[Feel free to download, copy & paste, whatever you want with this document. Delete the stuff in the brackets when you are writing your report]

Living Environment Quarterly Lab Report

Names of lab partners:

Title of Lab:

Purpose/Question: [What is being tested in the experiment?]

Hypothesis: [what you believe will happen based on your purpose/question and content knowledge.]

Materials: [list everything used in the experiment.]

Procedures: [When read, a person should be able to set up and carry out the experiment exactly as your group did… details, details, details]

Data: [Include any/all data tables, graphs, etc.]

Results: [Does the data support/refute the hypothesis]

Summary: [A few sentences describing the overall experience of the experiment. What worked, what didn’t, why or why not, etc…]

[If your group wants to present their results in a presentation (Power Point, etc.) you can do that instead of writing a report just be sure to check with Mr. Vaughn first.]