Objective: Provide Information Necessary to Relate Customer Req

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Objective: Provide Information Necessary to Relate Customer Req

Project Readiness Package Template Rev 6-Apr-18

INTRODUCTION: This document describes and serves as a template for preparation of a Project Readiness Package. The objective of the Project Readiness Package is to document customer needs and expectations, project deliverables (including time frame), budget, and personnel / organizations affiliated with the project. It will serve as the primary source of information for students necessary during Phase 0 (Planning) to develop a SD I plan and schedule including specific deliverables and due dates. The Project Readiness Package will also support Faculty evaluation of project suitability in terms of depth, scope, and student / faculty resources by discipline.

In this document, italicized text provides explanatory information regarding the desired content of the sections indicated by non- italicized, bold, capitalized headings. If a particular aspect of a section is not applicable for a given project, it is only necessary to indicate that by entering N/A (not applicable).

ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION: Information regarding contacts, budgets, facilities, resources, regulatory or legal considerations, proprietary or specialized components, technologies or intellectual property associated with the project.  Proposal Number:  Project Name: 10 kg Payload Modular Robot  Project Number:  Track: Vehicle Systems Technology  Start Term: 2007-1  End Term: 2007-3  Faculty Mentor: Dr. Wayne Walter  Faculty Coordinator:  Customer organization and primary contact (name, phone, e-mail): Primary Customer: Dr. Hensel (ME Dept. Head), [email protected] Secondary Customers: Dr. Crassidis (ME), Dr. Hu (CE), Dr. Yang (CE), Dr. Sahin (EE), and Dr. Walter (ME).

 Project Overview: This project is a continuation of the P07200 family of projects. This project will focus on correcting the design weaknesses of the previous teams’ final product. They are expected to deliver a fully functional robot that meets the design and testing requirements set forth in the project readiness packages for P07201 and P07204. They will replace the current h-bridge system with an off the shelf, component that uses PWM and has built in h-bridges to regulate steering and drive motor speeds and directions, such as the Victor Motor Controller. Communication to the motor controller will be accomplished through the use of existing PC104 boards (pending approval from the EE department). They will also redesign the wheel/motor assembly; it should look similar to last years design (see picture below), but with a new platen. The wheel is mounted on an axle, which is retained by a yoke. The yoke is rotated by the steering motor, and is capable of infinite rotation in both the clockwise and counterclockwise directions. Wheel attachment, wheel enclosure, and method for infinite rotation ability are open for redesign. In addition, they will be responsible for completing the encoder systems so that the drive and steering encoder outputs are sent to the computer. They will also design and create a simple, flat rectangular platform with different attachment points so that it can be configured as either a triangular or rectangular wheel set up. Finally, they will add a battery charge monitoring system to alert the user when the battery is low. The team will re-use the motors from the 2006-2007 year to reduce costs. The available motors are:

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3 drive motors, 100kg payload (type “A”: NPC-02446, NPC Permanent Magnet DC Motor) 3 steering motors, 100 kg payload (type “B”: TD-016-252, IG42 24VDC 252 RPM Gear Motor) 3 drive motors, 10 kg payload (type “B”: IG420017-C5201 from Shayang Ye Industrial Co.) 3 steering motor, 10 kg payload (type “C”: IG320071-41F01 from Shayang Ye Industrial Co., Ltd.) 16 mini-motors from Jeff Webb’s thesis project (type “D”: GMH-04 from Lynxmotion)

It is expected that the team will have a working prototype of the wheel assembly completed by the end of senior design I to allow sufficient time for successful integration and testing of the robot in senior design II.

 Staffing Requirements:

Discipline (number) Skills required (concise) Ability to work with microcontrollers, DC motor controllers, encoders, power EE 2 supplies, etc. and the interactions of the aforementioned with each other and mechanical systems Ability to characterize power transmission within mechanical systems and to work ME 2 with the interaction between electrical and mechanical systems Ability to work with embedded systems and pwm to create an autonomous CE 2 navigation system. ISE Other

 Continuation, Platform, or Building Block project information (Include prior project number and title and to what extent previous results are being incorporated): The mission of the Vehicle Systems Technology Track of projects is to develop a land-based, scalable, modular open architecture, open source, full instrumented robotic/remote controlled vehicular platform for use in a variety of education, research & development, and outreach applications within and beyond the RIT KGCOE. The collection of projects should use an engineering design process to develop modules and subsystems that can be integrated by subsequent senior design teams. This project, P07200, serves as the foundation or starting point for a series of senior design projects. The mission of each student team contributing to this track is to develop or enhance a particular subsystem for a robotic vehicular platform, and provide complete documentation of the analysis, design, manufacturing, fabrication, test, and evaluation of each subsystem to a level of detail that a subsequent team can build upon their work with no more than one week of background research. This project is a continuation of P07201 and P07204. Students must fulfill testing requirements for P072004, as follows: This student team will develop two modular, fully functional robotic platforms capable of carrying a payload anywhere in the robotics lab, room #9-2230 in Building #09 on the RIT campus. The drive platforms should utilize the RP10 Motor Module, the scalable open architecture motor controllers and the DAQ systems where appropriate. One drive platform (Device RP10A) shall be three wheeled, with at least one RP10 motor module, and a payload capacity of at least 2.5kg. The second drive platform (Device RP10B) shall have at least four wheels, with at least two RP10 motor modules, and a payload capacity of 10kg. By the conclusion of Senior Design II, the team must demonstrate the following: Test 1: This test will be conducted in the Robotics Lab - room 09-2230.

