3-Day Course on Paediatric Dermatology at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, Liverpool 04th - 06th March 2015 ______


All teaching will be in the Clinical Skills Laboratory Alder Hey Hospital

Wednesday 04th March 2015

1.00 p.m. Registration and coffee (Foyer, Education Centre, Alder Hey)

1.30 p.m. Neonatal Dermatology Dr TH Clayton

2.30 p.m. Selected Genodermatoses Professor JL Verbov

3.30 p.m. Tea (Foyer, Education Centre)

3.45 p.m. Psoriasis in children Dr R Parslew

4.30 p.m. Bandaging Demonstration Sister D Woodcock

5.00 p.m. Finish 3-Day Course on Paediatric Dermatology at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, Liverpool 04th - 06th March 2015 ______


Thursday 05th March 2015

09.00 a.m. Inflammatory skin Disease Dr GR Sharpe

10.30 a.m. Coffee (Foyer, Education Centre)

10.45 a.m. Skin Infections Dr GR Sharpe

11.30 am Haemangiomas and Laser Therapy Mr. Se Hwang Liew

12.30 p.m. Lunch (Hospital Restaurant)

1.30 a.m. Dermatology Clinical Cases Dr A Alsharqi

3.00 p.m. Tea (Foyer, Education Centre)

3.15 p.m. Acne Dr R Parslew

4.00 p.m. Atopic Eczema Dr A Salim

5.00 p.m. Finish 3-Day Course on Paediatric Dermatology at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, Liverpool 04th - 06th March 2015 ______


Friday 06th March 2015

9.00 a.m. Selected complex case histories and Management Dr A Alsharqi

10.15 a.m. Coffee (Foyer, Education Centre)

10.30 a.m. Dermatology Clinical Cases Dr R Parslew

12.45 p.m. Lunch (Hospital Restaurant)

1.15 p.m. Taxis Depart (From Education Centre to Lime Street Station, Liverpool City Centre)
