Your Name Your Address Your City, State Zip Code Your Phone Number Your Email


Name Title Organization Address City, State, Zip Code

Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name:

Use the first paragraph to thank the interviewer for taking the time to meet with you. Mention your interest in the job and how enthusiastic you are about it.

The second paragraph of your thank you letter should include the reasons why you are an excellent candidate for the job. List specific skills that relate to the job you interviewed for. The more detailed you are, the more the interviewer will know about your qualifications.

The third paragraph (optional) can be used to mention anything that you didn't bring up at the interview that you'd like the employer to know. This gives you another chance to make a good impression, especially if you remembered something you should have said after the interview.

In your closing paragraph, reiterate your appreciation for being considered for the job and let the interviewer know you are looking forward to hearing from him or her soon.


Your Signature (hard copy letter)

Your Typed Name Annie Oakley 456 Oklahoma Ave. Topeka, KS 58731 454-859-1234 annie@[email protected]

May 8, 2014

Tom Holiday Hiring Manager Horses R’Us 852 Grazing Lane Pretty, Kansas 59741

Dear Mr. Holiday:

Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to talk to me about the Senior Programmer Analyst position with Rifles R’ Us Company. I appreciate your time and consideration in interviewing me for this position.

After speaking with you and the group, I believe that I would be a perfect candidate for this position, offering the quick learning and adaptability that is needed for a diversified position.

In addition to my enthusiasm for performing well, I would bring the technical and analytical skills necessary to get the job done. I am very interested in working for you and look forward to hearing from you once the final decisions are made regarding this position.

Please feel free to contact me at any time if further information is needed. My cell phone number is (555) 111-1111. Thank you again for your time and consideration.


Your Signature

Annie Oakley