Rocky Mountain Oracle Users Group

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Rocky Mountain Oracle Users Group

Rocky Mountain Oracle Users Group P.O. Box 10142 Scottsdale, AZ 85271-0142 [email protected]


A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the above non-profit organization was held on September 15, 2015 at 6:07 p.m. MDT via conference call.


Tim Gorman called the meeting to order at 6:07pm and a quorum was declared present based on the presence of the following members on the conference call:

Tim Gorman Kellyn Pot’Vin-Gorman John Jeunnette Bob Mason Mark James Art Marshall Karen Funston Sruthi Kumar Annamnidu Dan Hotka Chris Chase Ann Horton Peggy King Vince Giasoli Pat Van Buskirk

The following corporate actions were taken by appropriate motions duly made, seconded, and adopted by the majority vote of the Directors entitled to vote (unless a higher voting approval is stated).

1 Rocky Mountain Oracle Users Group P.O. Box 10142 Scottsdale, AZ 85271-0142 [email protected]


PRESIDENT – Tim Gorman: Board of Directors webpage proposals – Tim proposed changes to the BoD member information on the RMOUG website in order to fit all member’s information onto a single screen. Members could use links to social media for biography information, and the BoD title would link to the respective section of the Roles and Responsibilities page for that role. Art raised some concern over privacy and LinkedIn advertising. Discussion included options for social media links, and the option of no bios. The primary reason for this change is to enhance the user experience on the RMOUG website. Tim agreed to provide “story boards” of how the proposed BoD member page would work for discussion at the next BoD meeting in October; Tim also suggested a survey of the BoD regarding the options.

Social Media Survey – Tim provided information regarding the social media survey he sent out in August. There were 10 responses out of 23 survey invitations. Results of the 10 responses indicated that 7 of the 10 were using LinkedIn and Twitter, and that 4 wanted to learn more about social media. Tim encouraged all the board members to get their social media profiles out more. Discussion centered on ways that social media can help promote RMOUG.

Executive Director Title – Currently the “Executive Director” title is attached to the secretary role in the RMOUG bylaws, and requires a vote of the entire RMOUG membership in order to change. In the interim, until such time as we are able to take a vote of the membership to change the bylaws, Tim makes a motion to apply the title of “Executive Director” to Peggy King. Mark seconds the motion. No objections or discussion, and the motion passes.

Newsletter Director Update – Given that Pat is now the Newsletter Director, and she is making a contribution to the RMOUG and the board, and also given that the board is currently full with 15 members, Tim wants to find a mechanism to allow her to vote. Tim proposed that since two of the current board members are “inactive” (John Peterson and Andreas Katsaris), that we remove one of those “inactive” board members to allow Pat a vote on the board. Tim makes a motion to remove John Peterson from the board for inactivity. Bob Mason seconds. Mark James indicates that it’s not fair to remove one over the other, and suggests that the motion be revised to remove both inactive board members, and that both can be voted in as members at large. Mark James seconds the revised motion, and the motion passes.

2 Rocky Mountain Oracle Users Group P.O. Box 10142 Scottsdale, AZ 85271-0142 [email protected]

Training Days Update – Tim makes a motion to change Kellyn to TD Director and Karen to Assistant Training Days Director. Karen seconds. No discussion, and the motion passes.

PROGRAMS/EDUCATION DIRECTOR – Dan Hotka and Susan Llanes QEW 2 - Fall 2015 – Dan confirmed the date (11/12), venue (Oracle DTC office), speaker, etc. are all lined up. The session will be hands on sessions with Oracle R, DW, and OBIEE from Vlamis. Dan indicated Vlamis has been slow to get him marketing info, but registration email (?) for the event will be sent soon. The workshop is about 2 hours and pizza will be served for lunch.

QEW 4 – Spring 2016 – Dan is starting to plan dates for the Spring 2016 QEW, and asked the board if they thought Thursdays would work for a QEW? Also, Dan is beginning to look at venues for Summer 2016 QEW. He wants to confirm location ASAP, and is currently considering 6 options. Dan will provide more information at the next board meeting.

