St. Lawrence County DRAFT Operations Committee s1
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St. Lawrence County DRAFT Operations Committee Board of Legislators Monday, August 13, 2012 Board Room 5:30 p.m.
Members Attending: Mr. Peck, Mr. Acres, Mr. Akins, Mr. Arquiett, Ms. Brothers, Mr. Burns, Mr. Bunstone, Mr. Lightfoot, Mr. MacKinnon, Mr. Morrill, Mr. Paquin, Mr. Parker, Mr. Putman, Mr. Putney (arrived at 5:33 p.m.), and Mr. Sutherland
Others Attending: Karen St. Hilaire, Kelly Pearson, Laurie Demers, Mike Crowe, Jason Pfotenhauer, Joe Gilbert, Ed Gauthier, Sue Hathaway, Steve Button, and Media Representative Martha Ellen, Watertown Daily Times
1. CALL TO ORDER AND APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Chair Peck called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Mr. Burns moved to approve the agenda, seconded by Mr. Putman and Ms. Brothers, and carried.
3. MINUTES – Ms. Brothers moved to approve the February 13 minutes, seconded by Mr. Bunstone and Mr. MacKinnon. Mr. Putman said there is a change to be made on Page 5 it should state “they would decline because they had to be within so many miles of an interstate highway”. Motion carried.
Mr. Putney arrived at 5:33 p.m.
A. Authorizing the Chair to Sign the Memorandum of Understanding for the Creation of the Northern New York Region Interoperable Communications Consortium (Res) – Mr. Parker moved to forward this resolution to full Board, seconded by Mr. Bunstone and Mr. Lightfoot. Mr. Gilbert said it is a regional agreement with Jefferson and Lewis Counties. This would enter St. Lawrence County into the consortium to make us equally competitive for Interoperable Communication Grants. The next round of grants, total for New York State, will be $9.3 million dollars. St. Lawrence County is the only county not currently in an interoperable consortium.
Mr. Burns asked if our share of the costs be paid for through the grants. Mr. Gilbert said yes, they would. Mr. Burns asked if there was any time this money would be taken out of our operating budget. Mr. Gilbert said he cannot say it never would be, but our interoperation plan would be done by the consortium as a whole and then that plan would be funded by a grant. Mr. Burns asked if there was any cost incurred for applying for this. Mr. Gilbert said to join the consortium there are no costs.
Mr. Bunstone said the fifth whereas mentions funding match, and asked if that should be in the resolution. Mr. Gilbert said there is a requirement specific only to particular grants, but so far there have not been. In the event, for future grants, there may be a requirement from submitting counties. Mr. Bunstone asked if we can get an idea of an amount. Mr. Gilbert said no, and there is no requirement for the County to apply for any particular grant.
1 Mr. Morrill said if we do not apply for a grant, but one of the other counties in this consortium does, it states that each county hereby agrees to provide funding match to all projects. We could be providing our share in a county that may be far away. Mr. Gilbert said the consortium is for all three counties to apply for grants together, and not for any individual county to apply for a grant alone. That is the purpose of joining a consortium to begin with; it is a disadvantage to apply for grants as a stand-alone county.
Mr. Acres said all this resolution says is that we are going to join a consortium which enhances opportunities to apply for and receive grants; it is as simple as that. He said he can only see this as a positive.
Mr. Putney moved to amendment the resolution to include language in the fifth whereas saying “mutually agreed upon”. Mr. Parker said he considered that a friendly amendment. Motion carried.
B. Authorizing the Chair to Sign the Memorandum of Understanding for Membership in the Hazardous Material Consortium with Essex, Clinton, Franklin, Warren, W ashington, and St. Lawrence Counties (Res) – Mr. Bunstone moved to forward this resolution to full Board, seconded by Mr. Parker. Mr. Gilbert said this is a hazardous material response consortium. St. Lawrence County is the only county in New York State that is not in a hazardous material consortium. Again, this is a regional approach to apply for grants as a region. It is for any new equipment used to response to hazardous material, or maintenance of equipment we now have. The funds are drawn from a calculation based on New York State homeland security. Essex County is the submitting county for this consortium.
Mr. Parker said he appreciates Mr. Gilbert bringing this forward. The equipment is expensive, and he applauds and fully supports this resolution.
Mr. Morrill said the seventh whereas says it is required to provide matching funds. He moved to add the language “mutually agreed upon”. Mr. Bunstone said he considered this a friendly amendment.
Mr. Gilbert said individual counties can no longer apply for grants alone. Mr. Burns asked if this includes airports, and if there are any groups, other than local fire departments that can handle hazardous spills. Mr. Gilbert said the hazardous material team would respond, but if it was over their scope of response, there are six other counties we can call on. Mr. Burns said we may want to consider something that is more centrally located.
