Abu-Al-Yazid Of Al-Qa'ida In Afghanistan Admits 'Dire Need' For Mujahidin, Professionals

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Abu-Al-Yazid Of Al-Qa'ida In Afghanistan Admits 'Dire Need' For Mujahidin, Professionals

Terrorism: Abu-al-Yazid of Al-Qa'ida in Afghanistan Admits 'Dire Need' for Mujahidin, Professionals

On 6 March, a forum participant posted to a jihadist website a statement issued by the Al-Sahab Media Production Organization, the media arm of Al-Qa'ida Organization, announcing the release of a new video statement from Mustafa Abu-al-Yazid, the Al-Qa'ida commander in Afghanistan. The video statement, which is entitled "They Lied, Now is the Time to Fight" is 46 minutes and 44 seconds long. Throughout the video, a still picture of Abu- al-Yazid appears while an audio message from him is heard.

A translation of the audio statement follows:

"The Almighty, blessed and exalted He be said, 'And did not Allah Check one set of people by means of another, the earth would indeed be full of mischief: But Allah is full of bounty to all the worlds' [Koranic verse; Al-Baqarah 2:251]. The Almighty also said, 'Did not Allah check one set of people by means of another, there would surely have been pulled down monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques, in which the name of Allah is commemorated in abundant measure. Allah will certainly aid those who aid his (cause), for verily Allah is full of Strength, Exalted in Might' [Koranic verse; Al- Hajj 22:40].

"The people of Tafsir [the interpreters of the Koran and the Hadith] said: if it were not for fighting the enemies, which God had permitted, the polytheists would have seized and stopped places of worship. But He checked one set of people by means of another by making fighting a duty so that the people of the faith will be able to devote themselves to worship. Jihad was prescribed to the nations [from the beginning], and by it, laws were reformed and places of worship were preserved. If it were not for fighting and jihad, righteousness would have been defeated in every nation [nation here refers to Christianity, Judaism and Islam]. Whoever from among the Christians and the Jews dislikes jihad is simply contradicting his faith because if it were not for fighting, the religion which they are fighting for would have perished, and churches [meaning synagogues and hermitages] would have been destroyed during the time of Moses, peace be upon him, and hermitages and synagogues [meaning churches] during the time of Issa [Jesus], peace be upon him, and mosques during the time of Muhammad, prayers and peace be upon him. The Almighty God is capable of destroying the infidels by His command, but it has been the practice of the Almighty, exalted He be, to afflict his servants with it, to distinguish between the believer and the hypocrite, and the truthful from the liar, as shown with what the Almighty had said, 'Thus (are ye commanded): but if it had been Allah's Will, He could certainly have exacted retribution from them (Himself); but (He lets you fight) in order to test you, some with others. But those who are slain in the way of Allah, He will never let their deeds be lost. Soon will He guide them and improve their condition, and admit them to the Garden which He has announced for them' [Koranic verse; Muhammad 47:6]. The Almighty also said, 'Do men think that they will be left alone on saying: we believe, and that they will not be tested? We did test those before them, and Allah will certainly know those who are true from those who are false' [Koranic verse; Al- Ankabut 29:2].

"The Almighty also said, 'Did ye think that ye would enter Heaven without Allah testing those of you who fought hard (In His Cause) and remained steadfast?' [Koranic verse; Al Imran 3:142]. Whoever perseveres and fights in the cause of God is the true believers for whom God has prepared gardens, beneath which rivers flow. Whoever stays behind will not be excused and would have been afflicted with sin and loss in this world and the hereafter. In these recent times, the nation has been afflicted with many ailments of former nations. It got divided and strife and disagreement fell upon it. It grew distant from the religion with which God had blessed it. It began to pride itself only in its lineage and names instead of the truth, allowing for the infidel enemy to control it, after it had left the jihad for God's cause, out of love for this world and loathing for death.

