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Wright State University

Student Government Meeting Minutes

(attendance/roll located on last page of document) Date: 02/14/12

Call to Order: 7:00 pm

Approval of Minutes: Approved.

Executive Reports:  President – Paul Reed o The last regular season home basketball game of the year is tomorrow. o Pack the house women’s game Thursday. Contest for all student orgs. Largest turn out wins $500.00  Vice-President – Nick Warrington o Over the past week I attended Rainbow Alliances Equality Dinner. o Working with the honors institute for the presidential lecture, Robert Ballard o Met with Res Life idea about open house ideas o Sat in on Academic Integrity Hearing to discuss our proposed resolution  Chief of Staff – Steve Young o Meetings with SG members individually over the last week o Please submit progress by tonight o Met with Dominick, talked about abilities expo. He is doing a great job with this. o I also met with Andy Macy and talked about Rainbow Alliance.  Chief Justice – Jonathan Maze o Worked on associate interviews last week o I am updating election packets o Creating yard signs, flyers, and a message for the e-sign  Internal Affairs – Becca Bolender

Committee Reports:  If you have ideas for Buildings and Grounds let Steve know  Homecoming o Alumni Relations Executive Director was there. Big push for alumni coming to events. Specifically homecoming Saturday. o Next year October 8-14. How do we make it more known?  Academic Advising Conversion meeting this Friday. If you have anything that I need to bring to their attention please let Luke know.

1 Semester Reports:

Cabinet Reports:

 Speaker of the House – Ryan Phipps o Pack the House . Two prizes most students from an org . Highest % of your org o House of Reps: tomorrow 6-7 . Rick Danals will be speaking on new policy about insurance for student organizations o Met with Aaron Stokes about non students using facilities. Particularly basketball courts. o SG winter sporting event is most likely going to be March 1st, dodgeball/wheel chair basketball  Assistant Speaker of the House – Brandy Zapata  Director of Academic Affairs – Nick Port  Director of Campus Culture – Christian Richardson  Director of Disability Affairs – Dominick Evans o Abilities Expo, met with Dr. Hopkins he gave us $2000 o Still looking for volunteers. Please sign up on the sheets coming around.  Director of International Affairs – Marc Tshimanyika o Met with ICE last week to talk about Valentine’s Day Dance and Peace Rally o Confirmation tonight for associate o Prayer Room Resolution coming soon  Director of Public Relations – Adam Verdecchia o Isaiah did a great job with the Abilities Expo flyer o I am working on campaign advertisement  Director of Student Affairs – Galen Crawford o I have created a SFC request for stage one of the student org complex revamp  Director of Web Communications – Matt Burks o Wireless networks on campus have been slow. I have been talking to CATS about this. They will be meeting with us soon o Suggesting a spiritual room for all students

Senator Reports:

 Boonshoft School of Medicine Senator – Riyad Tayim o Congrats to Nick’s mom for receiving the WSU Parent of The Year Award o Engineering presentation is this Thursday o The school of medicine has a local family doctor coming. She will be talking to us about disease that she sees in the community and how she approaches them o Finished interviewing for new Therapeutics Director and Assistant Director of Pathology  College of Education and Human Services Senator – Jeremy Keller o CEHS Event is February 21st from 1-3pm in the ERC  College of Engineering and Computer Science Senator – Cory Snyder o “Fit Fest” email coming your way, they are looking for volunteers  College of Liberal Arts Senator – Luke Wortley o Typed an usher sign up proposal that we will be taking to the department Wright State University

Student Government Meeting Minutes

o Every student taking Japanese will be filling out a survey to say if they would be interested in a minor o Working on a collaborative effort for students to do film acting o Write Contest out until 3/2

