Chapter 15 Reports

Section 1 Ledgers

- Non-HAP

- HAP Section 2 Receivables

- Rent Roll

- Aging Detail/Summary Section 3 Extremely Low Income Report Section 4 Budget Comparison/Balance Sheet

1 of 9 Section 1 Ledgers

To pull a resident ledger you will need to be in the roll of Affordable Entire Set. Across the top of the screen click on Guest, then “Find Resident” from drop down box.

2 of 9 Once you have found your resident you will click on “Reports”.

From the drop-down menu you will then choose “Ledger”, which shows both HAP and tenant details, “Ledger – HAP”, or “Ledger – non HAP”.

3 of 9 Section 2 Receivables

Rent Roll You will need to be in the roll of “Affordable Entire Set”.

4 of 9 Click on the “Monthly Procedures” tab.

Choose “Affordable Reports”.

Fill in property, as of date (ending), choose “rent roll” from drop down menu under report type, and choose “unit” under summarize by. You can then choose to display on the screen or export to excel or PDF file.

Aging Detail Summary

5 of 9 From your monthly procedures menu you will click on “Affordable Receivable Reports”.

Choose property, current or past residents (or leave blank for both), choose “Receivable Aging Detail” from drop down box for Report type, and summarize by Resident. Minimum amount is 0.01 and “exclude” HUD subsidies. You can display on screen or export to Excel or PDF file.

6 of 9 Section 3 Extremely Low Income Report

Click “Reports” from the left-hand menu then click “SQL Reports” at the bottom.

7 of 9 Click on “Extremely Low Income Report”.

Fill in property, effective date range, choose Screen as destination and submit.

8 of 9 Section 4 Budget Comparison/Balance Sheet

You will need to be in the “NHE Custom Menu” role to pull these reports.

9 of 9 Choose “Analytics”, then “Financial Analytics”. For Budget Comparison:

- Fill in property, Accrual for Book, choose “Budget Comparison” from Report Type drop down menu, and fill in dates. For Balance Sheet:

- Fill in property, Accrual for Book, choose “Balance Sheet” from Report Type drop down menu, and fill in period. You can display to screen or export to Excel or PDF file.

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