"The infidel enemy came to the Muslim land openly with their hostile military forces. They corrupted the people and the lands, erased the Islamic Shari'ah rulings, and defeated the Muslims. After they [the enemy] settled and they knew that the Muslims, who might be in a slumber, did not accept the infidel enemy and would wake up and after they found out that they [the Muslims] continue to have sense of honor though it was numbed, will awaken soon; and that they continue to have heroes who will not accept injustice; when it found out all of this, it resorted to a wicked trick and divided the lands of the Muslims, the way a slaughtered ewe is cut, to waste their efforts and to take away their strength. To achieve that, it drew borders and imposed the harshest restrictions on the Muslims who wished to move from one part to another. It planted in the hearts of the Muslims pre-Islamic nationalistic and patriotic bias to replace the religious bond and the Islamic unity, until love and hatred became for the sake of the country and the people instead of Islam and away from loving the Almighty God. It [the enemy] brought a group of our own people who carry our names and claim to be Muslims and appointed them as rulers over these parts which it created. It removed the Islamic Shari'ah laws, which were the source of all righteousness and forced them to implement the infidel secular laws which are the source of all evil but kept some of the Islamic rites to fool the Muslims and to conceal their intentions

"Outwardly, the enemy then departed with its forces from the lands of the Muslims after making sure that the rulers were completely loyal to it and that they were ruling on its behalf with it controlling them and directing them as it pleases from a distance. It ensured that through them [the rulers] it continued to rob the Muslims and thus ensured its wealth and safety. These rulers were worse and greater transgressors against Islam and the Muslims than their masters, the Christians and the Jews. Their names were Muslims, but their hearts were Christian and their deeds were that of the non-believers, and their armies were outwardly mobilized to defend the Muslims and the lands of the Muslims, where in fact it is to protect non-belief and transgressions and protect the thrones of these traitors. Many Muslims could not see the non-belief of these rulers because of the widespread ignorance, so they stayed behind from jihad, which all the scholars had unanimously agreed that it was obligatory. When they left them alone with their non-belief and crimes, corruption spread and non- belief and atheism spread. The concepts of allegiance and enmity got mixed up, and the Muslim became a hateful enemy and the infidel became a brother and a sincere friend. The infidel sultan became a guardian to be obeyed. Those who fought him were now considered misguided kharijites; there is no strength and no power save in God [meaning what a shame].

"Generations were raised under these tumultuous conditions. They faced so much humiliation and degradation, and the Islamic distinctiveness would have crumbled if it were not for the Almighty, exalted He be, who as He always does in preserving His religion, moved people who would revive the religion for this nation, leading to the battlefields of jihad and its battles, its schools and its camps in Afghanistan and other places. Then the events of September 11th came to turn the page of history and change the characteristics of events. The people of the cross, after tasting some of the harm, sufferings, and wounding they had inflicted on the Muslims, lost their dignity, they warned of destruction and turned the coalition to fight the Muslims. They came with their punishment and iron [weapons] once again, angry, and entered the lands of the Muslims with the help of the apostate traitors, the lowly and the depraved, those who sold their religion and honor for the sake of their lust and their positions. It was a transgression that affected the earth and a great affliction that tested the people. It was narrated that the prophet, prayers and peace be upon him, said, 'A group of my ummah [Muslim community] will fight for the truth until near the day of judgment' [Hadith]. This strife and turmoil divided people into three categories: the victorious sect, which is fighting these infidel people and those who are on the side of jihad and the mujahidin as supporters and helpers who are giving everything in their power in fighting the enemies of God. Those who do right have no other path. The second set of people is the opposing group, and these are the Crusaders, the Jews, and the apostates, and all the fools from among the Muslims who sided with them. Then there are the deserters who stayed behind from fighting those enemies out of love for life and hatred for death, or who abandoned fighting in the name of wisdom, interest and politics, or under the pretext of inability, which is in fact out of laziness, spinelessness and love for safety, or other illegitimate excuses, even if they coated these excuses with sweet words or concealed them with some Hadiths, [Koranic] verses, or quotes that in reality do not serve their purpose. The truth is too clear to conceal, praise be to God, to those whom God had enlightened and had given devoutness. The Almighty said, '(So also on such) as have made Koran into shreds (as they please)' [Koranic verse; Al-Hijr 5:91], meaning they believed but followed some and left out some as they pleased. Also, in accordance with what the Almighty said in describing the Jews who altered God's book: 'But ye make it into (separate) sheets for show, while ye conceal much (of its contents)' [Koranic verse; Al-An'am 6:91], let the man look and see if he belongs to the victorious sect or the deserter or the enemy, for there is no fourth group?

