Course of Study
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COURSE OF STUDY Idaho Department of Education English Language Arts 12
2 Published by the Idaho Department of Education Fall 2002
Dr. Marilyn Howard State Superintendent of Public Instruction IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION English Language Arts
Dr. Lynette J. Hill Specialist, English Language Arts Idaho Department of Education P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0027 Phone 208-332-6941 • Fax 208-332-6993 Email : [email protected]
Course Contributors:
Name School District Judy Nale Twin Falls High School Twin Falls, Idaho Karma Archibald Oakley High School Cassia, Idaho Nancy Gray Idaho Digital Learning Hailey, Idaho Academy Table of Contents
Introduction ...... i Using This Document ...... ii Evaluation Philosophy ...... iii
S K I L L A : R E A D I N G S T R A T E G I E S A N D C R I T I C A L T H I N K I N G S K I L L S ......
S K I L L B : W R I T I N G S T R A T E G I E S A N D C R I T I C A L T H I N K I N G S K I L L S ......
S K I L L C : C O M M U N I C A T I O N S T R A T E G I E S A N D C R I T I C A L T H I N K I N G S K I L L S ......
B L O C K 1 : A N C I E N T : A N G L O - S A X O N A N D M I D D L E A G E S ......
B L O C K 2 : T H E E N G L I S H R E N A I S S A N C E ......
B L O C K 3 : T H E R E S T O R A T I O N A N D E N L I G H T E N M E N T ..
B L O C K 4 : T H E R O M A N T I C I S M A N D V I C T O R I A N P E R I O D S ......
B L O C K 5 : M O D E R N A N D C O N T E M P O R A R Y ......
B L O C K 6 : R E S E A R C H P A P E R , P O R T F O L I O , O R P R O J E C T ......
A P P E N D I X : A ...... Resources A P P E N D I X : B ...... Idaho Achievement Standards Introduction
We have not even to risk the adventure alone, for the heroes of all time have gone before us. “The Monomyth” by Joseph Campbell
The Idaho State Department of Education gathered teams of exemplary educators from throughout the state to write courses of study related to subject areas within Idaho’s Achievement Standards. In turn, all of the state’s school districts received hard copies as well as online access to the resulting documents in order to assist them incorporate Standards as a more integral part of their curricula. Teachers throughout the state have responded positively to these support documents.
Up to this point in their educational careers, teachers have introduced students to American and World literature. Secondary English Language Arts at the senior level focuses on ancient literary foundations and literary time periods within British literature. The writing process provides opportunities to respond to literature as well as to produce research, portfolio, and/or literary projects.
The objective in all of this is for students to be able to draw upon their literary heritage and their developing skill with written and spoken language so that, as humane and reasoning people, they may be responsibly engaged with the world around them.
It is imperative that this course provide a positive learning experience for students to increase their critical thinking and life-long learning. Additionally, aligned to the Idaho Standards, this course must lay the necessary framework to guide students’ futures.
The intended purpose of each course of study is to align instruction with the Idaho Language Arts Achievement Standards. This document will assist teachers in helping their students achieve graduation requirements.
Lynette J. Hill, Ed.D. January 2
i Using This Document
This English Language Arts Course of Study provides a starting point for teachers whose districts have not formalized their own standards-based curriculum as well as additional support for those whose districts have developed and published standards- based curriculum. Although the suggestions that follow form a framework that addresses all relevant Idaho standards, we are hopeful that teachers will incorporate their own professional training and experience to complete the course. The suggested activities representative alternative activities that may assist students achieve objectives. We encourage teachers to seek those activities that most capitalize on local resources or interests. Employed strategies may implement or extend opportunities for students to meets standards. We encourage teachers to identify additional activities and the standards they address for possible inclusion in a future revision and expansion of this guide.
ii Student Evaluation Philosophy
Assessment of student progress toward mastering individual standards should be on-going and imbedded within instructional blocks. Ideally, assessments should be formative in nature and assist to guide subsequent instruction. We encourage a variety of approaches to assessing student performance: performance, portfolios, and traditional testing. At the completion of this course, an end of course summary assessment device can validate student achievement.