Mr. Acres asked for examples of the regional weapons of mass destruction. Mr. Gilbert said chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear explosives. Mr. Acres asked if the staff receives training for these. Mr. Gilbert said yes. Motion carried.
C. Updates in the Department of Emergency Services (discussion) – Mr. Gilbert said they are in the midst of the hiring process, and are interviewing five people on the 22nd. The new hires will go to training to the mandatory dispatcher course in Plattsburg on the 29th. The schedule has been changed to include new hires, and they should be able to stand on their own by November 1st. He said they have been busy in communications. According the FCC requirements all radios must go from a wide band to a narrow band. There will be a County wide communications exercise on October 15th to confirm all narrow banding is complete. In conjunction with that, a new ID system was instituted for all Departments and the County. All firefighters, the 2 departments, and County will be able to key your FM radio, and a call identifier will come up on the screen. The advantage of that will be to identify an individual and where they are located, even without speaking a word.
The cell phone tower and repeater system in Cranberry Lake will be fully functional next week to give better coverage in that area.
Two Deputy Coordinators were added to communications. They are volunteers and are no cost to the County other than possible mileage costs. One has an expertise in ham radio and the other one has an expertise in networking.
Mr. Gilbert said he implemented an incident review form countywide. This is for all departments in the County to share their knowledge and best practice responses to incidents they may encounter. It is a forum to share best practices. In conjunction with this, there is a department capability form. In the event we need to set up an Emergency Operations Center, it is to share resources across county lines. By identifying all resources across the County, it will help with mutual assistance in the event State agencies tap into St. Lawrence County asking for services.
He said one thing he wanted to do when he came onboard was to build an emergency management structure within the County, meaning if there is a major incident where an Emergency Management Command Center is needed or if the County headquarters becomes an area command under the National Incident Command, then a knowledge base is important. In September an Emergency Operations Center Course is being offered along with a Public Officials Course which trains Public Official of their requirements.
There will be a course next week on Incident Command System training. There will be a baseline ability in Incident Command System throughout the County in the unlikely event it will be needed.
There will be a county-wide ice storm exercise in November held at SUNY Canton. There is no cost to the County to conduct any of these training exercises.
When the incident occurred in Potsdam, the incident command center was set up at the fire station in Potsdam. Depending on the scope of an incident, the County could have multiple incident command centers, and all incident command centers locations must be in place, identified, and agreed upon before an incident happens.
The Army has excess equipment and because we are a government agency we can get some equipment at a reduced cost. A requirement for the Cranberry Lake tower is a structure at the base of that tower to house all electronic equipment. We had quotes of $1,500 - $1,800 for a shelter, but instead went to Fort Drum and secured two shelters for $100 each. The original list prices on these shelters were $13,280.
Four work study students from SUNY Canton will be working in Emergency Services that are fully funded through their student aid and no cost to the County. The County Planning Department has been working very hard on the Hazardous Mitigation Plan for the County.
He has also instituted the bravery award to recognize the bravery of the firefighters. 3 There is a new CAD system, and they are exploring an active 911 system that will be free to the County.
Mr. Parker said Mr. Gilbert has been here ninety (90) days, and he is impressed with what was achieved and accomplished in that time.
Mr. Acres asked if the after review forms will be posted online so they can be learned from. Mr. Gilbert said yes, when the website is revamped this information will be included. Mr. Acres asked how a fatality would be addressed. Mr. Gilbert said we would have to set a policy. Mr. Acres said the overall intent is to learn.
A. Authorization to fill a Senior Probation Officer Position in the Probation Department (Res) (Info) – Ms. Brothers moved to forward this resolution to full Board, seconded by Mr. Lightfoot. Mr. Burns said he has never been a believer in automatically backfilling a vacant position. He moved to offer an amendment that it is stricken from this resolution. Mr. Gauthier said that whoever is going to fill this position would leave a caseload from another spot. This person cannot move into this position until he hires someone to train in the position vacated. Mr. Burns moved to amend the resolution to include after thirty (30) days of date vacated to fill a position, and strike authorizing backfilling a vacant position, seconded by Ms. Brothers.
Mr. MacKinnon said he will not support the amendment because when we got in to the discussion of the non-essential hiring freeze and the County Legislators were involved in making that decision, we did not reduce any positions. We changed our practices to have the County Administrator and Mr. Boulio review these positions and since that time, 103 positions have been eliminated. Based on that, he trusts that they are not allowing non-essential positions to be filled.
Mr. Morrill said he believes the language said it will be automatically filled, and for that reason he will support the amendment.