"God has given resolve to groups of His believers. 'Men said to them: A great army is gathering against you, and frightened them: But it (only) increased their Faith: They said: For us Allah suffices, and He is the best disposer of affairs' [Koranic verse; Al Imran, 3:173]. And the Almighty God also said, 'When the Believers saw the Confederate forces, they said: This is what Allah and his Messenger had promised us, and Allah and His Messenger told us what was true. And it only added to their faith and their zeal in obedience' [Koranic verse, Al-Ahzab 33:22]. They preferred the Hereafter over this life and dignity over humiliation. They exposed their throats to death and said, 'here we are.' They endured and persevered in the face of their enemies, as the battle became more fierce and the war continued, spilling their blood and subjecting them to death and imprisonment until the people thought that they got weaker and were completely destroyed and became history. But they lied; now is the time for battle, since the dust cleared from matters regarded to be great in the eyes of the world.

"That group of Muslims was revealed to have been paving the way of nobility for the rest of the Muslims with the remains of their bodies and was building the bridges of conquest with their skulls and bones. They were watering the tree of victory with their blood and were following the path of freedom with their vestiges. So God blessed their endeavors and their jihad and He blessed their actions and their blood. They revived the generations with their righteous tribulations and they breathed hope into the souls of the Muslims.

"Their hearts were strengthened and their energies were focused and the hands of their enemies were abused, who suffered the agonies of injuries and began to falter and wait in terror for the knife of the butcher. Blessed is he who smites with an arrow in this magnificent conquest, he who spilled his blood for the cause of God and he who was deprived who missed the opportunity to participate in this epic. No one will leave jihad except he who beleaguers his soul, disobeys his God, and concentrates on the world. Jihad is the best of the world and the afterlife and in leaving jihad, one gives up both the world and the afterlife.

"God Almighty said in His precious Book: 'Say: 'Can you expect for us any fate other than one of two glorious things'' [Koranic verse; Al-Tawbah 952], which means either victory and triumph, or martyrdom and paradise. Therefore, he who lives among the mujahidin lives nobly and has garnered the rewards of the world and the righteous rewards of the afterlife. He who dies or is killed goes directly to paradise.

"The shaykh of Islam, Ibn Taymiyyah, may God have mercy upon him, said: 'The order of jihad and the mention of its benefits in the Koran and in the Sunnah is too important to numerate, and for this, it is the best of what a human being may volunteer. This was with the agreement of the scholars that it was better than conducting hajj or umrah and better than the voluntary [additional] prayers and voluntary fasting.' This was also indicated in the book and in the Sunnah, so much so that the prophet, prayers and peace be upon him, said: 'The head of all matters is Islam and its backbone is prayer, and the pinnacle of its completion is jihad' [Hadith]. The prophet, prayers and peace be upon him also said: 'There are a hundred degrees in paradise and between each degree and the next is the equivalent of the distance between the sky and the land which God has prepared for the mujahidin in His cause' [Hadith], agreed upon. He [the prophet] also said: 'He whose feet have been made green in the cause of God, God has protected him from Hades' [Hadith], narrated by Al-Bukhari. He [the prophet], prayers and peace be upon him, also said: 'Vigilance for a day and a night for the cause of God is better than fasting the days of a month and its voluntary prayer at night. If one dies in vigilance, his regular righteous deeds that he performed will be added to his account and he will receive his provision, and will be saved from the trials of the grave' [Hadith] narrated by Muslim. "According to a canonical Hadith collection: 'One night of vigil for the sake of God is better than one thousand nights spent in praying and the same number dedicated to fasting' [Hadith]. [The prophet], prayers and peace be upon him, said: 'There are two eyes who will be saved from the fire; one that has wept in fear from God, and an eye which has remained vigilant for the sake of God' [Hadith]. In the canons of Imam Ahmad, [it is written]: 'One night of vigil for the sake of God is better than one thousand nights spent in praying and the same number of days dedicated to fasting.' In the two books [of Hadith] it is narrated: 'A man said: Oh prophet of God, tell me of something that equals jihad in the cause of God. The prophet said: You cannot do so. The man said: Tell me what it is, and the prophet said: Are you able to fast and not break your fast the duration that a mujahid is vigilant? Are you able to abstain from eating breakfast after awakening from sleep? The man said: No. The prophet said: That, then, is what equals jihad' [Hadith]. It is also recorded in the canonical Hadith collection that he [the prophet] said: 'For each nation is tourism, and the tourism of my nation is jihad for the cause of God' [Hadith].

