New Word Wall Word In
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Monday October 27, 2014 New word wall word “in”
*1st grade Reading assessment tests *Pencils
Stations: Break Through to Literacy/Computers Writing Station: -writing new word wall word “in” 8X -writing “of” 8X -alphabet writing A-Q
Imagine It: -Morning Message -building blocks used to show directionality of how we read
Writing: (AMY) Group 1: writing letters A-Q
(CATHERS) Group 2: -Narrative writing papers -each individual students narrative stories
Health: Home Safety (Adventures in the Roo World –Young Roo Series No. 4) by Pati Myers Gross,Carol Marger, Brass fasteners, paper plates. Appendix 1: Safety at home. Appendix 2: Arrows for clock hands. Appendix 3: Safety maze Appendix 4: What will keep you safe?
MATH: Cathers- (K)- TM 27 Student wkpg 28
(1st/2nd)- TM 95 Make nine blank mini 10 frames student workpage 95 Guided Practice/Independent Practice -(student workpage 96-98) Amy- (1st/2nd)- 3-1 Practice workpage 3-1 Reteaching workpage
(K)- 2-1 Reteaching Workpage 2-1 Practice Workpage
______8:35-9:05 Calendar/Count to 50/Imagine IT Guided Practice pg 15 -Writing the letter Qq worksheet
9:05-9:35 SRA Groups Cathers- Group 1-Lesson 104/Story/wkbk Amy- Group 2-Lesson 37/wkbk Toni- Group 3- Alphabet Flashcards/Individual reading w/book bags
9:35-10:05 PE
10:05-10:35 Reading assessment (1st & 2nd Grade) Cathers- testing 1-on-1 Amy- testing 1-on-1
Group 1: Listening Station (10:15-10:25) then w/Cathers @10:20
Group 2: (3 students) Breakthrough to Literacy w/Toni’s guidance
Group 3: Writing Station: writing new word wall word “in” 8X and last weeks word “of” 8X, alphabet writing A-Q
10:35-11:15 Imagine It: Unit 2 Lesson 5 Rr Morning Message Words that mean the opposite Phonological & Phonemic Awareness -building blocks used to show directionality of how we read
11:15-12:30 Lunch/Recess/Test Students (Reading Assessment) 12:30-1:00 Health Unit 2: Safety CONTENT: Materials Needed: Home Safety (Adventures in the Roo World –Young Roo Series No. 4) by Pati Myers Gross,Carol Marger, Tom Gibson (Illustrator), Brass fasteners, paper plates. Appendix 1: Safety at home. Appendix 2: Arrows for clock hands. Appendix 3: Safety maze Appendix 4: What will keep you safe? *Display Appendix 1: Safety at home transparency. -Ask students to look at each of the items depicted by an arrow and try to guess why that particular item or situation might present a safety hazard in the home. *Ask students: • What does it mean to be safe? • What can you do to stay safe at home? • What is a hazard? • What does the word “prevent” mean? • How do your parents and families help make your home safe? • How does the school try to keep you safe? Allow students to make their own clocks. *Provide each student with a paper plate, two arrows for hands and a fastener. Students should color their clock hands and write the numbers 1-12 around the outside of the clock. *Students will use the clock in the following activity. -Read Home Safety by Pati Myers Gross. As the characters in the story move through the rooms in the house -1. Discuss each of the safety hazards in the room -2. Ask students to display on their clocks a time that they are most likely to be spending time in that particular room. -Discuss how the time of day and the amount of time we spend in a room may also affect safety. -For example, a candle burning on the dining room table during dinner is not unsafe; however, a candle burning in the middle of the night in the dining room with nobody around may be very unsafe.
1:00-1:30 Writing (AMY) Group 1: work on writing letters A-P.