Mr. Lightfoot asked what the effective date of retirement. Mr. Gauthier said July 27th. Mr. Lightfoot said by the time this is filled, the 30 days will have elapsed.
Mr. Parker said without the ability to backfill the position, the Senior Probation Officer cannot be released to come to this vacancy. By striking the language on this resolution will in effect put this resolution on hold until we get the second one approved. Mr. Gauthier said yes it would. Mr. Parker agrees with Legislator MacKinnon, and he is willing to go with the recommendation of the Human Resources Director, and he will not support this amendment.
Mr. Burns said by making the amendment, it would not prevent the promoting this person to Senior Probation Officer. Mr. Gauthier said one of the candidates is a Senior Probation Officer already so it would be a lateral move. The problem is what would happen to the caseload they leave. Mr. Burns said it still does not prevent you from moving that person into that position. He said his intent is that any new person that is hired from outside should come before the Board.
Mr. Bunstone said this resolution is asking to fill two positions. The cost of one position is 4 stated, but what is the cost of the other position. Mr. Gauthier said it depends on who is hired. A Probation Officer that will fill that spot is likely to come in at a base rate.
Mr. Arquiett said you are filling a vacancy of a Senior Probation Officer, so that will leave an open Probation Officer spot. Mr. Gauthier said he is not sure where the new Probation Officer will come from. Mr. Arquiett said the amendment says if the Probation Officer is going to be hired from the street; a resolution should be done and presented to the Board. Mr. Gauthier said if this position is not going to be backfilled then put this resolution off a month because he cannot move a person to this position without having someone to cover that person’s caseload. Ms. St. Hilaire said if you have someone from Department of Social Services that can backfill that position, the spot can be filled.
Ms. Brothers said she finds herself conflicted. She is making every effort to not hire anyone off the street because of the budget. She is willing to let the County Administrator and Human Resource Director transfer employees around. She does not want to hire off the street, and she is willing to support Mr. Burn’s amendment. She asked if there was anyone internally that could fill this spot. It is not a question of trust; it is a matter of looking at it as a budgetary manner.
Mr. Acres asked if the position cannot be backfill, the investigation cannot be done, and how that will affect the defendant. Mr. Gauthier said it will delay court, and the defendant will be in jail longer. Mr. Acres asked if there are time limits that need to be adhered to. Mr. Gauthier said no, time limits on this can be pushed out. Mr. Acres said if you do not have the staff, the defendant can be free to continue his practice. He said he will vote against this amendment. The County Administrator and Human Resources officer can handle it; it is their job.
Mr. Parker said if the defendant is held in County jail longer, it will increase the cost to the County. Mr. Gauthier said yes.
Mr. Peck said if Mr. Burns’ amendment passes, the lateral move can be done, and if the other position can be filled internally from another County Department, that can be done. If that position cannot be filled internally, it has to come back to the Board for approval.
Mr. Putman asked for clarification on the wording. Mr. Peck said the Now Therefore be it Resolved, add a period after “from 30 days of date vacated” and include “and delete the language “authorizing the backfill of a vacant position”.
Ms. St. Hilaire said she thinks this language was taken from a resolution from months ago and that someone was working from an old resolution. That language has since been removed from resolutions. Mr. Gauthier said it was intent to include that language because it is a domino effect and he needs to backfill the position.
Mr. Arquiett said if the amendment passed and it came back to the Board, there would not be much of a time lapse as there is a meeting every Monday. Ms. St. Hilaire said no. Amendment carried by a roll call vote with eight (8) yes votes, six (6) no votes (Acres, Akins, Lightfoot, MacKinnon, Paquin, and Parker), and one (1) absent (Sutherland).
Ms. St. Hilaire said the position is an internal move, so there is no need for a resolution. The resolution was withdrawn because it will be filled internally.
Mr. Burns asked for information to be emailed to him on the Judicial Diversion Program. 5 6. PUBLIC HEALTH – SUE HATHAWAY
A. Authorization to fill a Registered Professional Nurse Position in the Public Health Department (Res) (Info) - Mr. Morrill moved to forward this resolution to full Board, seconded by Mr. Bunstone. Ms. Hathaway said they have lost three nurses from Prevent and another nurse that is out indefinitely. There are not enough nurses to do mandated programs. Mr. MacKinnon said at budget time a decision will be made to continue with CHHA side of Public Health. In the event CHHA did not continue, could this position could be filled by a CHHA nurse. Ms. Hathaway said yes, someone could be moved. Mr. MacKinnon said if this position was filled now, there would not be an opportunity to fill it with a CHHA nurse in a couple of months. Ms. Hathaway said when she hires a nurse, and she precludes the interview with the caveat that there is uncertainty about the CHHA and the position may go away. She said she needs someone in Prevent as these are mandated programs, and we do not have the staff to do the mandated programs.