Reading Strategies Skill and Critical Thinking Skills A o develop general skills and strategies in the reading and critical thinking process using literature from a variety of times and genres.
Objectives References 1. Students will preview materials to understand structure and anticipate 752.01b content.
T2. Students will develop analytic processes for understanding and 752.01c remembering words, phrases, and inform. ation from reading material.
3. Students will synthesize and organize information. 752.01e
4. Students will apply and extend information. 752.01f 5. Students will explain how an author uses language and literary 752.01g devices: - Mood; - Tone; - Style; - Figurative language; - Format; - Structure.
6. Students will know defining characteristics of literary forms and 752.02a genres (i.e. fiction, nonfiction, myths, poems, biographies, autobiographies, science fiction, parodies, satires, and plays).
7. Students will identify and compare own experiences to those of others 752.02b in situations, events, and cultures within reading selections.
8. Students will interpret the social, cultural, and historical significance of 752.02c a text.
9. Students will evaluate the validity and accuracy of information. 752.03a 10. Students will analyze author’s purpose within a literary text: 752.03b - Characterization; - Setting;
1 - Plot structure; - Theme; - Point of view; - Organization and form.
11. In response to technical materials, students will use personal or 752.03 e objective criteria to: - Draw conclusions; - Make inferences; - Decide meanings; - Form opinions; - Make judgments.
12. Students systematically organize and record information. 752.04b
13. Students will produce research projects and reports. 752.04c 14. Students will read for technical information. 752.05
2 Standard 752.01
Read a variety of traditional and electronic materials for information and understanding.
Content Knowledge Skills
752.01b Preview materials to understand structure and anticipate content.
752.01c Develop analytic processes for understanding and remembering words, phrases, and inform. ation from reading material. 752.01e Synthesize and organize information. 752.01f Apply and extend information. 752.01g Explain how an author uses language and literary devices: - Mood; - Tone; - Style; - Figurative language; - Format; - Structure.
Standard 752.02
Read and respond to a variety of literature to compare and contrast the many dimensions of human experience.
Content Knowledge and Skills
752.02a Know defining characteristics of literary forms and genres (i.e. fiction, nonfiction, myths, poems, biographies, autobiographies, science fiction, parodies, satires, and plays).
752.02b Identify and compare own experiences to those of others in situations, events, and cultures within reading selections.
752.02c Interpret the social, cultural, and historical significance of a text.
Standard 752.03
3 Read a variety of traditional, technical, and electronic materials for critical analysis and evaluation.
Content Knowledge and Skills
752.03a Evaluate the validity and accuracy of information. 752.03b Analyze author’s purpose within a literary text: - Characterization; - Setting; - Plot structure; - Theme; - Point of view; - Organization and form.
752.03 e In response to technical materials, students will use personal or objective criteria to: - Draw conclusions; - Make inferences; - Decide meanings; - Form opinions; - Make judgments.
Standard 752.04
Read to locate information from a variety of traditional, technical, and electronic sources.
Content Knowledge Skills 752.04b Systematically organize and record information. 752.04c Produce research projects and reports.
Standard 752.05
Read for technical information.
Content Knowledge and Skills 752.05 Read for technical information.
4 Suggested Activities References
1. Summarize the main characteristics of a given time period. 752.01b
2. Paraphrase a soiloqui and/or lines from a poem. 752.01b
3. Use pre-reading strategies such as drawing on prior knowledge, 752.01b discussing, generating questions, and making pre-reading predictions.
4. Preview the opening pages of a text and textual features. 752.01b
6. Respond to and engage with text by relating information to prior 752.01e knowledge or personal experience.
7. Generate critical, relevant questions that can lead to a greater 752.01e understanding of a passage or further research.
8. Compare and contrast topics, themes, motifs, and patterns of 752.01d organization, political assumptions, or philosophical arguments to make connections among texts and understand multiple perspectives and issues.
9. Determine a probable outcome or logical future action in written text, 752.01e drawing on his or her own knowledge of the world.
10. Produce a report or multimedia presentation that communicates an 752.01e understandable explanation of information, citing and integrating sources and using technology as appropriate.