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1. Remote Control Operation (Tethered or Wireless) of Device RP10A, (carrying a 2.5 kg payload) from the doorway entrance to the lab from the main hallway, through the desks to the front of the room by the instructors work station. 2. At the instructors work station, at least one motor module will detached from Device RP10A and will be attached as a functional motor module to Device RP10B (This task will be accomplished by a team member in 120 seconds or less). 3. Device RP10B shall be operated under remote control (Tethered or Wireless) from the front work station to the doorway entrance to the lab from the main hallway. Test 2: This test will be conducted on a 10' x 10' tiled open floor (e.g. the floor in 09-2230). 1. The team will be given five x and y coordinates (in inches) by an instructor. 2. The values must be put into a program already written for device RP10A, and once the device RP10A receives them, all connections must be severed. This step must be completed in 120 seconds or less. 3. Device RP10A must autonomously navigate to each coordinate, in order, stopping for 10 seconds at each one. The team must provide complete documentation of the analysis, design, manufacturing, fabrication, test, assembly, operation and evaluation of this subsystem to a level of detail that a subsequent team can build upon their work with no more than one week of background research.

 Principle sponsor or sponsoring organization: This project is supported by a gift from the Gleason Foundation to the mechanical engineering department at RIT.

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* The vehicle must reuse as many parts from last year's designs as possible to maintain low costs.

* The drive platform and motor module must be scalable and specifically shown to have the ability to be scaled down to 1kg.

* The drive platform and motor module must be modular (Motor modules must be interchangeable between platforms of the same scale)

* The drive platform and motor module must be open architecture (All COTS components must be available from multiple vendors)

* The drive platform and motor module must be open source (All drawings, programs, documentation, data, etc. must be open source published in standard formats)

* The drive platform and motor module must both be easily manufactured in lots as small as one and as large as 10.

* The drive platform and motor module shall NOT be designed with the assumption that they are targeted for a commercial product.

* The drive platform and motor module designs shall be available for use and adoption by other commercially oriented SD teams.

* The drive platform shall provide mounts for the motor modules to be reconfigurable into many different configurations. For example, it should be EASY and LOW COST to take expensive drive components for individual wheel drives and assemble them into 3-wheel, 4-wheel, and 6- wheel configurations, with the number of driven wheels ranging from 1 to 6.

* The motor modules must be able to be constructed as either idler or driven modules. They must also be easily converted from idler to driven and back.

* The results of this platform should increase the reputation and visibility of the RIT SD program and our robotics technology "skill level" on a national basis.

* This robotic platform must be clearly impressive to any student, parent, engineer, mentor, or individual familiar with the US FIRST robotics competition.

 Customer deliverables (Customer requested milestones, progress reports, and expected product): See Project Overview....  Customer and Sponsor Involvement (Describe role of customer and sponsor in the project, planned participation in design and project reviews, etc.): It is expected that the team will interact primarily with the team Guide (Dr. Walter) and the teaching assistant (Erin Gillespie). The sponsor and customer (Dr. Hensel) will be available for a series of meetings during the course of the project. It is anticipated that Dr. Hensel will meet with the team for 2 hour meetings approximately four times during senior design 1 and twice during senior design 2. Dr. Hensel will participate with team communications electronically and through the website as well.

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 Regulatory requirements (i.e. UL, IEEE, FDA, FCC, RIT): * The design shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations. The team's design project report should include references to, and compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations.

* The design shall comply with all applicable RIT Policies and Procedures. The team's design project report should include references to, and compliance with all applicable RIT Policies and Procedures.

* Wherever practical, the design should follow industry standard codes and standards (e.g. Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS), FCC regulations, IEEE standards, and relevant safety standards as prescribed by IEC, including IEC60601). The team's design project report should include references to, and compliance with industry codes or standards.  Project Budget and Special Procurement Processes (Provide all budget details and processes associated with expenditures):

 Intellectual property (IP) considerations (Describe any IP concerns or limitations associated with the project):

All work to be completed by students in this track is expected to be released to the public domain. Students, Faculty, Staff, and other participants in the project will be expected to release rights to their designs, documents, drawings, etc., to the public domain, so that others may build upon the results and findings without constraint.

Students, Faculty, and Staff associated with the project are encouraged to publish findings, data, and results openly.

 Other (Describe potential benefits and liabilities, known project risks, etc.):

DETAILED COURSE DELIVERABLES: From the Course Deliverables document, extract general and discipline specific deliverables that are appropriate to the project. This should provide clear guidance to the students on what it expected.