"This is an extensive chapter which contains much more than what is contained in the chapter on the rewards of deeds and their consequences. We will continue to talk of the words spoken by Shaykh Ibn Taymiyyah, may God have mercy upon him. He said: 'This is an extensive chapter, which contains much more than what is contained in the chapter on the rewards of deeds and their consequences. It is apparent when taken into consideration; the rewards of jihad are all-encompassing to the one who conducts jihad and to others who are members of the religion and the world. It encompasses all forms of worship, the known and unknown. It is free-flowing from the love of God Almighty, loyalty to Him and the reliance upon Him, giving up of souls and money for Him, patience, asceticism, and the praising God, and all sorts of deeds. Jihad is incomparable to any other form of deed or action. The individual or the nation who conducts jihad can always expect one of two glorious rewards--either victory and triumph, or martyrdom and paradise. All creatures live and die. They should use their life and death for the purpose of their happiness in the world and in the afterlife, and they should not be concerned with the degree of happiness [of the world and afterlife] or the lack thereof, for there are some people who desire strong deeds in religion or in the world even though that lacks much benefit. Jihad is much more beneficial to them than any extreme action or deed. An individual might amuse himself until he meets his death, but the death of a martyr is much more precious than any other death, rather it is the best manner of death.' His [Ibn Taymiyyah] words end here, may God have mercy upon him.

"Jihad is one of the doorways to paradise. The prophet of God, prayers and peace be upon him, said: 'He who spends twice on something for the sake of God will be invited to pass through the doorways of paradise, of which there are many. He who prays will be invited through the doorway of prayer; he who conducts jihad will be invited through the doorway of jihad; he who performs charity will be invited through the doorway of charity; and he who fasts will be invited through the doorway of the well-watered' [Hadith]. He [the prophet], prayers and peace be upon him, said: 'You must conduct jihad for the sake of God, the Blessed and Almighty; for it is one of the doorways to paradise through which God banishes trials and tribulations' [Hadith]. He [the prophet], prayers and peace be upon him, also said: 'Know that Paradise exists under the shadow of the swords' [Hadith]. This was narrated by Al-Bukhari.

"He [the prophet], prayers and peace be upon him, said: 'Conquests and raids for the cause of God is better than the world and all earthly matters' [Hadith], agreed upon. Those who are killed or die while on the path of jihad will receive great rewards, which no eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no hearts of men have ever imagined.

"God Almighty said: 'Think not of those who are slain in Allah's way as dead. Nay, they live, finding their sustenance in the presence of their Lord' [Koranic verse; Al-Imran 3:169]. The Almighty also said: 'But those who are slain in the Way of Allah, He will never let their deeds be lost. He will guide them in the hereafter as well, and will set their hearts at rest and will admit them to the paradise which He has promised them' [Koranic verse; Muhammad 47:4]. The Almighty also said: 'Those who leave their homes in the cause of Allah, and are then slain or die, on them will Allah bestow verily a goodly Provision, truly Allah is He who bestows the best provision' [Koranic verse; Al-Hajj 22:58].

"The prophet of God, prayers and peace be upon him, said: 'God has attributed six rewards to the martyr: he will be forgiven first and foremost and will see his seat in Paradise and will be protected from the penalties of the grave. He will be safe from the great terror and the crown of equanimity will be placed upon his head, each ruby [of the crown] is better than the world and all earthly matters. He will be joined in marriage to 72 virgins and will be allowed to intercede on behalf of 70 of his family members' [Hadith]. He [the prophet], prayers and peace be upon him, also said: 'The souls of the martyrs live in the bodies of green birds who have their nests in chandeliers hung from the throne of the Almighty' [Hadith]. The prophet of God, prayers and peace be upon him, also said, 'They eat the fruits of paradise from wherever they like and then nestle in these chandeliers' [Hadith]. He, prayers and peace be upon him, also said: 'No one who enters into paradise would wish to come back to this world even if he were given the whole world and whatever is in it except the martyr, who on seeing the superiority of martyrdom, would like to come back to the world and be killed again for God's cause 10 times, for all the grace he saw' [Hadith]. The death of a martyr is easier than any other death. The prophet of God, prayers and peace be upon him, said: 'The martyr does not feel the pain of murder except like that pain that any of you feels from the bite of an ant' [Hadith].

"The martyr is saved from the tribulations of the grave because he lived through many tribulations during his lifetime, whether in the flash of swords and bullets, the roaring and thunder of bombs, or the growl and bombardment of airplanes. A man said to the prophet: 'Oh prophet of God, why are all believers put through tests and tribulations when they are in their graves except for the martyr?' [The prophet], prayers and peace be upon him, replied: 'The testing and tribulation of seeing the flashing of swords over his head was turmoil enough' [Hadith].

