Alligator Point Taxpayers Association

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Alligator Point Taxpayers Association

Alligator Point-Saint Teresa Association

Board of Directors Meeting

The February 11, 2017 meeting of the Alligator Pt-St Teresa Association Board of Directors was called to order by President Eddie Sosebee at 10:25 am at Mission by the Sea Church on Alligator Drive. Board members in attendance: Sosebee, Madigan, Leonard, Feifer, Novak, Osborne, Parker, Rippee, Heymann, and Lewis.

At 10:00 am preceding the “official” Call to Order, Franklin County Sheriff Tony Smith addressed the group for approximately 25 minutes on a variety of Law Enforcement topics and ongoing activities in the Franklin County Sheriff’s Department. His remarks included discussion of recent law enforcement actions in Franklin County and specifically discussed the arrest of an individual suspected of breaking into several houses at Alligator Point. Sheriff Smith advised the group he plans to cover the costs of paying deputies for increased patrol of the Alligator Point and Bald Point areas. He further advised with this increased patrol will come an increased and diligent enforcement of laws. No special consideration will be given to anyone, including local residents. He spoke of his intentions to begin the increased patrol work the week of spring break then suspend work until summer. There was discussion about the need for increased patrol as the weather warms and during spring months. Sosebee offered to maintain contact with Captain Carroll regarding the need for additional patrol.

At the close of Sheriff Smith’s remarks, Paul Parker offered to allow the Deputies to use the facilities at Fire Department Building and his Real Estate Office to meet their needs while working in this area. The concept of establishing and identifying a Sheriff Department Sub-Station at the Fire Department Building was discussed and agreed upon as a work in progress.

After the “official” call to order at approximately 10:25 the floor was turned over to Alan Pierce now working with Franklin County as a consultant on special projects. Mr. Pierce came to update the group on recent developments pertaining to the repairs to the storm damaged section of Alligator Drive. The following are key points from his presentation:

1. FEMA is willing to write Project Worksheets for repairs to Alligator Drive from George Vause Road all the way west to the intersection of Chip Morrison Dr. and including repairs to some damages on Chip Morrison. At an onsite meeting with FEMA and County officials, FEMA advised the County to proceed with defining one project addressing the 1100 feet of roadway between George Vause Road and Tom Roberts Road. This will be specified to restore the roadway to pre-storm conditions at a cost of $1.8 million. A separate FEMA mitigation project on this section is anticipated to fund an additional $1.8 million to enhance the level of protection at this site which has experienced “repetitive loss” over an extended period. The design concept envisioned for this $3.6 million dollars involves restoring the road more to the south of the current one lane road. This will allow for 2 lanes of traffic and a concrete apron from the gulf side edge of the road to an installed sheet pile retaining wall armoring this section of the shoreline. Another concrete apron will be installed inland of the road. This solid surfacing is anticipated to help prevent scouring that occurs when storm water and wave action overtop the sheet pile wall. Additional rip rap protection will be placed at the base of the sheet pile wall on the seaward side.

2. The section of the old road running in front of what once was the KOA Campground was designated as a bike path when the main access road was rerouted to Tom Roberts Road. FEMA has issued a project worksheet for $563,000.00 to clean up 1600 feet of asphalt and concrete rubble, repair filter fabric, reposition the granite rocks and rebuild a 9’ wide bike path.

3. Mr. Pierce spoke to an important consideration to the work FEMA funds. This work is funded at a 75% Federal share and 25% non-Federal share. The County anticipates the State of Florida will accept 12.5% of the non-Federal share leaving the County to fund the remaining 12.5% of the costs. Using the rough estimate of $3.6 million as the project cost, the County’s share will be approximately $450,000. Mr. Pierce advised if the Bald Point Trust Fund is used to cover the County’s cost share, it will wipe that Fund out. It will leave this Bald Point / Alligator Point area without a source of funds to deal with future requirements that may not have other funding sources. Mr. Pierce further advised that on February 21, 2017, Florida Department of Transportation will be at the Franklin County Board of County Commission regularly scheduled meeting. At that meeting the County will make a diligent effort to solicit additional funding from the State of Florida to cover the County’s 12.5 % cost share. This is something that has been done in the past when the County was without adequate resources to cover their cost share. Mr. Pierce encouraged our group and all interested individuals to attend the meeting and urge our political connections to address this need to the Governor of the State of Florida. Subsequent discussion occurring later in the meeting addressed members plans for attending the meeting and identifying someone to present remarks in behalf of the Association.