SECRETARY – Chris Chase Submitted August 18, 2015 Board Minutes for approval.

Tim Gorman motioned to approve August 18, 2015 Board Minutes as submitted by RMOUG Secretary Chris Chase. The motion was seconded by Mark James and passed with a unanimous approval from the Directors.

TREASURER REPORT – John Jeunnette John Jeunnette motioned, Dan Hotka seconded, to accept the treasurer’s report; the motion carried.

John noted that more income is expected in the next quarter as TD and annual renewal approach.

Art inquired about the scholarship fund, and why it was so low? Discussion of transferring funds from savings to scholarship account to avoid monthly charges. John makes a motion to transfer $8K from savings account to scholarship fund. Tim seconds the motion, and the motion passes. Tim also indicated he would bring a proposal to the board, at the next board meeting, regarding the current CD account which will expire in January 2016. He will also include information on management of operating versus investment funds.

TRAINING DAYS DIRECTORS –Kellyn Pot’Vin-Gorman and Karen Funston Kellyn reported she is working with Jill at Team YCC, and she is trying to achieve a 10% profit from TD16. They will be trying to increase exhibitor fees 40%. The Guidebook mobile app will cost $3400. Contract dates set for VIP

3 Rocky Mountain Oracle Users Group P.O. Box 10142 Scottsdale, AZ 85271-0142 [email protected]

reception at Rock Bottom on February 9th. She also indicated they will be using “Beer Bucks” to market local breweries, and there will be a sponsored event on February 10th. Kelly also indicated we would be using crowd sourcing for some of the TD activities. Lastly, Kellyn is trying to get Connor and Chris from for the keynote address.

Call for papers remains open, and is being promoted through LinkedIn groups. Abstract reviewer email has gone out, and 3 reviewer sessions are complete. Abstract selection will occur on October 15th.

VICE PRESIDENT – Bob Mason Bob reported that he will begin the Regis DBLab SIG in Oct/Nov timeframe, and that he would like to begin with quarterly meetings (Oct, Feb, Jun, etc.?). Discussion of what day of the week would be best, and Kumar and Bob agreed to discuss “off-line”.

SIG DIRECTOR – Kumar Annamnidu Update on 5 Meetup Groups: Big Data had a successful September meetup with 2 different presentations. WIT SIG – Kellyn indicated there are issues getting time for meetings and not sure if she can commit to monthly meetings, and that perhaps this should be integrated into TD. Bob discussed a WIT movie playing at Regis and was curious if RMOUG would help promote the movie? Tim proposed a $500 donation to promote the Regis WIT movie. Kumar coordinating with Chris Chase on EPM / BI SIG Kumar coordinating with Tim to find someone to lead the MySQL SIG Engineered Systems SIG has first meeting scheduled for October 8th, and Bob has provided a room at Regis DTC. Continued coordination with Sumeet. Raspberry Pi SIG held meeting over Labor Day weekend. October 17th is the next meeting date. Thanks to Bob and Regis for providing rooms.

SOCIAL MEDIA DIRECTOR – Bobby Curtis Reviewed the August social media report. Members were encouraged to participate in social media. Big SCHOLARSHIP – Mark James Scholarship deadline is September 15th, and currently there are no scholarship applicants.

WEBMASTER – Art Marshall No updates.

4 Rocky Mountain Oracle Users Group P.O. Box 10142 Scottsdale, AZ 85271-0142 [email protected]

NEWSLETTER – Pat Van Buskirk

Newsletter is almost ready, and should go to publisher on Thursday (9/17). Tim makes a motion to accept Pat as a voting board member. Karen seconds, and the motion passes with no discussion.

Peggy indicated she will be sending monthly emails rather than weekly.


No new business was brought up.


Tim Gorman motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:52pm and was seconded by Mark James with a unanimous approval by the Directors entitled to vote. The next board meeting will be the 3rd Tuesday of October (October 20 @ 6PM MDT).

There will be no further business, as this meeting was duly adjourned.

Chris Chase RMOUG Secretary


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