"He who is of many sins; his medicine is to be killed for the sake of God. The prophet of God, prayers and peace be upon him, said: 'Those who are killed are three types: a man who is a believer who conducted jihad physically and monetarily for the sake of God so that if he meets his enemy, he battles them until he himself is killed. That is the tested martyr, meaning, the one whose chest is exposed to God in paradise under God's throne, who the prophets do not let down except for the degree of prophesy. Another man who accrued upon himself sins and transgressions, conducted jihad physically and monetarily for the sake of God, so that if he meets his enemy, he battles them until he himself is killed. That is an expunger which wipes away his sins and transgressions. The sword is an obliterator of all sins. That man entered paradise through whichever doorway he chose, for paradise has eight doorways and Hell has seven doorways, some of which are better than others. The third is a hypocrite who conducts jihad physically and monetarily, until he meets his enemy, he battles them for the sake of God Almighty until he himself is killed. This man is in Hell, for the sword does not obliterate hypocrisy.' [The prophet], prayers and peace be upon him, also said: 'The best of the shuhada are those who fight in the first rank and do not turn their faces away until they are killed. They will have the pleasure of occupying the highest dwellings in paradise. Your Lord will smile at them, and whenever your Lord smiles upon any of His slaves, that person will not be brought to account' [Hadith].

"These are the abundant rewards for those who strive in the path of God when jihad is a collective duty, then how it will be when jihad is a personal duty in these recent times, meaning since the collapse of Andalusia and other Muslim countries in the hands of the infidel enemy? The scholars said, 'jihad becomes a personal duty like the five prayers and the fasting of Ramadan, meaning that jihad becomes a duty on every person who fulfills the requirement in four situations:

"1. The first situation is if the enemy attacks a Muslim country, and this is happening and it is not a secret from anyone in this era. There is no difference between an original infidel and an apostate infidel who rules the Muslim countries, whose apostasy became clear by evidence, meaning with regard to the duty of eliminating and striving against [him]. Until now the original infidel enemy [Christian/Jew] or the apostate infidel [who was Muslim and became an apostate because of his deeds] are not eliminated, therefore jihad remains a personal duty until the enemy is eliminated or there are sufficient Muslims to eliminate it [enemy].

"2. The second situation is that jihad becomes a duty to those who are available in the row, meaning to be present at the battlefield when the Muslim army faces the infidel army, as God Almighty said: 'O ye who believe! When ye meet the Unbelievers in hostile array, never turn your backs to them' [Koranic verse; Al-Anfal 8:15]. This condition is applicable to categories of Muslims in different places in this era, especially in the countries attacked by the infidel assailant enemy.

"3. The third situation is if the infidels captured a Muslim, it becomes the duty of the Muslims to seek his freedom by fighting or [supporting with] money or by cunning. The prophet, prayers and peace be upon him, said, 'Set the war prisoners free' [Hadith]. The prisoner is the prisoner of war. God Almighty said, 'But if they seek your aid in religion, it is your duty to help them, except against a people with whom you have a treaty of mutual alliance' [Koranic verse; Al-Anfal 8:72]. The infidel apostate prisons are crowded with thousands of Muslims. I wish they were only men, but what is worse is that many among the prisoners are women who are hostages in the enemy's hand who tampers with their honor while they scream for help from the zealous and jealous Muslims. How can the Muslims sleep? How can jihad not be a personal duty when the situation is like this? How can a person not tremble by the calls of the weak that are being killed or captured? Why are you not united in Islam oh God worshipping brothers? Aren't there free souls who have resolution? Aren't there supporters and helpers for good [deeds]?

"On this occasion, on this occasion [as heard], we say to our captive brothers everywhere, by God, and there is no God except Him, we did not and will not forget you in our supplications and we will not forget you by continuing our jihad until the last captured among you is set free. My brothers be patient and steadfast on the truth and avoid those who discharge and recant. Keep on supplicating and continue on your religious duties, and God is with you.

"4. The fourth situation is when jihad becomes a personal duty, as the scholars said, 'If the imam calls on people for jihad, it becomes a personal duty; if there is no amir for the believers or a general leader that most of the Muslims agree upon, then the legitimate leaders take their place [in guiding people]. Among them are the leaders of jihad who are their guardians and in charge. The truthful leaders of jihad called on Muslims to conduct jihad against the infidels in the appropriate places to support the fronts and complete victory in the details that will be mentioned in the right place, and then jihad becomes a personal duty on those who are capable of joining jihad according to their ability.

