American Patriots

Grade level 5 meets Social Studies Standards

Understanding: Students will understand how the American Patriots helped share our countries independence.

Essential Questions: 1. What is patriotism? 2. How was patriotism defined during the time period of 1750- 1790? 3. Is patriotism still important today? 4. What qualities should a patriot have today in 21st century America?

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Overall unit requirements: Two-page biography typed and double-spaced with cover page. Timeline of major events in patriot’s life. Power point presentation of 3 to 5 slides or hanging mobile. Share oral report with class and or Power point. Students will help create a bulletin board of the American Patriots.

Over all goal or objective for this unit: students will be able to answer all the essential questions and draw their own conclusions about why their chosen patriot would be considered for the Patriot Hall of Fame.

Materials: computers, paper, markers, pens, pencils, graph paper, construction paper, glue, scissors

Daily Activities:

Day l: Introduce the unit by asking students what they know about the American Patriots that lived during the time of the American Revolution. List these on the board. Read Lynne Cheney’s recently published book, America-A Patriotic Primer to gain information and create pique interest in the subject. Select a patriotic number such as “America,” to use as a theme song and teach to the class. During the first activity, I would have the students use blank note cards to record the name of the patriot they chose on one side with three facts recorded on the other side. The students would then work in groups of three to create either a word find or crossword puzzle with the recorded facts. Time allotted: 60 minutes each day. Day 2: Unit requirements will be passed out and discussed. Teacher will go over outline and note taking procedures. Students will take notes from a minimum of two sources and make an outline. When their outline is okayed, a rough draft will be started.

Day 3: Students will continue working on rough draft and timeline. Use graph paper to construct time line. Rough draft is due. Begin work on cover page.

Day 4: Students will begin to use the computer to complete cover page, timeline, and two-page biography.

Day 5: Introduce Powerpoint: Teacher shows her PowerPoint on Ben Franklin from her website explaining PowerPoint techniques. Students can experiment with different techniques to determine what they might what to include on their presentation.

Day 6: Students should continue working on their biographies and power points.

Day 7: Students will create a bulletin board together, using cover pages and timelines. Students will work to complete all projects.

Day 8: Celebration Day! Students will share oral reports, mobiles and power points. Students should use one prop or dress in character when giving their report. Spend sometime singing patriotic songs and cap off the day with a Flag cake and punch.