The following tasks should be completed by the end of SDI:  Motor controller selected and ordered  Fully designed and modeled triangular and rectangular platform configurations. These designs will include: o Adjustable payload mount design o Easily Interchangeable motor modules from one configuration to the next. o The use of open source documentation o The use of off the shelf components.  Design for battery monitoring system  Design modifications for motor module  One completed motor assembly  Identification of any additional components needed for encoder use  Software flowcharts and schematics  All CAD models and/or drawings for the platform and motor module will be placed in the P07200 family repository in an industry standard format.

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The following tasks should be completed by the end of SDII:  Deliver working prototypes of the triangular and rectangular platform configurations incorporating 4 idler modules and 3 power modules  The robotic system should be able to complete all tests mentioned in the project overview  The platform will be interchangeable from a triangular configuration to a rectangular configuration  The platform will be capable of carrying a 2.5 kg payload in the triangular configuration and a 10 kg payload in the rectangular configuration

PRELIMINARY WORK BREAKDOWN: Describe the anticipated distribution of general tasks to be accomplished by project participants based on perceived skill set requirements. This should justify the requested skills and number of students from each discipline.

This project will closely follow the three week project workshop schedule presented in SD1. See the Course Calendar for Details. In addition, the following tasks should be completed ASAP:

1. Go over the information on the edge website: P07201, P07204, the Design Project Management Robotics Platform Road map, and the Preliminary Information binder.

2. Discuss progress made by previous Vehicle Systems Technology Track teams.

The following roles are not necessarily to be followed by the team. It is merely to justify the number of students from each discipline. The student team is expected to develop their own work breakdown structure, consistent with the general work outline presented in the workshop series at the beginning of SD1. However, the customer requests a level of detail NO GREATER than weekly tasks to be completed by each student team member for the benefit of the other team members. The customer DOES NOT request any level of detail finer than one-week intervals, but will assist the team members if they wish to develop a finer level of detail to support their own efforts.

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 ME 1 - Project Manager * Review all * Utilize P07898 Use pareto voting to Student documentation from software to enter in determine the top 4 previous teams to needs determined. feasible design establish a baseline of options. what's been done. * Use group consensus Review customer needs to organize the needs Assign team members to statement from above. into objective trees or run with designs. Conduct follow-up to affinity diagrams. verify the needs Meet for design options analysis. * Apply a pair-wise review. Determine comparison to establish additional work to be * Assign work to team a ranking of the done. members. importance of the needs. * Determine meeting times for the remainder * Determine the of the quarter. Set up engineering the P07205 wiki page functions necessary to and begin populating meet the needs of the with team information. customer. Organize into a function tree. Add the objective tree, pair-wise comparison and function tree to the P07205 page.

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* Lead team concept development sessions. Use an assortment of brainstorming, brainball, and group drawing. Use the function tree to drive concept development in P07898 software. ME 2 - * Prepare an informal * Review all ProE * Sketch or model in presentation that will documents generated by Pro/E the concepts provide the rest of the P07201 and P07204 generated to share with group with background the rest of the group. knowledge of this project, including the * Summarize the previous teams’ work feasibilities of each and the aspects of concept on P07204 their designs which webpage using Wiki need improvement, and format. how to get more information if needed in the future.

* Summarize report on P07204 webpage using wiki format.

EE 1 - * Prepare an informal * Sketch or model in presentation that will Pro/E the concepts provide the rest of the generated to share with group with background the rest of the group. knowledge of the * Summarize the electrical systems for feasibilities of each this project, including concept on P07204 the previous teams’ webpage using Wiki work and the aspects of format. their designs which need improvement, and how to get more information if needed in the future.

* Summarize report on P07204 webpage using Wiki format. EE 2 - Electrical / * Prepare an informal * Sketch or model in Mechanical integration presentation that will Pro/E the concepts provide the rest of the generated to share with group with background the rest of the group. knowledge of this * Summarize the project, including the feasibilities of each previous teams’ work concept on P07204 and the aspects of webpage using Wiki their designs which format. need improvement, and how to get more information if needed in the future. CE 1 - * Prepare an informal presentation that will provide the rest of the group with background knowledge of this project, including the previous teams’ programming work and

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the aspects which need improvement, and how to get more information if needed in the future.

* Summarize report on P07204 webpage using Wiki format. CE 2 - * Prepare an informal presentation that will provide the rest of the group with background knowledge of this project, including the previous teams’ programming work and the aspects which need improvement, and how to get more information if needed in the future.

* Summarize report on P07204 webpage using Wiki format.

GRADING AND ASSESSMENT SCHEME: Describe how the grading rubric relates to expectations and deliverables. The impact of project enhancements and improvements from baseline should be clearly articulated.

THREE WEEK SDI SCHEDULE: List expected activities in the first three weeks. Highlight any project specific activities that may not be part of the generic course syllabus (e.g. customer visits).

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REQUIRED FACULTY / ENVIRONMENT / EQUIPMENT: Describe resources necessary to support successful Development, Implementation and Utilization of the project. This would include specific faculty expertise for consulting, required laboratory space and equipment, outside services, customer facilities, etc. Indicate if required resources are available. Resource Available Category Source Description (mark with X)






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