"[God] Almighty said: 'O ye who believe! What is the matter with you, that, when ye are asked to go forth in the cause of Allah, ye cling heavily to the earth? Do ye prefer the life of this world to the Hereafter? But little is the comfort of this life, as compared with the Hereafter' [Koranic verse; Al-Tawbah 9:38].

"In return for the great rewards awaiting the mujahidin, God has threatened those who do not conduct the obligatory jihad with painful punishment in the world and the hereafter.

"[God] Almighty said: 'O ye who believe! What is the matter with you, that, when ye are asked to go forth in the cause of Allah, ye cling heavily to the earth? Do ye prefer the life of this world to the Hereafter? But little is the comfort of this life, as compared with the Hereafter. Unless ye go forth, He will punish you with a grievous penalty, and put others in your place; but Him ye would not harm in the least, for Allah hath power over all things' [Koranic verse; Al-Tawbah 9:38-39].

"The prophet, prayers and peace be upon him, said: 'He who neither takes part in fighting nor equips a warrior nor looks after his (the warrior's) family will be afflicted by severe calamities before the Day of Resurrection' [Hadith], narrated by Abu Dawud.

"It is not permissible for the believer except to be one of three: to fight for the sake of God or to take care of the family of a person who is fighting or to prepare the person who is going to fight. If he [the believer] is not one of the three [mentioned above] he should anticipate a severe calamity, and no one knows what and how severe it is before Judgment Day except for God. Today, the jihad arena is missing its men and is calling upon its heroes. Don't God and Islam have a right to be defended by the young and the old? Say to those who have dignity, wherever they are; respond to God; you will despair if you do not respond. The infidel people have come from far away to fight you for the sake of their false religion and they are killed and wounded for the sake of Hell. It is more appropriate for Muslims to fight and be patient because they fight for the sake of God and they are killed for the sake of paradise. [God Almighty said:] 'Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah, and those who reject Faith Fight in the cause of Evil: So fight ye against the friends of Satan: feeble indeed is the cunning of Satan' [Koranic verse; Al-Nisa 4:76].

"We direct a special call to the scholars and students seeking knowledge; to them we say, 'Oh brothers, you learn to teach and the benefit of knowledge is by applying it; the knowledge remains in the mind of the knowledgeable person without knowing its truth and sweetness until he applies it. Some of the ancestors, God's mercy be upon them, said: 'Knowledge calls for its application and if it is not applied, it is gone' [poem]. The prophet, prayers and peace be upon him, the master of the mujahidin, conducted jihad by himself--his money and his tongue [words]--he diligently strove in God's path until the certainty arrived [he died].

"You, God bless you, are the heirs of the prophets by your knowledge and deeds and you are the honorable and the role models, so do as the prophets did and conduct jihad for the sake of God in the best manner. Look at our previous scholars like Ibn al-Mubarak, Ibn- Taymiyyah, Ibn al-Nahhas, and many others who have conducted jihad by themselves, thus God elevated their status. The jihad arenas are in dire need of your knowledge and the doors are open before you to bring about the virtue of teaching and jihad, may God elevate your status in life and in the hereafter.

"We direct a special call to the specialized people like doctors and electronic engineers, due to their urgent need by the mujahidin. The battle needs collaboration of experiences and efforts. We call on the fathers and mothers not to become a barrier between their children and paradise and to present their children for the sake of God. Our religion is more precious than ourselves, and encouraging children [to fight] and sacrificing them for the sake of God is a clear sign of piety and righteousness. God Almighty said: 'No means shall ye attain righteousness unless ye give freely of that which ye love; and whatever ye give, of a truth Allah knoweth it well' [Koranic verse; Al-Imran 3:92]. How then, when the situation requires that the father himself conducts jihad to become a role model for his children? As God Almighty said: 'Go ye forth, whether equipped lightly or heavily, and strive and struggle, with your goods and your persons, in the cause of Allah. That is best for you, if ye but knew' [Koranic verse; Al-Tawbah 9:41].

