Task Library

User Manual

Mercury Computer Systems (Aust) Pty Ltd Level 3, 271 William Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 ABN: 75 632 408 132 Tel: +61 3 9602 2255 Fax: +61 3 9602 2595 Support: +61 3 9672 6161 [email protected] www.beims.com Task Library – User Guide

Table of Contents

INTRODUCTION...... 3 Using this manual...... 3 BEIMS General Features...... 3 BEIMS Hot Keys...... 3 User Guide Standards...... 4 Where do I get help for BEIMS?...... 4 REGISTERING THE TASK LIBRARY...... 4 RUNNING THE TASK LIBRARY...... 5 How do I Open the Task Library?...... 5 PLANNED MAINTENANCE SYSTEM...... 10 How do I accept a Task into BEIMS?...... 10 How do I exit the Task Library?...... 12 APPENDIX 1 - REFERENCES...... 13

D:\Docs\2018-04-22\0918b059e8cf5a89c63684e985b2d626.doc Revised KB 25 February 2002 Task Library – User Guide


Using this manual

The Task Library is a standard representation of typical and specific work instructions generally used in the Planned Maintenance System (PMS) of BEIMS. This library is updated at intervals and in the past has not had an upgrade path. The delivery of the library on a CD and transferring selected tasks via the “PM Task Details” screen Copy function provides Mercury Computer Systems with the ability to provide updates when and as they become available.

Mercury Computer Systems has obtained permission from the Standards Association of Australia to reproduce their standards for the above purpose. Using the text in any other format other than in BEIMS may contravene these permissions.

BEIMS General Features

BEIMS has many features that enhance it as a software product and gives people with limited computer understanding the ability to use the program. Some of these features include:

BEIMS Hot Keys

Hot keys are a combination(s) of keyboard keys, which when pressed simultaneously, are configured to perform specified functions. Hot key functions make using BEIMS  simpler by using one keystroke to do multiple key selections.

Key Stroke Action

F1 Open Help topics.

F2 Browse Previous record

F3 Browse Next record

F4 Record Search

F5 Field Lookup

F6 Clear screen

F8 Previous Tab

F9 Next Tab

F10 Activate (File) Menu

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F11 Save record

User Guide Standards

This manual is produced for training and will also remain a reference source during the continued use of BEIMS.

Throughout the manual the following standards are used:

(M) Mandatory field in BEIMS that must have a valid entry.

(O) Optional field, operation or function.

Text in Bold Italics Text to be entered via the keyboard.

Text in Bold Buttons on the screen to press or click on with the mouse.

< > Key strokes via keyboard.

Where do I get help for BEIMS?

For further clarification of any aspect of BEIMS, please consult the BEIMS Task Library User Guide or On-line Help that is provided for every screen and function in BEIMS.

Help Opens the Help topic screen

For any other operational problems contact Mercury Computer Systems BEIMS Support on:

 telephone (03) 9602 2255  fax (03) 9602 2595, or  e-mail [email protected].

Registering the Task Library

1. The Task Library will have to be licensed with a Mercury Computer Systems registration provided when the Task Library is purchased. 2. As the user, you will need to be running the CD from a PC with BEIMS loaded.

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Running the Task Library

Insert the CD into your CD drive. You have two options use the option that you feel comfortable with: 1. Via MS Windows Explorer view the CD drive. 2. Via the “Start/Run” menu

How do I Open the Task Library?

1. To run the Task Library, via MS Windows Explorer view the CD drive.  Double click on the:

2. To run the Task Library, via the “Start/Run” menu  Click on the button  Select “Run” from the popup menu

When the “Run” screen opens you have two options, either:  type the drive path and file (task lib) in this is example D:/ tasklib  then click on the button, or

 click on the button

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 select the drive, in this example Task Library (D:)

The “Browse” screen will be initialized

 Select

When the “Run” screen opens, click on the button.

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The “BEIMS Task Library Explorer” screen will be initialized.

