Chapter 4 Study Guide federal national; whole country constitution Written set of laws that tells how a government is to work. congress Legislative branch of government; decides new laws for the nation representative A person chosen to act or speak for others.

Supreme Court Most important court in the United States rights freedoms

Bill of Rights Names the rights and freedoms that belong to ALL Americans. vote Make a choice that gets counted election Voting time ballot A list of all the choices

Majority rule more than half; get what they want Gives each adult citizen the right to democracy vote; allows everyone to take part in running the country candidate Someone who is running for office justice Fairness patriotic symbol stands for the ideas people believe in patriotism pride people have for their country

How does the government solve Talk about them and vote on how to problems? solve them

What are three duties the President 1- Sees that the laws are obeyed has? 2- Speaks to Congress 3- Works with other nations

What do Supreme Court justices do? Study laws that have been made by the Congress (legislative branch)

What responsibilities do 1 – voting American citizens have? 2 – obeying laws and rules 3 – pay taxes!

What is majority rule? More than half – get what they want

What does it mean to pledge Promise to be true and all that it allegiance to the flag? stands for! - War of 1812 - Wait through the night to see What event led to Key’s writing the who had won poem that became the national - Francis Scott Key saw it still anthem? flying in the morning (dawn’s early light) What are minority rights? - Allows those who did not vote for the winner to keep their rights