"If they disagree who should first join jihad to go to paradise, let them compete, meaning the fathers and the children, and how come they will not compete? It is Paradise, the highest ranks and the everlasting comfort. Also we say to the Muslim wives do not be a barrier between your husbands and paradise; the righteous woman who loves her husband is the one that desires for him to get into paradise and to be saved from Hell, but she is the one who says to him when she knows that Islam is calling him: Take my gold and money and conduct jihad for the sake of God and we will meet in paradise, God willing. If those children and husbands conduct jihad and get killed, they are only conducting jihad for your sake and to elevate your status in paradise. God Almighty said: 'Gardens of perpetual bliss: they shall enter there, as well as the righteous among their fathers, their spouses, and their offspring: and angels shall enter unto them from every gate with the salutation Peace unto you for that ye persevered in patience! Now how excellent is the final home!' [Koranic verse; Al-Ra'd 13: 23, 24]

"Let every tribe and every family offer the best of its men and its bravest heroes as the Banu-Hasan tribe did when it gave the brave hero and the fearless lion, the amir Abu- Mus'ab al-Zarqawi, may God have mercy on him. A poet said about them:

[Beginning of poem]

"'Banu-Hasan [tribe] has much to be proud of,

"'An ornament that adorned time [REFERENCE to Abu-Mus'ab al-Zarqawi].

"'They reject humiliation and never allow injustice against them, "'And they are surely capable of taking revenge on the traitors.'

[End of poem]

"Many tribes of the Arabian Peninsula, Yemen, Iraq, Algeria, Libya, and others offered pious heroes and martyrs. This is a time to strive for both this life and the hereafter; it is a time to defend Islam. 'Then let all such aspire as are willing to aspire to things of high account' [Koranic verse; Al-Mutaffifin 83:26].

"Oh people of Islam, come to the glory of this life and the hereafter. Attack for the sake of God and in His name. Fight those that do not believe in God until God alone is worshipped. God Almighty said: 'And fight against those who, despite having been vouchsafed revelation aforetime, do not truly believe either in God or the Last Day, and do not consider forbidden that which God and His Apostle have forbidden, and do not follow the religion of truth which God has enjoined upon them till they agree to pay the exemption tax with a willing hand, after having been humbled in war' [Koranic verse; Al-Tawbah 9:29].

"Oh youth of Islam, join the caravan, and be with those who are truthful as God has commanded you. 'O you who have attained the faith, remain conscious of God, and be among those who are true to their word' [Koranic verse; Al-Tawbah 9:119]. The sign of truthfulness is jihad for the sake of God with life and material possessions. God Almighty said: '[Know that true] believers are only those who have attained to faith in God and His Apostle and have left all doubt behind, and who strive hard in God's cause with their possessions and their lives; it is they who are true to their word' [Koranic verse; Al-Hujurat 49:15]. Be with the fighting sect whom the messenger of God, prayers and peace be upon him, promised victory and which he described as being on the path of truth. Umran Ibn-Husayn, may God be pleased with him, said: 'The messenger of God, prayers and peace be upon him, said: 'A group from my Ummah [Muslim nation] will still be victorious on the path of truth. It will triumph over its enemies until their last man fights the false messiah, the Dajjal [Islamic equivalent to the anti-Christ]'' [End of narration].

"These are words from the light of revelation and from the spring of the [prophetic] message clearly showing the course of this chosen sect and determining the nature of its path and creed, and at the same time refuting the claims of the defeatist [and derelict] scholars [clerics] of the humiliation and disgrace, and those advocating resignation to reality and its pressures, and those who like the Israelites said: 'No strength have we today (to stand up) against Goliath and his forces' [Koranic verse; Al-Baqarah 2:249]. They [The Israelites] forgot the might of God, the only one able to give support and bestow victory; they deviated from the words of the victorious sect of that time: 'How often has a small host overcome a great host by God's leave. For God is with those who are patient in adversity' [Koranic verse; Al-Baqarah 2:249].

"Oh youth of Islam, rise up to a paradise the size of heavens and earth. Do not listen to the defeatists who turned away from the truth; [do not listen to] those who weakened in the middle of the road and abased themselves [before the enemy] for they are leading you astray from paradise and discourage you from upholding the banner of Islamic law and the Koran. Those that dare to challenge jihad today at a time when the banners have become clear, the ranks distinguished, the efforts united, and the dawn of victory has loomed in the horizon should revisit his religion and reexamine his soul. It has become evident to all what the mujahidin have been able to do in Afghanistan and Iraq due to the grace of God. They rubbed the noses of the infidels in the ground and killed and injured large numbers of them, and intimidated them, and prevented them from achieving their objectives. Had they listened to those defeatists, the enemy would have been able to triumph and achieve his objectives.