Mr. Burns asked if any of the salary and benefits is reimbursed. Ms. Hathaway said it is 36% State Aid reimbursement.
Mr. Lightfoot asked if we layoff, would unemployment or worker’s compensation be reimbursed. Ms. Hathaway said no, reimbursements are just for services performed. Mr. Lightfoot asked if we hired someone for a week or two, would they were eligible for unemployment. Ms. St. Hilaire said if they worked somewhere else for 26 weeks, they would be eligible.
Mr. Acres asked what would happen if the mandates were not met; would there be a fine. Ms. Hathaway said yes, the State would come down on us because they are mandated programs. She said we have not had staff to immunize the migrant workers, maternal child health, or going to doctors’ offices to look at their immunization records. We just do not have the staff to do it. The State can fine us, but it really is the residents of the County who suffer. Mr. Acres asked how we reach these people now. Ms. Hathaway said we get referrals from doctor’s offices and hospitals. She said staff is stretched to the limit, and she is not sure what program she can cancel next. Immunization clinic for schools were cancelled, but have rescheduled. Mr. Acres asked if any CHHA nurses are interested in this position now. Ms. Hathaway said she cannot take a nurse from CHHA, as it would be disastrous.
Mr. Parker asked if it is possible to contract or have a per diem fill this. Ms. Hathaway said CSEA contract does not allow a per diem. She said it might be possible to have a casual nurse, but it would not be enough as it would only be 30 days per year. The caseloads are so high now that it is risky. Motion carried by a roll call vote with thirteen (13) yes votes, one (1) no vote (Akins), and one (1) absent (Sutherland).
Ms. St. Hilaire said they got the CHHA report and billable visits are up. Mr. Burns asked if the CHHA was fully staffed. Ms. Hathaway said no, nurses are still being trained; two new nurses are starting next week. She hopes to have all positions filled within six (6) weeks. Mr. Bunstone said it is nice to see the numbers back up. He asked how many billable visits get paid within the month. Sue said the majority is billed to Medicaid and are billed within 90 days. All documents get sent in, and then you wait for insurance of Medicaid to pay. 6 Ms. St. Hilaire said money for J&L has been put into escrow by CDM.
There was a meeting last week with Senator Schumer at Alcoa. The primary purpose was to inform people of the Grasse River clean up.
Ms. St. Hilaire said she spoke with the Sheriff said there are 170 people in the jail, and will have 187 by the weekend. Mr. Burns asked if we have any State ready inmates. Ms. St. Hilaire said if we do we try to get them out as quickly as possible.
Mr. Putney said he had a complaint from a constituent regarding traffic at the intersection of State Highway 310 and State Street slowing down traffic. He asked if the light was permanent or just there because of road construction going on. He heard the Sheriff had a press release indicating he wanted to have the speed limit reduced to 40 miles per hour. Ms. St. Hilaire said she would check into that.
Mr. Lightfoot asked if we are having home monitoring systems. Ms. St. Hilaire said Mr. Gauthier is opposed to that. Judges want home monitoring. Mr. Gauthier said it is an adjunct to services already provided. If they should be out of jail, we get them out of jail. Some are repeat offenders, and they need to be in jail. He said electronic home monitoring is redundant. Mr. Lightfoot asked if the Sheriff would take over the system. Ms. St. Hilaire said we did not talk about who would take this over. Mr. Lightfoot asked if the judge had the final say. Ms. St. Hilaire said no, it is our decision.
Mr. Putman said he believes the traffic lights are temporary due to construction.
Mr. Burns asked about a local law regarding the sale of synthetic drugs, and said the Governor has proposed laws. He would like to obtain the State’s version of the local law and see how they develop statewide enforcement.
Mr. Burns said saw a ship sideways in the channel, and a tug boat came along and brought it to the Port of Ogdensburg. Mr. Morrill said we had a call from the Navy that they had a ship that needed to stop in Ogdensburg to exit their black water. We were able to take care of their needs; it was an opportunity to help the Navy.
9. EXECUTIVE SESSION – There was none.
Mr. Morrill introduced Harvey Thomas of the Russell Rescue Squad. Mr. Thomas did a demonstration of a chest compression machine that they brought. The Russell Rescue Squad is the only squad north of Syracuse that has this unit. They paid $12,500 for it and have used it twice in the two months they have had it.
10. ADJOURNMENT – Chair Peck adjourned the meeting at 7:17 p.m. as there is no further business.