4. Mr. Pierce mentioned the County’s plan to provide a temporary asphalt surface to the storm damaged section of Alligator Drive. He indicated that should be done within the next week or two. There were a good many comments and concerns expressed by those attending about the hazards existing along Alligator Drive from George Vause Road to Chip Morrison Dr. The discussion focused on inadequate signage, poor line of sight hazards, parking violations, speeding, etc. Sosebee agreed to contact Mr. Pierce early next week to schedule an onsite meeting with the Road Department Superintendent, Mr. Pierce (if available), Paul Parker, Marvin Heymann, and Sosebee. The purpose of the meeting is to address the concerns for safety mentioned above.

Approval of Minutes: Motion by Osborne, seconded by Leonard to accept the January 2017 Board meeting minutes as distributed adopted without objection.

Approval of Treasurer Report: Motion by Withers, seconded by Novak to accept Treasurer's report adopted without objection. Treasurer, Coman Leonard addressed the Board regarding the expiration of a Certificate of Deposit in May. He solicited recommendations for investing those funds. Several recommendations were offered by various Board Members. A motion to authorize Mr. Leonard to use his best judgement in deciding where to invest these funds was made by Osborne and second by Parker. Motion passed without objection.

Committee Reports:

Social Committee – McCord expressed appreciation for the turnout at our January social at Angelo’s. 50 people attended the dinner social. She is looking into possibilities for more social activities later this year.

Membership – Georgianne Metts is the new chairperson of the Membership Committee. The ad hoc committee for membership consisting of Feifer, Lewis, and Metts did not meet in January. They plan to meet again before our March Board meeting.

Beautification – Parker mentioned the new “No Dumping” signs Jim McCloy is having printed. McCloy reported the new signs should be available in the next week or two. Until then he is putting out several of the ones left over from last year that are accurate but not quite up to date with the latest ordinance information. Parker will keep some of the new signs at his office if anyone needs to place one at a problem area.

Website – McCloy mentioned all posting requests are up to date.

Government Coordination – Coordination with Franklin County government is covered in other sections of this report. No formal committee report.

Beach Preservation and Property Protection - Boldt was unable to attend the meeting today. He did submit an email report which Sosebee read:

Within the past 2 months there has been a widespread staff turnover within the DEP Beach Management Funding Assistance Program. I have scheduled a meeting with the newly appointed staff member (Mr. Andrew Briscoe) on Wednesday February 22nd. Other DEP officials may be attending this meeting. I expect to have at least two meetings with DEP staff prior to our March board meeting.

Mr. Briscoe has spoken positively as to DEP’s willingness to assist with coordination of identifying potential sources of financial aid. Regional efforts to enjoin Wakulla County are also looked upon favorably by DEP. I will be reaching out to the Wakulla County Administrator relative to regional efforts with Franklin and Wakulla County.

Old Business:

All old business listed on the agenda for this meeting was discussed earlier in the meeting. New Business:

Sosebee presented a letter he prepared to send in behalf of the Board to the Board of Directors for the Alligator Point Water Resources District (APWRD). The purpose of this letter is to thank the APWRD for their history of contributions to this community and specific mention of the recent work by APWRD team members to correct erroneous information contained in the ISO evaluation of the Alligator Point Volunteer Fire Department. This correction resulted in maintaining the current ISO rating, thereby saving property owners increased insurance costs. A motion to endorse the letter to the APWRD Board of Directors was made by Novak, second by Leonard and passing without objection.

Allan Feifer informed the group of his research and eventual purchase of flood insurance from a private insurance company that saved him approximately $1,000 on the cost of flood insurance for his house.

Further discussion on the concept of hiring off duty deputies for increased patrol this recreation season resulted in agreement to allow Sheriff Smith’s offer to fund this service to mature. Hopefully, no further action from the Association will be needed. We will monitor the needs for this service and address concerns with the Sheriff Department as needed. Sosebee agreed to stay in touch with Major Carroll on this matter.

There being no further business, a Motion by Withers, second by Parker that the meeting be adjourned, was adopted without objection. The meeting adjourned at 11:58 AM.

Respectfully submitted,

Eddie Sosebee, President

Officers Eddie Sosebee President, Terry Madigan 1st Vice president, Paul Parker 2nd Vice President, John Murphy Secretary, Coman Leonard Treasurer Board of Directors Bert Boldt, Allan Feifer, Joe Hambrose, Marvin Heymann, Ben Houston, Judy Lewis, Andrea Novak, Ken Osborne, Carol Rippee, Barbara Withers and Jim McCloy (President ex-officio)

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