Chairperson: Amy Lammey - Mower County s1
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Chairperson: Amy Lammey - Mower County Vice Chairperson: Mike Peterson – Winona County Recorder: Jennifer Cable – Prairie Island Indian Community Minutes: 1000 – March 6 th, 2015 Owatonna, Minnesota
1. Call to Order – Amy Lammey Meeting was called to order at 10:09am.
2. Roll Call See attached sheet.
3. Approve previous minutes Minutes from January 9th, 2015. Motion by Goodhue County and seconded by Dodge to approve previous minutes. Motion carried.
4. Approve current agenda No changes to the current agenda. Motion by Freeborn County and seconded by Rice County. Motion carried.
5. Financials and Grants Nothing paid out yet in grant dollars. We will be invoiced soon for Scott’s work. We’ve collected $11,000.00 in dues so far. There are $12,416.00 in fees from Region 9. The current balance of cash is $24,416.99. Prairie Island also paid back the original set of dues of $1,000.00.
City of Rochester wanted to know what the current financial state of the region is. Stated he looked back and couldn’t find a financial statement. The Fiscal Agent advised that we are expecting an additional $7,000.00 from the remaining agencies who have not paid the annual dues. And that these are just operational funds they are not grant funds. We need this money to be able to pay invoices until the state reimburses us with the grant dollars. The contract with the state for the SHSP grant is for $110,000.00 Judy Indrelie will provide more of a financial statement/report at a later date, there just hasn’t been much activity yet other than collecting dues from the different agencies. Nothing has been spent yet since the report from last year.
Steele County suggested we put that information along with the minutes and other key information on the regional website when that gets up and going.
Judy said she would bring more year to date information to the next meeting.
6. Old business a. JPA Signature update JPA signatures are about half way there. Missing are: Blue Earth, Freeborn, Goodhue, Le Sueur, Rice, Steele, Wabasha, Winona, Rochester.
Discussion was made regarding having a deadline of April 30th, 2015. Freeborn County made a motion that by April 30th, all agencies who want to join the JPA need to have it signed and turned into Amy. Goodhue County Seconded the motion. Motion passed.
b. Website Update: (via Judy Indrelie) Mike Bromberg suggested that the payments run through Olmsted County. The group will then get a bill from Olmsted County. Nothing has been done yet with the website due to the status with the JPA.
c. Region Nine Update: Emailed out the workshop information. Motion to accept the report from the FAC workshop so that the financials can be paid. Motion made by Mower County, Seconded by Waseca County. Motion passed.
Strategic Plan Committee: Minimum of 4 people, up to 7 people. Need to have that ready for the May Meeting. Suggested members were: Amy Lammey, Mike Peterson, Jennifer Cable, Denise Wright, and Jennifer Hauer-Schmitz.
Project Update: THIRA- had a meeting last week in Minneapolis with supply chain groups and it was a really good session.
IP Gateway: webinars this week and next week. Going through some process items, IP Training today up in Minneapolis after this meeting.
Mass Care: 2nd quarter need to design and coordinate a workshop. Probably the beginning of April. Stay tuned.
Shelter Training: Does anyone want to host a training on shelter training? Scott can line that up with the Red Cross. Regionally, Sub Regionally, whatever we would like. It will also help them manage a FAC. Really good training in a way where you can coordinate the two things. (Shelters and FAC’s.) Trainings are about 6 hours approximately. The last one they did half of the group was there in person and the other half did it via webinar. They are waiting to see how well it worked for the attendees.
Workshops for Sheltering: site visit at a shelter in your community. They will give you the forms, do a walk through, etc. If this is something we can do only half of and put the other half into the FAC’s Scott is up for that. This would work well if there are new shelter sites that agencies are considering. It would be a good idea to do a test area as a first run kind of a thing.
Red Cross is willing to put on 18 if they need to. For Scott’s training he recommends that those are the people who don’t attend the shelter training. Those people will be the worker bees at the shelter. Red Cross will also bring their own volunteers to be trained as well. Scott recommends that we do it sub regionally or in neighboring counties. Bring a shelter leader if you can. Emergency managers can go through it if they want to. Also it might be good for CERT Teams.
Whoever wants to host a shelter management training, let Scott know and we’ll go from there. Freeborn said they would like to host one, and Rice is also interested as well.
Resource Manager: Needs to schedule a training on rapid tag and exercise schedule/3 year plan.
7. New business a. Olmsted County as official Attorney for JPB: Freeborn made the motion to have Olmsted County as the official attorney for the JPB. Fillmore County seconded. Motion passed.
8. HSEM Update – Marcy training branch has been reorganized again at HSEM Dodge County has talked about being one of the first to go through the integrated emergency management course. Let mark know if any other agencies are interested as well. Last week he was in Colorado on a foreign animal disease course, and there will be more information out at the May Quarterly meeting regarding the 2018 multi state FAD.
Meeting in May, Steele County offered to host. May 7th, 9am start time. Work plan is still in draft form and it will be out shortly.
9. AMEM Update – Diane Richter-Biwer – Outdoor warning siren practices is the new topic with AMEM. How many counties are changing their policies on when they use sirens as to not confuse the public or encourage negligence on their end. (like sirens that are used in small towns at noon or curfew. Others use them for severe thunderstorms and not just for high winds or tornados. Etc.) Looking at all kinds of great sessions for the Fall Conference. All new clothing and accessory line will also be available at the AMEM conference. AMEM dues are due and should be paid if you haven’t already done so. Reminder they went up to $130.00 this year from $100.00.
10. Legislative update: Emails went out.
11. Adjourn - 11:37 Motion made by Dodge and seconded by Rice to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Jennifer Cable
Upcoming Meetings:
April 10th (April 3rd is Good Friday) May 7th HSEM Quarterly Meeting Steele County Hosting (I assume that we won’t have a May 1st meeting as well) June 5th July 10th (July 3rd is a holiday) August 7th September TBA (AMEM) October 2nd November 6th December 4th