(CATHERS) Group 2: -Continue working on Narrative writing -work as a group with each individual students narrative stories
1:30-2:05 MATH Cathers- (K) Lesson 2-3: 1 and 2 Fewer Focus: Children will recognize and identify a group of objects that has 1 fewer or 2 fewer than another group *Pose the problem (TM 27) *Model *Video *Guided Practice/Independent Practice (Student wkpg 28)
AMY- (1st/2nd)- 3-1 Practice workpage 3-1 Reteaching workpage
2:05-2:45 Cathers- (1st/2nd) Lesson 3-2: Recognizing Numbers on a Ten-Frame Focus: Children will learn to recognize numbers on a ten-frame, noting the relationship of those numbers to 5 and 10 Pose the problem (TM 95) *Make nine blank mini 10 frames* Rephrase, Reword, and simplify -(student workpage 95 #1-4) Video Guided Practice/Independent Practice -(student workpage 96-98)
Amy- (K)- 2-1 Reteaching Workpage 2-1 Practice Workpage
Kierra & Austin - math facts worksheet from Mrs. Norman
2:45-3:00 Snack/Dismissal DATE: Tuesday, October 28, 2014 IEP MEETINGS: Russell Dearing 8:45am
Materials needed:
*Imagine IT: alphabet letters A-R Alphabet Book pg. 38-39 Pickled Peppers pg.42
Writing: (Amy): writing paper for letters A-R, #1-10 writing paper WWW writing paper
(Cathers): Writing paper (3 pgs each student) Student Narrative Stories Pencils Crayons
*Math - CATHERS (K)- TM29 Student Wkbk pg30-32
(1st/2nd) – TM 99 Student workpage 99
Guided Practice/Independent Practice -Student workpage 100-102
AMY- (1st/2nd)- 3-2 Reteaching worksheet 3-2 Practice worksheet
(K) 2-2 Practice Workpage 2-2 Reteach Workpage ______8:35-9:05 Calendar/Count to 50/Imagine IT Guided Practice 16 9:05-9:35 Cathers-SRA Group 1 Lesson 105/story/wkbk Amy-SRA Group 2 – Lesson 38/wkbk Toni- Centers Group 1 (Alphabet flashcards- letter recognition & sound recognition)
9:35-10:05 Kf & AR 2nd grade math room Cathers- SRA Group 3 Lesson 32/wkbk Toni- Group 1 Centers Alphabet Flashcards/Listening Center Amy- Group 2 Centers Individual Level 1 Reading/Library
10:00-10:30 AR to Mrs. Midiri’s Room
10:05-10:35 Library/Test Students
10:40-11:15: Imagine It: Unit 2 Lesson 5 Rr Alphabetic Knowledge Play “what’s the letter” -need alphabet letters A-R Writing the letter Rr Alphabet Book pg. 38-39 Ask questions pertaining to illustration Pickled Peppers pg.42 -student point to title -review left to right reading & top to bottom -read poem -discuss rhyming words -discuss tent is referring to skin -have students find words with Rr
11:15-12:30 Lunch/Recess/Test students (Reading Assessment)
12:30-1:00 Health ASSESSMENT: Option 1 Distribute copies of Appendix 3 – Safety maze -Ask students to navigate their way through a maze to unite Rover and Freddie. -They should follow the images that are safe and avoid those that are unsafe. -Once they are done, review each image in the maze with the students. -Classify each image as safe or unsafe. -Then, ask students to explain why/how each image in the “safe” column can help prevent injuries and why each image in the “unsafe” column could be a hazard.
Safe Images • Telephone with emergency number: Students should know their local emergency numbers. • Medicine locked in cabinet: Medicine should only be taken when given by a trusted adult. • Smoke alarm: Children should also have a plan to exit their home when a smoke alarm sounds. • Staircase: Stairwells should be well lit, clear of clutter, and with railings to hold onto.
Unsafe Images • Stove with pot handle facing out: This is a burn hazard. • Matches: They could be a fire hazard. • Backpack by steps: This is a tripping hazard. • Fireplace with newspaper in front and no screen: This is a fire hazard. • Open pool gate: This is a drowning hazard.
