett or to their agent at or near the west end of the little lake of Bear river a watter of the pacific ocean on or before the first day of July 1827 without some unavoidable occurrence should prevent, but as it is uncertain whether the situation of said Smith Jackson & Subletts business will Justify the proposed purchase of Merchandise as aforesaid it is understood and agreed between the said parties that the said party of the second part shall send an Express to said Ashley to reach him in St Louis on or before the first day of March next with orders to forward the merchandize as aforesaid, and on its arrival at its place of destination, that they the said Smith Jackson & Sublett will pay him the said Ashley the amount for Merchandise sold them on this day for which the said Ashley holds their notes payable the first day of July 1827 for, and it is further understood that the amount of merchandise to be delivered as aforesaid on or before the first of July 1827 shall be not less than Seven Thousand dollars nor more than fifteen thousand and If it is in the power of said party of the second party to make further payment in part or in whole for the Merchandize there to be delivered that they will do so or If not that they will pay the amount at St. Louis on or before the first day of October in the year 1828 but If the said party of the first part receive no order from said party of the second part to forward said Merchandize as aforesaid or direction not to forward it by or before the time before mentioned then this article of agreement to be null and void and it is understood and agreed between the two said parties that so long as the said Ashley continues to furnish said Smith Jackson & Sublett with Merchandize as aforesaid That he will furnish no other company or Individual with Merchandise other than those who may be in his immediate charge service
In presence of Robert Campbell
Wm H Ashley J S Smith D E Jackson Wm L Sublette