Anglesea Futures Community Conversations
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Anglesea Futures Community Conversations Community Conversation Number 8
Anglesea Senior Citizens Hall 17th November 2016 The final Anglesea Futures Community Conversation Series (AFCC) meeting for the year was held on 17 November to provide the community with an update on management arrangements for the Anglesea River over summer and be informed of topics for discussion, including future land use planning, the Anglesea Heath and the Anglesea River when the series continues in 2017. The meeting commenced with a recap on what has happen so far.
1. Anglesea River
An update on the implementation of the short-term option for the management of the Anglesea River for summer 2016/17 was provided: The short-term option is to pump water from an existing Alcoa storage pond into the Anglesea River over summer to maintain adequate water levels to support social, economic and environmental values Alcoa have agreed for Government to access and utilise a water storage pond at the power station The Government is partnering with Barwon Water and Alcoa to deliver this option Barwon Water have agreed to: - operate the necessary infrastructure on behalf of DELWP - establish a pump and pipeline from the pond to the river - apply for a Take & Use Licence (106ML over winter/spring) - conduct water quality monitoring on the pond to ensure there are no negative impacts on the river. Implementation update for the short term options: • The funding agreement between DELWP and Barwon Water has been finalised • The agreement to lease the storage pond from Alcoa will be finalised this week • Barwon Water will begin installing the infrastructure in approx. 2 weeks • Discharge of water into the Anglesea River should be able to begin in December • Discharge rates will be managed to avoid extended periods of levels below 1.3m AHD in the estuary • EPA and the Corangamite CMA have currently developing water quality monitoring requirements for the storage pond to ensure there are no negative impacts on the river.
Discussions on the long term management of the Anglesea River are on hold while DELWP awaits the release of the draft mine closure plan to better inform an appropriate long- term option. The current health of the Anglesea River was also discussed. Water quality is good although still a little acidic and water levels are currently at 1.36m. Questions and Answers Participants asked a series of questions throughout the evening. These were answered on the night and are offered here for information. This first set relate to the short-term management option.
Question Answer Has someone walked Coogoorah Park lately Several staff from Department of Environment, it is very low at the moment? Land, Water and Planning/ Corangamite CMA/Surf Coast Shire have attended the site in recent weeks. The height of the river, which is constantly monitored, is low at the moment as the mouth of the river is open. What if the water in the mine pit is not The mine pit water has a very low pH level and is acceptable and needed for the river? high in metals (e.g. iron). Utilising mine pit was considered in the options analysis report but would require treatment prior to use. What is the current height of the water The current height of the river at the Great Ocean below the jetty? Is it too low at the Road bridge is 1.36m. moment? Are there plants that thrive in low water Yes, some plant species may thrive with lower water levels? levels, while others may die off. How much water was Alcoa putting in the Up to 4.5 Megalitres/day. river? How much water is there in the mine pit? While the exact volume of water in the mine pit is How will it be replenished and how do we currently unknown, it is only a small fraction of the get more water in there? total capacity. Alcoa is considering filling the mine pit with water. The pit will naturally fill with groundwater, however the filling process could be sped up through the diversion of Salt Creek into the pit. The long-term plan for the pit is currently being developed by Alcoa and will involve consultation with the community. What is the cost of pumping back into the The cost of pumping is still being finalised. The costs pond? of the short term management option will be funded by the Victorian Government with in-kind support from Barwon Water. What is the reasoning for the 1.3 Australian The water levels in the river will be kept to around Height Datum (AHD)? 1.3m to avoid extended periods of exposure of the coastal acid sulfate soils. How come we can’t use Alcoa’s Alcoa need to remove their infrastructure to infrastructure to pump? decommission the power station. Additionally Alcoa’s infrastructure was expensive to operate. Is it possible to narrow the flow of water? No, that would not be feasible and would not fix the problem. The concept of partially filling in Coogoorah Park was considered as part of the long- term options assessment. Will the lake become too acidic over time? Alcoa is currently undertaking technical studies which will determine the expected water quality condition of the proposed lake. Is the water that would flow from the creek Salt and Marshy Creeks experience occasional acidic also very acidic? or low pH water quality events due to natural sources of acid in the catchment. This will be considered as part of Aloca’s technical assessments. Would there be natural runoff into the lake Salt and Marshy Creeks experience occasional acidic that is high in pH (acidic)? or low pH water quality events due to natural sources of acid in the catchment. This will be considered as part of Aloca’s technical assessments.