Assessment Option 2: -Ask students to evaluate pairs of pictures in the Appendix 3, What Will Keep You Safe? handout, to determine which image in the pair depicts a safe decision or action. - Students should color or circle the correct images. -Facilitate a class discussion by asking students to support their choices.
1:00-1:30 Writing (AMY) Group 1: Continue writing letters A-R, #1-10, WWW
(Cathers) Group 2: Continue writing Narrative stories..students copy their stories on writing paper and draw picture to correspond with sentence (s).
1:30-2:05 Cathers- Math:(K) 2-4 The Number 0 Focus: Children will understand that 0 means none *Pose the problem (TM29) *Vocabulary (zero, none) *Model (Student Wkbk pg30) *Video *Guided Practice/ Independent Practice
AMY- (1st/2nd)- 3-2 Reteaching worksheet 3-2 Practice worksheet
2:05-2:45 Cathers- (1st/2nd)- Lesson 3-3 Parts of 10 Focus: Children will show 10 as two parts Pose the problem (TM 99) -Student workpage 99 Video Guided Practice/Independent Practice -Student workpage 100-102
Amy- (K)- 2-2 Practice Workpage 2-2 Reteach Workpage
Kierra & Austin -2nd grade math facts worksheet
2:45-3:00 Snack/Dismissal
Wednesday October 29, 2014 EARLY DISMISSAL Speech: 9:35-10:05 JC & AC
IMAGINE IT: Morning Message pocket chart pictures 13-apple, 86-house, 97-keys, 102-lamp Pickled Peppers pg 21 -have students make a complete sentence (Ex: A monster is dancing or the monsters are skating or The boy is carrying dishes, etc)
-give each student a word from the sentence
WORD WORK: 1 piece of paper per student finger paint glue glitter marker
MATH: CATHERS- TM 103 student workpage 103 Guided Practice/Independent Practice -Student workpage 104-106
AMY- (K) 2-3 Practice worksheet 2-3 Reteach worksheet
______8:35-9:05 Attendance/Calendar & Count to 50/write “of” & ”in” paper
9:05-9:35 Music
9:35-10:05 SRA Cathers-SRA Group 1 Lesson 106/story/wkbk Amy-SRA Group 2 Lesson 39/wkbk Toni- Centers Group 3 (Alphabet flashcards- letter recognition & sound recognition)
10:05-10:35 Cathers- SRA Group 3 Lesson 33/wkbk Amy- Group 2: Individual Rdg w/students (level 1 & 2 books)/library Toni-Group 1:Alphabet flashcards- letter recognition & sound recognition)
10:35-10:55 Imagine It: Unit 2 Lesson 6 Ss Morning Message -Is the letter Rr in the morning message -Where? -Is it a capital R or lower r? -What are the letters in (the child’s name)? Indentifying First, Middle, and Last -pocket chart pictures 13-apple, 86-house, 97-keys, 102- lamp Phonological & Phonemic Awareness Pickled Peppers pg 21 -have students make a complete sentence (Ex: A monster is dancing or the monsters are skating or The boy is carrying dishes, etc)
-give each student a word from the sentence -make sure they know their word -line them up and have them each say their word -mix them up and say their words -work with class to have them put their words back in order
10:55-11:10 Word Work Stations: (1 paper per student…take paper to each station) Station 1: Write “in” with finger paint Station 2: Write “in” with glue and sprinkle with glitter Station 3: Write “in” with marker
11:15-12:30 Lunch/Recess/Test Students (Reading Assessment) 12:30-1:15 Math CATHERS- (1st/2nd)- Lesson 3-4: Finding Missing Parts of 10 Focus: Children will use counters and a part-part- whole mat to find missing parts Pose the problem (TM 103) -student workpage 103 Model/Demonstrate Video Guided Practice/Independent Practice -Student workpage 104-106
AMY- (K)- 2-3 Practice worksheet 2-3 Reteach worksheet
Kierra & Austin- math facts work page
1:15-1:45 Deatherage Language Lesson
1:45-2:00 Snack/Dismissal
Thursday October 30, 2014 Send Home NEWSLETTER Send Home NEW WWW Send Home ALPHABET LETTERS (Pp, Qq, Rr)-(sound & letter names)
Speech: 8:30-9:00 Austin Reuille 9:35-10:05 Justin Constant & Allan Collins 10:35-11:05 Alexis Redding 12:15-12:45 Jaeydon Costa, Allysa Olgesby, & Noah Carter 12:45-1:15 Alexis Taylor
GUIDED READING: Group 3: Students sentence strip Scissors Glue Paper Crayons Pencil
Group 4: magnetic letters for “at” words Dry erase magnetic boards “at” worksheets “at” story
Amy- Reading book bag station Toni-Word Wall word/ABC Flash Cards station
