Virginia Plan New Jersey Plan Author: James Madison Author: William Patterson Branches of Government Branches of Government Legislative, Executive, Judicial Legislative Structure of Legislative Branch Structure of Legislative Branch Bicameral Upper and Lower Unicameral Houses Representation of States Representation of States Based on population of the state 1 representative per state Powers assumed by Federal Government Tax States Raise an army

CONSTITUTIONAL ERA Place the following events of the Constitutional Era on the time line

Northwest Ordinance Treaty of Paris Ratification of the Constitution Shay’s Rebellion Constitutional Convention Land Ordinance of 1785 Ratification of the Articles of Confederation

1775 1780 1785 1790

II. Constitutional Convention A. Leaders Attending George Washington Alexander Hamilton James Madison Benjamin Franklin

B. Leaders Absent Thomas Jefferson (France) John Adams (England) III. Constitutional Compromises

Virginia Plan New Jersey Plan

The Great Compromise (The Connecticut Compromise)

The Great Compromise settled the conflict over the issue of Representation. Senate 2 per state choosen by the lower house Upper House Represented How members would be choosen Bicameral

House of Repres. Population for every 30,000 would equal 1 Representative per state and or 1 per state if less Lower House Three Fifths Compromise

Conflict: How should the slave population be counted?

Southern States Southern states wanted the slaves to be counted as population for representation even though they did not have rights under the Constitution

Northern States Didn’t believe that it was fair for the slaves to be counted for population

Compromise 3/5ths of the slaves population would count for representation and they would also have to pay federal taxes on the slaves. The South gained with representation and the North felt they gained because the South was paying taxes into the federal government for the representation

C. Commerce Compromise

Conflict: How much control should the national government have over trade?

Northern States

Southern States Compromise:

1. Federal or National Government’s Authority 2. Resolution of the tariff question 3. Provisions to protect the slave trade Congress was forbidden to tax exports and to pass laws against slave trade for at least 20 years 4. Senate Majority required to enact Treaties of Commerce Overview of the Constitution and Article I The Legislative Branch 1. List six purposes of the Constitution. Form a perfect union, establish justice, secure the blessings of liberty, domestic tranquility, provide for defense, promote welfare 2. How many articles are included in the Constitution? 7

How many Amendments? 27 3. What powers are given Congress in Article I, Section I? All legislative powers 4. Article I, Section 2 organizes which House of Congress? House of Representatives 5. How long does a representative serve? 2 years 6. What are the qualifications for being a representative? 25 years old, citizen 7 years, inhabitant of the state chose. 7. How does a state determine how many representatives it may have? 1 for every 30,000 and each state has at least 1 8. The size of the House of Representatives is limited to how many members? It is not limited 9. Who is the leader of the House of Representatives? Speaker of the House 10. What power does the House of Representatives have? Sole power to impeach 11. Article I, section 3, organizes which House of Congress? Senate 12. Each state has how many Senators? 2 13. How long does a Senator serve? 6 year terms 14. What are the qualifications for Senators? 30 years old, 9 years citizen of US, live in state elected 15. Who serves as President of the Senate? Vice-President of US 16. What is the duty of the Senate President? To break a tie vote/ Preside over Senate 17. Define impeachment. Which House impeaches? Which House tries? House charges a government official of wrong doing, and the Senate acts as a court to decide if the official is guilty 18. Article I, Section 6 lists several restrictions and privileges for the congressmen. What are these restrictions and privileges? 1.) Compensation for their services 2.) Except for Treason, felony and Breach of the Peace 3.) Can’t be appointed to any civic office 19. How does a Bill become a law? Passes the House and Senate and then be presented to the President to be signed. 20. What is in Article I, section 8? Lists the powers given to Congress 21. Why is Article I, Section 8, clause 18 called the “elastic clause”? because it stretches to fit many different circumstances 22. List several powers denied congress. Writ of Habeas Corpus not suspended, no bill of attainder, ex post facto laws 23. List several powers denied the states. No state treaty’s, coin money, emit Bills of Credit 24. Where is the 3/5 Compromise incorporated in Article I? Section 2 Representation for the House of Representatives 25. At the time the Constitution was ratified, which state had the greatest population? VA with 10 26. How does the United States government resemble the British Parliament? 2 Houses and President 27. How is most business of the House of Representatives accomplished? Committees 28. What are some special duties of the Senate? Sole House to try impeachment cases 29. What is a “Filibuster”? a member of the legislature who obstructs a bill by making long speeches. 30. What matters require a 2/3 majority vote from either or both houses of congress? Impeach votes, bills, appointments, approval 31. What was the purpose of the 20th Amendment? Change in dates for Presidential and Congressional terms in office 32. Why did the delegates to the Constitutional Convention create a government based on “Separation of Powers”? Why has this system been criticized? To keep the government from becoming too powerful Keep government from getting work done 33. What is a federal system? A system of a union of states in which each member is subordinate to a central government 34. What is a strict constructionists? A loose constructionists? What are implied powers? Strict Constructionists is someone who believes you should interpret the Constitution as is. Loose Constructionist is someone who believes if it isn’t stated you can do it Implied powers are not stated but which are implied and therefore can be used. 35. Article I, section 8, clause 11 gives Congress the power to declare war. However, on several occasions Presidents have conducted war without a formal declaration. What were these occasions? Vietnam, Tripolian War, Korean

Executive and Judicial Branches Name: ______

1. What is the duty of the Executive Branch? Enforce the laws 2. How long is a presidential term? 4 years 3. How do amendments 22 and 25 relate to the presidency? 2- term limit on President and deals with the president’s disability 4. How many possible votes in the electoral college and what do they represent? 538 Representatives 5. How does a state determine the number of electoral votes it has? Representation on population 6. How many electoral votes must a candidate win in order to become president? 270 7. In the rare case a candidate does not receive the required number of electoral votes, how is the election decided? goes to the House of Representatives 8. List the three Constitutional requirements for the presidency. 35 years old, citizen of the US, 14 years resident in the US 9. List three Constitutional duties of the President. Commander in Chief, State of the Union Address, Enforces laws, grants reprieves, pardons, makes treaties, appoints ambassadors and judges 10. List three duties or responsibilities the president has that are outside the Constitution. Head of Political party, Nation’s spokes person, responsible for the economy 11. What is the duty of the Judicial Branch? interpret the laws 12. What is Judicial Review? Why is it such an important power? Power of the courts to declare an act of Congress unconstitutional 13. How are the Supreme Court Justices selected and how long do they serve? By the President approved by the Senate and they serve for life 14. How many justices sit on the Supreme Court? Who presides over the Supreme Court? 9 Chief Justice 15. How does the Constitution define Treason? Only in levying war against them, adhering to the enemies giving them aid and comfort 16. What are the three levels of courts in the federal system? District Courts, Circuit Courts of Appeals, Various other courts

American History Quiz Name: ______Checks and Balances

A.Veto Laws B.Declare laws unconstitutional C.Refuse to ratify (accept) a presidential treaty D.Grant pardons and reprieves to federal offenders E. Impeach Supreme Court Justices F. Declare presidential acts unconstitutional G.Override a presidential veto H.Refuse to ratify an appointment to the Supreme Court I. Call special sessions of Congress J. Refuse to confirm presidential appointments