 College of Nursing and Health Senator – Brittany Piasecki o 2nd DSAB meeting was today . elected a president . revised bylaws o We will be having a t-shirt contest between different tracks to promote the nursing school and raise money o Trying to contact Mark Clymac, a man from Cedarville, who does NCLEX reviews for nursing students to go to o Meeting with Dr. Berry who is doing a total web revision for college o Working with Student Athlete Advisory Council to do a student outreach with them  College of Science and Math Senator – Kent Weaver  Commuter Senator – Abby Benston o Met with Vicki Harness to create a more concrete plan for commuter event in spring o Writing letter to seek funds for microwave in student commuter lounge o Drafting legislation for crosswalk on residential drive  Raj Soin College of Business Senator – Matthew Harmon o Last Friday I went to an alumni event for my DSAB o I also have a meeting with Joann to discuss marketing maps in the College of Business  Residential Senator – Jake Todd o Recycle mania all over campus  The Graduate School Senator – Lindsey Hofmeyer o GSA first meeting was very productive. o Next Tuesday, GSA along with Department of Sociology are hosting a round table based off the book half sky turning oppression into opportunity for women. Stopping human trafficking of women.  University College Senator – Jenn Barbadora o Working on collaboration effort with other freshman leadership groups o This week I’ve been working to market the leadership conference to freshman students o I will be submitting ideas to Vicky for the Student Union re-design this week.

Discussion of Reports:

Public Forum:  One space, the old pharmacy downstairs would be a great temporary solution for the prayer room

3  Senators, talk about advising and maps this is a huge issue.

Old Business: Smoking Policy Amendment Resolution:

 Discussion foregone  Vote o In favor: 8 o Opposed: 3 o Abstain: 2 . Passed

Safety resolution

 Ryan contacted police chief, waiting for feedback from him  Vote o In favor: 7 o Opposed: 0 o Abstain: 3 . Passed Prime Social Group:

 Would have the option to opt out  Test run only  Year by year basis  PR for SG  New unpaid position that would receive payment via tickets  Tickets for all SG members that want them  Individuals will not be forced to use their own fb page

New Business:

Confirmation of Associate Chief Justice- Will Scott

 In Favor: 10  Opposed: 0  Abstain: 0

Confirmation of Associate of International Affairs- Aashwin Sachdev

 In Favor: 10  Opposed: 0  Abstain: 0

Raider Rowdy Award: Wright State University

Student Government Meeting Minutes

 Katrina Huey to Dominick Evans

Advisor Reports:  Dr. Gary Dickstein  Dr. Dan Abrahamowicz o Organizational Change. Nutter Center now reports to Student Affairs o Invite new VP Physical Affairs to a meeting

Announcements:  Heritage Ball: 2/24 from 8-12 in the Berry Room  BSU: 2/21- forum about the Civil War and Black Confederate Soldiers.  Every Wednesday they have open forums in multicultural center  Basketball game: Dayton CW will be there

Adjournment: 8:22 pm

Attendance Executive: Cabinet: Senate: President- Paul Reed Speaker of the House- Ryan Phipps University College Senator- Jenn Barbadora Chief of Staff-Steve Young Assistant Speaker of the House- Brandy College of Education and Human Zapata Services Senator: Jeremy Keller Director of Internal Affairs- Becca College of Engineering and Computer Bolender Science Senator- Cory Snyder Vice President- Nick Warrington Director of International Affairs- Marc College of Liberal Arts Senator- Luke Tshimanyika Wortley Chief Justice- Jonathan Maze Director of Public Relations- Adam Boonshoft School of Medicine Senator- Verdecchia Riyad Tayim Director of Student Affairs- Galen Commuter Senator- Abby Benston Crawford Advisors: Director of Web Communications- Matt Raj Soin College of Business Senator- Burkes Matt Harmon Dr. Dan Abrahamowicz Director of Disability Affairs- Dominick Residential Senator- Jake Todd Evans

5 Dr. Gary Dickstein Associates: College of Nursing and Health Senator- Brittany Piasecki Associate Public Relations- Isaiah The Graduate School Senator- Lindsey Morales Hofmeyer Associate Chief Justice- Spencer Brannon

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