Freedom of Information - Response Template

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Freedom of Information - Response Template

Mr D Lewis Reply to: Gill Winn Direct Line: 0117 987 4222 Fax: 0117 903 7841 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxx E-mail: [email protected] Our ref: HSC 441 Date: 4 May 2011

Complaints serving Adult Health & Social Care

Complaints Section Leon Goddard Website PO Box 30 Performance Manager Amelia Court Pipe Lane Bristol BS99 7NB Dear Mr Lewis

Re: Freedom of Information request

I am writing in response to your Freedom of Information request.

1 How were the terms of reference of the consultation:

a. determined

A meeting was convened to define the terms of reference (minutes attached).

b. by whom

By the Business Partner HSC Finance in response to guidance issued by the Department of Heath.

2 Please provide a copy of the questions and documents provided to those consulted with regards potential increases to charges/removal of subsidy/alterations to/provision of meals on wheels.

Copy of questionnaire and DoH easy read document attached.

3 What were the criteria for person to be consulted?

All current meals recipients and potential users through reference groups.

4 How were people consulted?

By mailed questionnaire, direct mailing (including email) to 15 user reference groups and on Bristol City Council’s Consultation Finder website. 9 user representative groups attended 2 consultation meetings.

5 Was the potential impact of the consultation explained/communicated to those consulted?

A full explanation was provided in the letter appended to the questionnaire (attached).

6 How was the potential impact explained/communicated?

As 5 above.

Complaints serving Adult Health & Social Care

Complaints Section Leon Goddard Website PO Box 30 Performance Manager Amelia Court Pipe Lane Bristol BS99 7NB

7 How many people were consulted?

The questionnaire did not only relate to the meals charge increase but was also concerned with the implementation of the Fairer Contribution policy for non Residential Contributions.

4471 questionnaires were sent out.

8 How many people responded to the consultation?

879 (20%) Questionnaires were returned plus user representative feedback.

9 How many people responded to the specific sections of the consultation regarding meals on wheels charges increases/removal/reduction of subsidy?

753 responses

10 Of those responses in paragraph 9 above;

a. How many responses favoured an increase to meals on wheels charges?/Reduction in subsidy?

546 responses

b. How many responses opposed increases to meals on wheels charges?/Retention of subsidy?

207 responses

c. How many responses favoured a position of 100% charges/Complete removal of the subsidy?

255 responses

11 Please provide suitable anonymised copies of the section of the responses to the consultation concerning the meals on wheels subsidy/charges increase.

Results attached. Question 10 of the Questionnaire related to the increase in meals and no free text response was required to this question.

12 Please provide a copy of the results analysis referred to in

Complaints serving Adult Health & Social Care

Complaints Section Leon Goddard Website PO Box 30 Performance Manager Amelia Court Pipe Lane Bristol BS99 7NB this webpage:

http: // care/ fairer-contributions-policy/consultation/consult_view

Copy of the Cabinet Report dated 25 November 2011 attached which provides details of the analysis as at 11 above.

13 Please provide a copy of the recommendations made to Cabinet following this consultation.

Copy of the Cabinet Report dated 25 november 2011 attached.

14 Who was involved in the process of drafting said recommendations?

The Executive Member for HSC, Scrutiny Commission & Senior HSC Managers, taking account of the guidance provided by the DoH, work conducted by other Local Authorities, and after considering the results of the consultation process which was required under the guidance.

This response should answer your request in full, however if you are not satisfied with this response or wish to lodge an appeal against any exemptions that may have been applied, you can do so by writing to the Data Protection Officer at Bristol City Council Legal Services, The Council House, College Green, Bristol, or [email protected]. Details of the complaints procedure can be found at

If, after you have exhausted the council’s complaints procedure, you are still not satisfied with the response you have received you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner, details of your right to complain can be found at

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Complaints serving Adult Health & Social Care

Complaints Section Leon Goddard Website PO Box 30 Performance Manager Amelia Court Pipe Lane Bristol BS99 7NB holders.

Yours sincerely

Gill Winn Complaints Manager

Complaints serving Adult Health & Social Care

Complaints Section Leon Goddard Website PO Box 30 Performance Manager Amelia Court Pipe Lane Bristol BS99 7NB

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