Station 3: Writing paper-word wall word station (at table)…w/www flashcards
Station 4- Writing word wall words with finger paint on white copy paper
IMAGINE IT: capital letter on a note card lower case letter and the student Alphabet Book Ss Pg. 40-41 Pickled Peppers pg. 43 WORD WORK: 25 note cards with “in” White boards & dry erase markers
HEALTH: display the Stop sign a traffic signal with the green light colored in Display each of the safety signs and signals you have made using the Being Safe With Signs worksheet (See Appendix).
MATH: CATHERS (K) TM 31 Student workpage 31 Guided Practice/Independent Practice -(Student workpage 32) HOMEWORK: 2-5 Reteach & 2-5 Practice
(1st/2nd)- TM 107 student workpage 107 counters
Amy’s – (1st/2nd )- 3-3 Reteach Worksheet 3-3 Practice Worksheet (K) 2-4 Reteach Worksheet 2-4 Practice Worksheet ______8:35-9:05 Attendance/Calendar/Count to 50
9:05-9:35 Cathers-SRA Group 1 Lesson 107/story/wkbk Amy-SRA Group 2 Lesson 40/wkbk Toni- Group 1-Individual Reading (Leveled rdg books)/Library
9:35-10:05 Cathers- SRA Group 3 Lesson 33/wkbk Amy- Group 3 Individual Reading (Leveled rdg Books)/Library Toni- Group 2 (ABC flashcards)
10:05-10:35 Guided Reading Cathers: Group 3 (Alexis R, Tyrece, Alyssa, Alan): *Read sentences written *Cut up sentences and mix up order *Students put sentences in correct order *Glue sentences on paper
Group 4 (Sierra, Austin, Kierra): -Word families “at” -create words by adding new beginning sound -read “at” story
Station Rotation: 1.) Amy- Reading book bag station 2.) Toni-Word Wall word/ABC Flash Cards station 3.) Writing word wall word station (at table)…w/www flashcards 4.) Writing words with finger paint on white copy paper
10:35-10:55 Imagine It: Unit 2 Lesson 6 Ss Alphabetic Knowledge Write the letter Ss -Give each student a capital letter on a note card -Randomly hold up a lower case letter and the student with the matching letter stands up Alphabet Book Ss Pg. 40-41 -Talk about Illustration -What is the child doing in the picture? -What is he pretending to be? -What toys do you see Read the rhyme -Have students look for other objects that start with Ss
Pickled Peppers pg. 43 -read poem -Ask: What was the poem about? Do tree grow quickly or slowly? -Discuss illustrations -Measuring: Which is taller? Do you remember how tall the poem said the tree was? Do you think the tree will ever be taller than the boy? 10:55-11:10 Word Work Scavenger Hunt -Students will get 5 minutes to go around the room and find as many word cards with the word “in” on it -After 5 minutes we will see how many each child found by counting the cards they have - Have students write the word 5x each on white boards
11:15-12:30 Lunch/Recess/Test Students
12:30-12:50 Health Lesson 2 – Traffic Safety CONTENT: *Ask the children to imagine they are riding in the car with one of their parents. *Ask them what the adult should do if they come to this sign (display the Stop sign). * Next hold up a traffic signal with the green light colored in and ask them what the driver should do now. * Discuss with the children what might happen if drivers did not obey traffic signs and signals. *As a group, brainstorm ways that children get to school, to a friend's house, or to the park. -Be sure to include walking, biking, inline skating, and skateboarding. -For example, ask: When you go by yourself or with friends somewhere by biking or in-line skating, do you think you need to follow the traffic signs and signals like cars do? - Why or why not? * Display each of the safety signs and signals you have made using the Being Safe With Signs worksheet (See Appendix). *Discuss what each one means. *Have volunteers pretend to be biking or in-line skating and hold up the various signs for the children to demonstrate what to do when you come to each one. ASSESSMENT: • Pass out a copy of the Being Safe With Signs(PDF) worksheet to each child. Explain that the children should look at the shape of each sign and draw what goes inside. • When the children have finished, pair them with a partner to discuss their signs worksheet and explain to their partner what each one means.