11. Make an inference or draw a conclusion about content, events, patterns, 752.01f motifs, or perspectives in one or more reading passages and point to evidence that supports inference or conclusion.
12. Recognize and analyze the author’s purpose and intended impact for a 752.02g text and evaluate how intent affects the structure and tone.
13. Recognize and analyze the effects of figurative language in prose, 752.01g poetry, and drama
14. Determine the main idea and relevant details in a passage. 752.01h
15. Analyze how genre and structure contribute to the understanding of a 752.02a text and shape its theme and its presentation of a topic.
16. Respond and engage with text by relating information to prior 752.02a knowledge or personal experience.
5 Skill B 17. Compare and contrast genres, symbols, images, and archetypes found 752.02c in literature of different cultures and historical periods.
18. Describe universal themes and human conditions that recur in the 752.02c literature of all cultures.
19. Evaluate the quality or validity of information available on electronic 752.03a sources.
20. Analyze the relationship among elements of literature, including plot, 752.03a setting. Characterization, point of view, theme, tone, and mood (e.g., how the narrative affects tone, characterization, and plot).
21. Generate critical, relevant questions that can lead to a greater 752.03a understanding of a passage to further research.
22. Organize information around a thesis, using a wide range of primary 752.04c and secondary sources; include charts, illustrations, or graphs when appropriate; create a bibliography; and provide MLA style parenthetical documentation to achieve balance between researched information and original ideas.
Writing Strategies and Critical Thinking Skills
he student will
Objectives References 1. Students will demonstrate steps of the writing process: 753.01b - Brainstorm; T 6 - Draft; - Revise; - Edit; - Publish.
2. Students will evaluate and choose appropriate style and vocabulary for 753.01c particular audience.
3. Students will apply rules and conventions of the following: 753.02a - Grammar; - Punctuation; - Capitalization; - Spelling.
4. Students will formulate purpose, thesis, relevant support, and focused 753.02b paragraphs: - Use topic sentences, appropriate word choices and sentence structure, parallelism, transitions, paragraphing, indentation, organization, and documentation of sources; - Choose tone, voice, style, mood, and persona appropriate for different purposes, disciplines, and audiences.
5. Students will write to inform and explain. 753.03 6. Students will write for literary response and expression. 753.04 7. Students will analyze and evaluate for the following: 753.05a - Purpose; - Ideas; - Style; - Structure; - Effectiveness.
7 Standard 753.01
Understand and use the writing process.
Content Knowledge and Skills
753.01b Demonstrate steps of the writing process: - Brainstorm; - Draft; - Revise; - Edit; - Publish.
753.01c Evaluate and choose appropriate style and vocabulary for particular audience.
Standard 753.02
Write and edit for correctness and clarity.
Content Knowledge and Skills
753.02a Apply rules and conventions of the following: - Grammar; - Punctuation; - Capitalization; - Spelling.
753.02b Formulate purpose, thesis, relevant support, and focused paragraphs: - Use topic sentences, appropriate word choices and sentence structure, parallelism, transitions, paragraphing, indentation, organization, and documentation of sources; - Choose tone, voice, style, mood, and persona appropriate for different purposes, disciplines, and audiences.
Standard 753.03
Write to inform and explain.
Content Knowledge and Skills
753.03 Write to inform and explain.
8 Standard 753.04
Write for literary response and expression.
Content Knowledge and Skills
753.04 Write for literary response and expression. Standard 753.05
Write to critically analyze and evaluate.
Content Knowledge Skills
753.05a Analyze and evaluate for the following: - Purpose; - Ideas; - Style; - Structure; - Effectiveness.
9 Suggested Activities References
1. Apply the six traits of effective writing: ideas, voice, organization, word 753.01bc choice, sentence fluency, and conventions. 753.02ab
2. Develop an essay that uses a thesis statement, topic sentence, supporting 753.01a sentences, and a conclusion to demonstrate a logical organization of ideas.
3. Identify and use transitional words or phrases, as well as parallelism and 753.01a repetition between sentences, paragraphs, and ideas to achieve a sense of completeness and cohesiveness in a written text.