2. Anglesea Heath
An update on the transfer of the Anglesea Heath into the Great Otway National Park was provided: Government is committed to incorporating the Anglesea Heath into the Great Otway National Park Assessment of the Alcoa lease has identified some areas which don’t have conservation values consistent with National Park The future use of land (with lower values) for more intensive recreational activities could reduce the pressure on the areas of high conservation value. Questions and Answers
Question Answer Are there some conservation areas on Alcoa are undertaking a revegetation assessment of freehold land that could be included in the the site which may identify the significance of the ‘heath’? vegetation on the site. How do we find out from DELWP which Information from Aloca’s revegetation assessment is areas are of high conservation value? available the Alcoa Community Consultation Network meetings. What is the planning status/caveats on The Alcoa Anglesea power station and coal mine freehold land? lease area is zoned Special Use – Schedule 1 under the Surf Coast Planning Scheme. The purpose of the zone is to provide for brown coal mining and electricity generation in accordance with the Mines (Aluminium Agreement) Act 1961. What’s wrong with the current route of The existing alignment of Coalmine Road is too close Coalmine Rd to the mine pit and may pose a public safety risk. Where do the crown land aspects of this sit The future use of the Crown land and the broader within the priorities of state government? Anglesea area are of great significance to the Victorian Government. The Victorian Government has committed to incorporating the Anglesea Heath into the adjacent Great Otway National Park. The Anglesea Heath is recognised as having significant environmental value.
3. Land Use Planning
An outline for the timeline and process for community consultation in 2017 was provided. Anglesea Futures Community Conversation Series will commence in January 2017 to provide holiday makers with a summary of what has happened so far and outline the timeline and topics for discussion for 2017. DELWP and Surf Coast Shire will consult with the community from March-May to confirm the vision and principles for Anglesea. Preferred land uses will be determined through community feedback to establish a framework for the site and guide the master plans for the site.
It is proposed that a draft land use plan will be released for public comment in July-September. Feedback from the community will be reviewed and a final land use plan released in December 2017-January 2018. Conversations regarding the management of the Anglesea Heath and Anglesea River will also continue next year.
Questions and Answers
Question Answer Good to show draft and final Alcoa Master We agree – in the new year we will work on getting Plan steps on the diagram as well these steps included in the diagrams so we can show all processes. Is residential being considered for the site? Residential use of the land will be discussed through the development of a land use plan in 2017. The Anglesea Structure Plan had not envisaged any further residential areas in the town apart from some infill developments such as the old school site. How many acres are there on the freehold 353 acres (143 ha) land? How committed is the Shire to this timeline? The Shire is very committed along with DEWLP to develop a land use plan during 2017 at the same time as Alcoa develop a master plan for their freehold land. Resources have been allocated to do this project work. Will approaches from (e.g.) developers be All proponents will be asked to make a formal brought back to the community? submission during the public consultation phase that will commence in 2017. Is it possible that the freehold land is sold Alcoa must meet all of their legislative requirements before these steps are gone through? before they can sell their land. What is the timeframe for the realignment If the creek is to be realigned it would happen during of the creek? Does it fit into this timeframe? the remediation works for the mine pit. Is the work Alcoa is doing now charged No. The $15 million is a bond kept in trust and only against the $15million? used if and when the company clean-up is not deemed to be of an acceptable standard. All current works are undertaken by Alcoa independent of this amount and from their own company budget. Include ‘submissions’ as an input into the We have included it on the attached, thankyou. second diagram on the left-hand side Who makes the decision on the freehold Council resolves on the final land use plan and refers land? it to the Minister for Planning for a final decision. January March May July September November January 2018
Capture values and Ideas Draft Land Use Plan Finalise Land Use Plan
Summary Confirm Identify Release Review Prepare Release Summary What will happen in Vision and Principles Land use DRAFT Land Use Plan Submissions FINAL land use plan FINAL land use plan What will happen in opportunities and 2017 for Anglesea 2018 constraints
Community Community Community Community Community Community Community Community
Update Engagement Engagement Engagement Update Update Engagement Update
Anglesea Heath and River Management Conversations
Anglesea Futures Land Use Plan Process
4. Engagement
The participants were asked to consider if there were any further ways they would prefer to be engaged over the next year that as yet had not been considered. The following are the suggestions: More small group discussions to hear what your neighbours are thinking
Surveys for holiday makers
Keep being transparent
Provide a link to the good examples where rehabilitation has been done well (these are on the Alcoa website for you to peruse and will also be added to the DELWP and SCS websites) Need some good editorial coverage on this as it is a good story
Next Alcoa CCN Meeting :Monday December 12 6pm at the Anglesea Senior Citizens Hall.