Emergency Management Adoption TC Meeting Notes

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Emergency Management Adoption TC Meeting Notes

Emergency Management Collateral & Documents SC Meeting Notes 05/23/2016

Attendees: Rex Brooks Tom Ferrentino Elysa Jones

Emergency Management Collateral & Documents SC Report/Discussion

We had a quorum, BUT couldn’t approve Meeting Notes from 05-23-2017 as amended because Tom’s OASIS account hadn’t been updated since his renewal so he couldn’t download the notes.

We caught Tom up on developments in the TC for the EDXL Workshop.

Tom is going to work on mastering the Model-View-Controller (MVC) application development pattern on the .Net platform and will work with Rex to adapt the reference implementations of EDXL-CAP-v1.2 with EDXL-DE-v1.0 and v2.0 for the .Net platform and C# to mirror the Java platform application once it is feasible to do so.

We went on to discuss the agenda for the next meeting, with the need to start working on materials for the EDXL Workshop, starting with datasheets for each of the EDXL specifications emphasizing our efforts to make sure the family or suite is internally self- consistent in terminology/nomenclature and file structure and naming conventions.

With no further business, Tom made the motion to adjourn, Rex seconded, and, with all in favor, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted, Rex Brooks.

We carried over the unaddressed items from previous meetings below. Time did not allow us to carry these discussions on further today, but we will continue to carry over the bulleted outline and provide dated notes as we discuss them in context of the EDXL Day Promotion under development.

1. Review Bold Italic Underlined items from the bulleted items in the Value-Chain analysis below

 Research (working out what standards are needed and what problems EDXL solves) -- This is something we have done for each of the EDXL specifications, so we have a well-worked out methodology of sub-processes. o Consult with Practitioners/Government Sponsors/NGO Consortia o Gather requirements from above (formal requirements/candidate specifications)  Standard Development o Define Scope from Requirements o Define Vocabulary and Data Model o Write Specification  Standard Approval (getting OASIS EM TC Committee Specification Approval, OASIS Standard Approval)  Standard Versioning uses overall process in sequence based on feedback from implementors/users  EDXL Family-wide Promotion o Provide overall UML class model with each specification included along with supporting elements o Provide StratML-based Strategy for overall EDXL family . Breakdown of audience/markets and needs/motivations for each in relation to EDXL . Breakdown of SOA v. Microservice Architecture for EDXL software implementations . Breakdown of Platforms, DBMS, Application Delivery Systems--mobile devices, cloud-based data persistence -- needs much more work . Breakdown of Key Technologies (XML vs. JSON for inter- service messaging/communications) . Develop overall Layout & Design for EDXL Family-wide Specification Sheet for new planned features to support adoption promotion . Develop text message for EDXL Family-wide Specification Sheet for new planned features to support adoption promotion. . (3-14-2017) Tom said we should consider if we should include documentation about how to use the EDXL specifications? Rex said we should pay attention to our audience, noting that he is too focused on the technical details of developing the EDXL Framework/Toolkit to be focused on the wider picture. Tom noted that users would probably not be interested in details of implementation. They just need to know the capabilities, how it can help them. . (3-14-2017) Elysa noted that we want to ask people like Desktop Alert, Buffalo Computer Graphics about what kind of name for the overall effort would appeal to them. We need an overall theme so we should ask OASIS, people like Chet and Jane Harnad and Dee Schur and Carol Geyer. So Rex asked if we should invite them to a brainstorming session. Elysa said she would take that action to send an email invitation to join us on the next Adoption TC call  EDXL Individual Standard/Committee Specification Promotion o (01-31-2017) Provide individual database schema for each specification and supporting elements (Based on overall UML Datamodel)? o (02-14-2017) Emphasize the interrelatedness of the EDXL suite of specifications. . Develop Layout & Design for specification-specific sheets for each member of the EDXL Family highlighting the new features to support adoption promotion . Develop text messages for specification-specific sheets for each member of the EDXL Family highlighting the new features to support adoption promotion  Technology vendor marketing and sign up  Vendor product development

2. Review where we are with regard to supporting the Strategic Learning App EDXL Promotion strategy

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