12:50-1:15 Math: Cathers- (K) 2-5: Reading and Writing 0 Focus: Children will recognize and write the numeral that describes the quantity of 0 Pose the problem (TM 31) Model (Student workpage 31) Video Guided Practice/Independent Practice (Student workpage 32)
HOMEWORK: 2-5 Reteach & 2-5 Practice
Amy’s – (1st/2nd)- 3-3 Reteach Worksheet 3-3 Practice Worksheet
1:15-1:45 Cathers- (1st/2nd) – Lesson 3-5: Problem Solving-Make a Table Focus: Children will make tables to solve problems Pose the problem (TM 107) -student workpage 107 -need counters Model/Demonstrate Video Guided Practice/Independent Practice
Amy: (K)- 2-4 Reteach Worksheet 2-4 Practice Worksheet
1:45-2:45 Art 2:45-3:00 Snack/Dinner Friday October 31, 2014 GOOD CITIZNES @ 2:00
Send Home NEWSLETTER Send Home NEW WWW Send Home ALPHABET LETTERS (Pp, Qq)-(sound & letter names)
OT: 8:45-9:00 Jaedyn Costa 9:35-9:45 Whole Group Lesson 9:45-10:00 Sierra Purvis & Alyssa Olgesby 10:00-10:15 Noah Carter & Russell Dearing Speech: 10:35-11:05 Kierra Fishburn 1:15-1:45 Whole Group Lesson
SSL: 2:00-2:30 Whole Group Lesson
Good Citizens: Bingo boards: -#’s 1-10 -shapes -colors
Math: pumpkin seeds Pumpkin picture Glue
“Halloween Theme” Spelling
Halloween video: The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown
Halloween Art craft ______8:30-9:00 Calendar/Count to 50
9:05-9:35 Music 9:35- 10:05 Cathers- SRA Group 1 Lesson 108 Amy- SRA Group 2 Lesson 41 Toni- Group 3 Individual Reading (Leveled Rdg books)/Library
10:05-10:35 Cathers- SRA Group 3 Lesson 34 Amy- Group 2 Individual Reading (Leveled rdg books)/Library Toni- Group 1 (ABC Flashcards)
10:35-10:55 Snack/Bathroom
10:55-11:35 Halloween Math -Counting pumpkin seeds -using seeds to solve addition problems
11:35 Line up for lunch
11:40-12:35 Lunch/Recess/Test Students (Reading assessment)
12:30-12:50 “Halloween Theme” Spelling
12:45-1:10 Halloween video: The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown
1:15-1:45 Deatherage Language Lesson (change out reading book bags)
1:45-2:00 Halloween Art craft
2:00-2:30 Good Citizens Troppa Group Lesson (fill in students planners)
2:30-3:00 get ready for dismissal