University Research Grants
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University Research Grants 2015-2016
Proposal Name(s) Department Award Title
Mathematical Anton, Marian A refinement of an conjecture of Quillen $3,750 Sciences
Barnett, Stuart English Archival Research on Agatha Christie $3,225
Barrington, Global Chaucers: The Canterbury Tales in the English $5,000 Candace Brazillian Pampas
Benfield, Psychographic profiling of Garden Tourists to Geography $2,933 Richard Historic Gardens and Cemetaries
Genetic analysis of an invasive species, Bray, Alicia Biology Emerald Ash Borer (Agrilus planipennis) $4,100 introduced into western Russia
Second year of field surveys of mosquito Bray, Alicia Biology species in Connecticut with special attention $796 to introduced species and pathogen vectors
A Mechanistic Investigation into Tissue Chakraborty, Chemistry & Browning Using Apple (Malus spp.) as a $4,500 Sourav Biochemistry Model System
Biomolecular Chase, Daniel A new mechanism of dopamine signaling $4,970 Sciences
Chen, Sixia Computer Science Deniable, Affiliation-Hiding Authentication $3,500
Invisible Pelotons: The Gendered Politics of Cohen, Diana Political Science $4,500 Women's Cycling
Silver (I) complexes with Chemistry & dithienylpyridoquinoxalines: Evidence of η¹- Crundwell, Guy $4,576 Biochemistry thiophene bonding to generate molecular frameworks D'Ambrosio, The Lampedusa Migrants: People, Not Journalism $4,750 Mary Problems
Planaria as an Animal Model for Evaluating Biomolecular Davis, Michael Microbial Bioremediation of Hydocarbon- $4,500 Sciences Contaminated Environments
Dhar, Paramita; Robinson, Economics Fast-food restaurants and Childhood Obesity $3,850 Christina Computer Dharavath, Haji Analysis of Spectral Response Variation of Electronics and Naik; Thamma, Multiple Color Measuring Devices in a CQMW $4,819 Graphics Ravindra for Color Verification Technology Investigating heart development in zebrafish Dobbs- Biomolecular embryos exposed to ethanol and $4,770 McAuliffe, Betsy Sciences acetaminophen
Dowling, Robert English Eugene O'Neill: A Life in Four Acts $3,750
Drew, Sally; Development of the Disciplinary Literacy Special Education $5,610 Thomas, Jeff Observation Tool
Structural and Fluid History of the Middle Devonian sequence (including the Marcellus Evans, Mark Geological Sciences $1,638 shale) in the central Appalachian fold-and- thrust belt of Pennsylvania: A continuation Messages in Stone? Investigating Claims of the Existence of Artifacts in North America of Feder, Kenneth Anthropology $3,963 Pre-Columbian Age Exhibiting Old World Writing
Portraying Our Students Beyond the Gallagher, Sean Art $3,466 University
Ghodsi, Reza; STUDY TO DESIGN A NEW NOVEL VERTICAL Amaya-Bower, Engineering $4,000 AXIS WIND TURBINE Luz Developmental trajectories of childhood and Criminology and adolescent problem behavior: The Givens, Eugena $4,748 Criminal Justice intergenerational influence of parent mental health diagnosis and illicit substance use University Research Grants 2015-2016
Mathematical Cardinal Functions on Hausdorff Topological Gotchev, Ivan $3,500 Sciences Spaces
Occupancy Modeling of Atlantic Saltmarsh Hapeman, Paul Biology Mink (Neovison vison lutensis) in $2,070 Northeastern Florida Extent of Occurrence of the Endangered American Marten (Martes americana) in Hapeman, Paul Biology $1,613 Southern Vermont and Northwestern Massachusetts. Catholic Matters in the Letters, Tablet Hartwig, Heidi English Journalism, and Essais Catholiques of Graham $2,730 Greene
Hoopengardner, Biomolecular RNA editing and phylogenetic relationships in $3,000 Barry Sciences Porifera
Iannone, Abel Philosophy INQUIRY AND IMAGINATION $2,500
Neurosteroid modulation of synaptic Jackson, Mark Biology plasticity in the crayfish neuromuscular $4,500 system
The Biology and Ecology of the Commercially Jarrett, Jeremiah Biology Harvested Sea Cucumber, Holthuria $4,870 mexicana, along the Belize Barrier Reef Using Culturally Relevant Cognitively Mathematical Demanding Mathematics Tasks in Classrooms Jones, Shelly $2,871 Sciences in the United States and Abroad: University and School Connections Contribution of the molecular chaperone Biomolecular Kapper, Martin protein HSP40 to salinity adaptation in the $2,430 Sciences ribbed mussel
Biomolecular Importation and initial analysis of the curly King, Thomas $4,500 Sciences whiskers mutation (cw) in mice Examination of the linguistic development of Koulidobrova, English ASL and English by Deaf/Hard of Hearing non- $3,500 Elena native language learners: Expansion
Improving student learning in Computer Kurkovsky, Stan Computer Science $3,250 Science with Lego Serious Play
Mobile phone Expansion in Africa and Kyem, Peter Geography $4,095 Opportunities for e-Governance
Developing Leadership Models in the Management and Lee, Lee W. Globalizing Context: Universal versus Cross- $2,275 Organization cultural Variation of Leadership Images
Manufacturing and Using stereoscopic visualization to improve Lee, Namhun; Construction student spatial skills in construction $3,903 Park, Sangho Management management education
Physics and Study of High Energy Density cathode LeMaire, Peter $3,000 Engineering Physics materials for Li ion rechargeable batteries