"Oh youth of Islam, rise up to a paradise the size of the heavens and earth. Do no listen to the defeatists for they are only discouraging you from seeking paradise and turning you away from the path of freedom and honor. They are the most despicable kind of people. Do not wait for anyone's permission and do not seek authorization from the governments whose authority is already invalid because of their departure from Islam and their lack of legitimacy. How can we ask permission from those we are obligated to fight? Do not let yourselves be deceived by the fraudulent claim that no jihad is permitted without the sanction of an imam, for that would mean Islam will fade away and disbelief and crime will rule the world. The mujahid Shaykh Abu-al-Walid al-Ansari, may God protect him, spared us the effort of countering this argument in his valuable book 'Drawing the Spear to Silence the Claim 'No Jihad Without an Imam'.' I advise you to read it. You should know, may God guide you, that one of the best blessings God could have bestowed on those He loves is to allow them to live in these times in which God is reinvigorating the religion [of Islam] and reviving the spirit of Muslims and the conditions of the faithful mujahidin making them similar to those who came before them among the muhajirin [first community of Muslims who migrated from Mecca] and Ansar [local supporters]. Anyone who does that [join jihad] at these times shall be one of 'those who follow them in [the way of] righteous, God is well pleased with them and well pleased are they with Him. And for them has He readied gardens through which running waters flow, therein to abide beyond the count of time; this is the triumph supreme' [Koranic verse; Al-Tawbah 9:100].

"The faithful must thank God for this trial which is in truth a gift from God; it is a tribulation that carries inside it a great blessing. Strive for a paradise adorned with hurs [maidens of paradise] who are adorned for their grooms. 'Behold, God has bought of the believers their lives and their possessions, promising them paradise in return, [and so] they fight in God's cause, and slay, and are slain: a promise which in truth He has willed upon Himself in [the words of] the Torah, and the Gospel, and the Koran. And who could be more faithful to his covenant than God? Rejoice, then, in the bargain which you have made with Him: for this, this is the triumph supreme' [Koranic verse; Al- Tawbah 9:111]. The road is in front of you, cleared and paved; it was cleared with your brothers' blood and body parts. These fruits of victory and primacy have now ripened, and, God willing, very little remains to be done. Your brothers have inflicted major wounds on the non-believing enemy and dealt him blows in every vital part, and he is now on the verge of death. "Help your brothers to slaughter him and if the fruits ripen, then feast upon them and feed the Muslims so that they may satisfy themselves after their hunger and so that they may become wealthy after their deprivation and so that they may become strong after their weakness and so that they may rejoice after their sadness.

"He who suffers the missed opportunity of this great epic, this epic in which all who participate will be accorded great rewards due to its severity and vehemence, is truly bereaved. Strike with your arrow now, my Muslim brother, before you miss the opportunity. Conquest is forthcoming and imminent, with God's permission. 'It is the promise of Allah. Never does Allah depart from His promise: but most men understand not' [Koranic verse; Al-Rum 30:6].

"God Almighty said: 'Not equal among you are those who spent freely and fought, before the victory, with those who did so later. Those are higher in rank than those who spent freely and fought afterwards. But to all has Allah promised a goodly reward. And Allah is well acquainted with all that ye do' [Koranic verse; Al-Hadith 57:10].

"We and your brothers in Afghanistan await you and look forward to seeing you. Oh Lord, grant that the Muslim youth are victorious in their jihad for Your cause, and in upholding the banner of Your religion. God grant that their paths of jihad are free of trials. Ease their paths, oh Lord of the world. Oh Lord, blind the eyes of their enemies and protect them from the hypocrisy of the hypocrites, from the abandonment of the deserters, and from the trembling of the weak. Oh Lord, grant the mujahidin in Your cause victory wherever they may be. Oh Lord, grant them victory in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Chechnya, Algeria, Somalia, and Pakistan, and everywhere in the world. Oh God, accept the martyrs of the mujahidin. Heal their injured and their sick, ease their tribulations, and bless them, for You are most generous giver. Oh God, release our brothers who are imprisoned all over the world and grant them steadfastness in truth. Grant them patience and bless them with that which You deem right, oh God of the world. Our ending praise is to praise God Almighty, prayers of God be upon Muhammad and upon all his family and companions."

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