3. Select the desired folder and the index of tasks for that folder will be displayed

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4. To view, click on the desired task with your, once.

5. If this is the task you wish to use, then:  Click on File in the Menu Bar  Select “Import to BEIMS”.

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The Planned Maintenance System module will be opened and the “Task Details” screen will be populated with the field information from the selected Task.

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Planned Maintenance System

How do I accept a Task into BEIMS?

When you have completed Step 4, the “Task Details” screen will be populated with the field information from the selected Task.

Details Tab

Task Information Tab

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5. Fill in the following details:  (M) Task Number  (O) Change the Task Description if required (recommended)?  (M) Select frequency  (M) Job Type and Sub Type  (O) Cost Centre and Expense Code, if required?  (O) Task Category  (O) Contract Number  (M) Priority  (M) Trade, via the Edit Trades button  (O) Estimated Time per trade  (O) Estimated Cost per Trade

For example:

When completed Click on the button and the screen will reset to make further copies of the same Task.

Note: If further Tasks that are based on this newly created Task, it would be better to copy directly newly created Task eg BMU01.

To continue importing Tasks from the Library return to the “Start Up” screen for the Task Library and repeat the steps 1 to 5 above

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How do I exit the Task Library?

To exit the Task Library:  Click on File in the menu bar  Select “Close”.

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Appendix 1 - References

AS1851 - Maintenance of fire protection equipment:

AS1851.1-1995, Part 1: Portable fire extinguishers and fire blankets. AS1851.2-1995, Part 2: Fire hose reels. AS1851.3-1997, Part 3: Automatic fire sprinkler systems. AS1851.4-1992, Part 4: Fire hydrant installations. AS1851.5-1981, Part 5: Automatic smoke/heat venting systems. AS1851.6-1997, Part 6: Management procedures for maintaining the fire precaution features of air-handling systems. AS1851.7-1984, Part 7: Fire-resistant doorsets. AS1851.8-1987, Part 8: Automatic fire detection and alarm system. AS1851.10-1989, Part 10: Emergency warning and intercommunication systems.

AS/NZS 2293 - Emergency evacuation lighting for buildings:

AS/NZS2293.2-1995, Part 2: Inspection and maintenance.

AS2550-1997 - Cranes Safe use:

AS2550.13-1997, Part 13: Building maintenance units.

AS2676 - Guide to the installation, maintenance, testing and replacement of secondary batteries in buildings:

AS2676.1-1992, Part 1: Vented cells. AS2676.2-1992, Part 2: Sealed cells.

AS3500 - National plumbing and drainage code:

AS3500.1.1-1998, Part 1: Water supply. AS3500.4.1-1997, Part 4: Hot water supply systems.

AS/NZS 3666 - Air-handling and water systems of buildings-Microbial control:

AS/NZS3666.2-1995, Part 2: Operation and maintenance.

AS/NZS3760-2000 - In-service safety inspection and testing of electrical equipment:

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Other Australian Standards-referenced

AS1470-1986 - Health and safety at work-Principles and practices:

AS3500 - National plumbing and drainage code:

AS/NZS3500.0-1995: Glossary of Terms.

Other References

HB50-1994 - National Committee on Rationalised Building (NRCB Australia) -Glossary of Building Terms:

Legislative and Codes-referenced

New South Wales

NSW Public Health Act 1991: Section 46.

NSW Health Department SWRO 91-08: Code of Practice for the Control of Legionnaires' Disease.

HOSPLAN Edition 1, 1990: Code of Practice for the Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Operation, and Management of Thermostatic Mixing Valves for Use in Patient Care Areas of Health Buildings.

The Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1983: A summary of the main provisions.


Health Department of Victoria, 1989: Guidelines for the Control of Legionnaires' Disease.

The Code of Practice for Plant, 1995:

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Worksafe Standard for Plant.

National Standard for Plant: NOHSC: 1010, 1994.

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