An Epidemiological Profile of Malaria and its Control in Malawi Report prepared for National Malaria Control Programme By The INFORM Project & Malaria Alert Centre March 2014 Contacts INFORM Project Public Health Department, KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Collaborative Programme P.O.Box 43640 00100 Nairobi, Kenya
[email protected] [email protected] Malaria Alert Centre University of Malawi College of Medicine, Private Bag Blantyre, Malawi
[email protected] Suggested citation Emelda A Okiro, Abdisalan M Noor, Josephine Malinga, Bernard Mitto, Clara W Mundia, Don Mathanga, Themba Mzilahowa & Robert W Snow (2013). An epidemiological profile of malaria and its control in Malawi. A report prepared for the Ministry of Health, the Roll Back Malaria Partnership and the Department for International Development, UK. March, 2014 i Acknowledgments The authors are indebted to the following individuals from the INFORM Project, KEMRI- Wellcome Trust programme in Kenya: Ngiang-Bakwin Kandala, Caroline Kabaria, Viola Otieno, Damaris Kinyoki, Jonesmus Mutua, Punam Amratia, Boniface Makone and Stella Kasura; Catherine Linard for assistance on modelling human population settlement; and Muriel Bastien, Marie Sarah Villemin Partow, Reynald Erard and Christian Pethas-Magilad of the World Health Organization (WHO) archives in Geneva. We would also like to extend a special acknowledgement to Lawrence Kazembe and Adam Bennett, both of whom have provided valuable insights and sustained enthusiasm around risk mapping and its applications for health planning in Malawi. We are also grateful to Malcolm Molyneux, Monica Olewe and Peter Troell who provided comments on an earlier draft of the report. And finally the important feedback and contribributions made by the National Malaria Control Programme, notably Drs Doreen Ali, Misheck Luhanga and John Zoya and Wilfred Dodoli of the World Health Organization, Country Office.