Physical Education The Effects of Chronic Eccentric Cycling Leong, Chee Hoi and Human Training on Running Economy of Forefoot $5,000 Performance Strike Runners Effects of in vitro maturation, fertilization and culture on genome-wide DNA methylation Marjani, Sadie Biology $4,468 patterns in single, bovine pre-implantation embryos Reduction of Ultra-Violet Damage to DNA Chemistry & Maurer, Sarah using Membrane-Bound Polycyclic Aromatic $4,896 Biochemistry Hydrocarbons
A GIS Approach to Racial Profiling: The Micro- Meng, Yunliang Geography analysis and Macro-analysis of Racial $5,000 Disparity in Police Stops in Toronto Creation of Two New Works: Soundpiece No. Menoche, 2: Duo for bass clarinet and interactive Music $4,796 Charles electro-acoustics and After Midnight (working title) for tuba ensemble and electro-acoustics Mijid, Impacts of Different Trainings on Business Naranchimeg; Economics Community in Central Connecticut using $6,930 Zhou, Bin Micro-level Data University Research Grants 2015-2016
Mione, Thomas Biology The genetics of close relatives of the tomato $3,261
Mitchell, Criminology and Treatment Plans and Interventions for Damon; Tafrate, $6,500 Criminal Justice Antisocial Behavior Patterns Raymond Chip
On the Beaten Track?: Cultural Tourism and Mitrano, John Sociology $3,749 the Search for "Authenticity" Along Route 66
Considering the Adequacy of Market-Driven Mulcahy, Daniel Teacher Education $2,500 Educational Policy
Review and exploratory research on Outsourcing and Backsourcing: Preparation of Nagpal, Pankaj Accounting $2,520 External Research Grant Proposal at CSU and SUNY CONTROLLABLE FABRICATION OF GRAPHENE DERIVATIVES WITH PRE-DESIGNED PHYSICAL Naoumov, Physics and PROPERTIES AND STUDY OF THEIR OPTICAL $3,533 Anton Engineering Physics RESPONSE FOR OPTOELECTRONIC DEVICE APPLICATIONS RESEARCH ON THE COMBUSTRION OF BIO- Naoumov, DERIVED FUELS IN HYBRID PROPELLANT Engineering $4,850 Viatcheslav ROCKET ENGINE. PHASE-V: STUDY OF THE COMBUSTION OF FUEL GRAINS… To explore the challenges faced and measure Counselor the level of depression among Zimbabwe Ngazimbi, Education and family caregivers of persons living with $2,500 Evadne Family Therapy HIV/AIDS who are on antiretroviral medications LITHOGENIC CONCENTRATIONS TRACE AND Oyewumi, MAJOR ELEMENTS IN SOIL AND SAPROLITE Geological Sciences $5,000 Oluyinka OVER BASEMENT ROCK OF LEBANON, CONNECTICUT Studying Parents: How Students With Pearson, Fiona Sociology Children are Changing College, Campus, and $1,625 Culture
Population Ecology of an Estaurine Seaweed, Penniman, Biology Polysiphonia subtilissima (Rhodophyta, $5,000 Clayton Ceramiales) Mathematical Perdomo, Oscar Periodic Solution of the Three Body Problem $3,750 Sciences
Tools to Improve Student Learning of Pevac, Irena Computer Science Recursive Algorithms Time Performance $2,996 Analysis
Changing Geographies of Health Care in Cuba: Pope, Cynthia Geography $3,500 From Revolution to Privatization
Robinson, Student's Choice of Major: A Case Study from Christina; Liard- Economics $9,000 Central Connecticut State University Muriente, Carlos
Analysis of Intraclass Correlation Coefficients Mathematical Saha, Krishna for Correlated Binary data from Several $4,500 Sciences Treatment Groups
Salama, Talat; Manufacturing and Structural Evaluation of Model Steel Truss Thamma, Construction $7,313 Bridge Ravindra Management
Producing an Award-Winning Online Journal Shankar, Ravi English $3,250 of the Arts
Linking Aerosol Angular Scattering Physics and Sharma, Nimmi Parameters with Laser Atmospheric $3,750 Engineering Physics Measurements
Older People's Perceptions of Elderly Dining Shen, Xiaoping Geography $5,000 Services in China
Showers, Care for Hire: Immigration, Race, Gender and Sociology $3,750 Fumilayo Health Care in the United States
Anticipating a Market: Deploying and Framing Small, Ivan Anthropology "Culture" in Asian Transportation Design and $4,500 Consumption
Physical Education Leadership Development Through Sport: A Voight, Mike and Human National and International Perspective on $3,250 Performance Best and Next Practices University Research Grants 2015-2016
Wagner Nursing "Narratives of Women in Transition" $2,500
Physical Education Replication study of the vitamin D receptor Walsh, Sean and Human (VDR) genotype association with skeletal $2,275 Performance muscle traits and sarcopenia Facilitating applications of CAD (Computer Aided Design), CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing and Manufacturing), and Rapid Prototyping in Wang, Haoyu Construction $3,250 Medical and Dental Research and Product Management Development through Software Platform Development
Warshauer, History The Genius of Connecticut $5,000 Matthew
Coordination and Redox Equilibria of Watton, Chemistry & Proximally Substituted Copper- $3,000 Stephen Biochemistry Phenanthroline Complexes
Chemistry & The bioinorganic chemistry of invasive sea Westcott, Barry $4,433 Biochemistry squirts in Long Island Sound
Tracing Sediment Sources for the Mesozoic Wizevich, Geological Sciences Hartford Basin Through Laser Ablation U-Pb $5,000 Michael dating of Detrital Zircons
Race, Slavery, and Abolition in the Making of Wolff, Robert History $5,000 New England Memory
Zlatareva, Neli Computer Science Validation of integrated ontologies $3,120