Unit One: Prehistory And Early Civilizations Of The Mediterranean And Middle East

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Unit One: Prehistory And Early Civilizations Of The Mediterranean And Middle East

Unit Three: Asia, Africa, and the Indian Ocean, 600-1750

In this unit we will study the Mongol conquests and their impacts, the continued spread of Islam, and the importance of trade and contacts between Asia, Africa, and the lands of the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

Monday, October 17: pg. 284 -291 (Sui and Tang China)

What was Sui China’s most impressive achievement and what was its importance? Give examples of external influences on Tang China. Describe Tibetan and Tang hostility towards Buddhism n the 800’s. What were its results?

Tuesday, October 18: pg. 291-297 (Song China)

Describe the dynamics of Buddhism and Confucianism in Sui, Tang, and Song China. What roles did they play? When were certain ideas favored over others? Describe diplomatic challenges which faced Tang and Song China. Who their rivals? What were some of Song China’s technological advances? What caused Song China’s development of such advances?

Wednesday, October 19: pg. 297-303 (Korea, Japan, and Vietnam)

What Confucian and Buddhist influences diffused to Japan, Korea, and Vietnam via China? Describe the development of ruling elites in Japan.

Friday, October 21: pg. 341-348 (The Mongols)

What facilitated Mongol conquest of such a large area so quickly? How did effects of Mongol dominance differ from core areas of conquest to peripheral areas? How did the Mongols facilitate the spread of plague? What was the Political Unity of the Mongols like by 1265?

Monday, October 24: pg. 349-356 (The Mongol Khanates, Il-Khans)

Describe reaction to the Mongols in Lithuania, Russia, Ottoman Turkey, and Mamluk Egypt. Describe Mongol conversion to Islam in Russia and the Middle East. How did conversion affect politics and conflict? What was Mongol religion like before conversion? What effects did tax farming have in the Middle East and in China? Describe specific accomplishments in Islamic astronomy, history, and math under the Il-Khans. What effects did the presence of the Golden Horde have on the development of Russia?

Tuesday, October 25: pg. 356-359 (Yuan China)

Who were the Il-Khans, Timurids, Jagadai, Golden Horde, and Yuan? Why were the Mongols unsuccessful in their attempts to conquer Japan in 1274 and 1281? Describe social class, religion, and medicine in Yuan China. What effects did Yuan rule have on urban China and what effects did it have on rural China?

Wednesday, October 26: pg. 359-363 (Ming China)

What initial changes came with the emergence of China’s Ming Dynasty in 1368? Describe the accomplishments of the Ming Emperor Yongle. What purpose was served by the treasure ship journeys of Zheng He? Why did these journeys not initiate an era of Chinese exploration and expansion? What Ming cultural, literary, and artistic accomplishments were there? Friday, October 28: pg. 579-587 (Ming and Qing China) / Reading Quiz # 6

Describe the Emperor Kangxi’s accomplishments. What influence did the Qing have on Europe and vice-versa?

Monday, October 31: pg. 362-367 and 574-579 (Japan – Kamakura /Tokugawa Shogunates)

What characterized social class in Tokugawa Japan? What did Japan do in reaction to foreign influence during the Tokugawa period?

Tuesday, November 1: pg. 378-385 (The Delhi Sultanate and Mali)

How was Mali similar to the earlier Kingdom of Ghana? How was it different? How did Mansa Musa the King of Mali demonstrate West Africa’s commitment to Islam? How did Timbuktu demonstrate the strength of Islam in West Africa? What importance do Ibn Battuta and Marco Polo hold? How did Muslims come to rule northern India by the early 1200’s? How did southern India react to the Delhi Sultanate? What led to the Sultanate’s decline?

Wednesday, November 2: pg. 385-390 (Indian Ocean Trade)

Split the Indian Ocean trade network into an eastern and western half, then split those halves. How was the Swahili Coast in a prime location to benefit from traffic on the Indian Ocean? How does the Swahili Coast port cities relationship to Zimbabwe exemplify this? What made Aden prominent and profitable in Indian Ocean trade? What made Malacca prominent and profitable in Indian Ocean trade? Describe the export and manufacturing economy of Gujarat and the Malabar Coast.

Friday, November 3: pg. 548-561 (Ottomans and Safavids) / Reading Quiz # 7

How did the Ottoman Empire get to be so expansive? What lands did it encompass? Describe military institutions of the Ottomans, how they originated and how they evolved. What reasons and evidence of Ottoman weakness existed after 1650? How was the Iranian Safavid Empire unique from the Ottomans? How was it similar?

Monday, November 7: pg. 561-568 (The Mughals and the Indian Ocean)

What religious conflicts existed in India under the Mughals? What did Akbar do to encourage religious toleration between Hindus and Muslims?

Tuesday, November 8: pg. 587 -592 (Russia)

Describe Russian rivalries on their borders and why they expanded eastwards. Who are the Cossacks and what importance do they play in Russian history? Discuss Peter the Great’s influence on Russia.

Wednesday, November 9: UNIT III EXAM (70 Multiple Choice) Key Vocab / Grademakers:

Polynesia Easter Island moai Sui Grand Canal Tang Song Uigurs Gunpowder Kitans/Liao Empire Jurchens/Jin Empire Kamakura Shogunate champa rice Koryo Genghis Khan Golden Horde Rashid al-Din Timur Ibn Khaldun Nasir al-Din Tusi Yuan Khubilai Khan Marco Polo Ming Zheng He Yongle Qing Kangxi Kamikaze Ashikaga Shogunate Tokugawa Shogunate samurai Closing of Japan Ibn Battuta Delhi Sultanate Mali Mansa Musa Timbuktu Indian Ocean trade Great Zimbabwe Malacca Gujarat Swahili Coast dhow Aden Malabar Coast Ottomans janissary Sulieman the Magnificent devshirme Safavids Mughals Akbar tsar (czar) Peter the Great Cossacks

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