4. Interpret a wide range of literary and artistic works representing world 753.04a cultures and perspectives.
5. Write an essay in response to literature, demonstrating an understanding 753.04a of the work and supporting an interpretation with references to the text.
6. Write a literary analysis in response to literature. 753.05a
7. Write using fresh, vivid, and imaginative vocabulary (e.g., figurative 753.01c language, symbolism, colloquialisms, slang, idiom, jargon, dialect) and supporting detail (e.g., examples, definitions, anecdotes, paraphrases, facts, and statistics).
8. Identify and/or combine independent and dependent clauses and 753.02a appositive, prepositional, and verbal phrases to write compound and complex sentences.
9. Identify the correct placement and use of commas in appositive, 753.02a prepositional, and verbal phrases.
10. Use MLA or APA format and produce news articles, individual and 753.06a collaborative reports, brochures, proposals, critiques, and multimedia presentations or research.
11. Use a wide range of primary and secondary sources, provide 753.06b documentation, and organize information around a topic to achieve a balance between researched information and original ideas.
10 Skill Communication Strategies and Critical Thinking Skills C
he student will
Objectives References 1. Students will use listening skills to gain enrichment and information 754.01b about various cultures.
2. Students will demonstrate effective interpersonal listening skills. 754.01c 3. Students will speak to share an understanding of information. 755.01 4. Students will speak for literary response and expression. 755.02 5. Students will clearly express opinions and judgments. 755.03 T6. Students will encourage other’s participation, while exhibiting 755.03b courteous, attentive, and appropriate behavior during discussions: - Raise pertinent questions; - Exhibit cultural sensitivity.
7. Students will explain, compare, and contrast relationships, ideas, and 756.01a cultures represented in various media.
8. Students will view media to engage in critical analysis and evaluation. 756.02
9. Students will produce effective visuals which include the following: 756.03a - Essential messages and images; - Effective use of time, space, and organization; - Appropriate style, word choices, grammar, punctuation, and spelling; - Proper documentation.
11 Standard 754.01
Listen for information and understanding.
Content Knowledge and Skills
754.01b Use listening skills to gain enrichment and information about various cultures.
754.01c Demonstrate effective interpersonal listening skills. Standard 755.01
Speak to share an understanding of information.
Content Knowledge and Skills
755.01 Speak to share an understanding of information. Standard 755.02
Speak for literary response and expression.
Content Knowledge and Skills
755.02 Speak for literary response and expression. Standard 755.03
Speak for critical analysis and evaluation.
Content Knowledge and Skills
755.03a Clearly express opinions and judgments.
755.03b Encourage other’s participation, while exhibiting courteous, attentive, and appropriate behavior during discussions: - Raise pertinent questions; - Exhibit cultural sensitivity.
Standard 756.01
View media sources for personal response and expression.
Content Knowledge Skills
12 756.01a Explain, compare, and contrast relationships, idea, and cultures represented in various media.
Standard 756.02
View media to engage in critical analysis and evaluation.
Content Knowledge Skills
756.02 View media to engage in critical analysis and evaluation.
Standard 756.02
Use a variety of resources to produce visuals that communicate through print and non-print media.
Content Knowledge Skills
756.03a Produce effective visuals which include the following: - Essential messages and images; - Effective use of time, space, and organization; - Appropriate style, word choices, grammar, punctuation, and spelling; - Proper documentation.
13 Block 1
Suggested Activities Resources
1. Read poetry, prose, and drama orally with clarity and comprehension 755.02 using appropriate intonation, emphasis, phrasing, and expressions.
2. Deliver oral presentations as a member of a group (e.g., oral reports, 755.02 plays, and skits, role playing, panel discussions, book sharing, debating).
3. Participate in informal oral group activities (e.g., small-group and whole 755.03a class discussions, clarification of information, interpretation of literature).
4. Analyze non-print media for literary content. 756.02a
5. Create a brochure, portfolio, video, or computer presentation. 756.03a
Ancient Literary Foundations: Anglo- Saxon and Middle Ages
he student will
Objectives References 1. Students will decode unfamiliar words using a comprehensive set of 752.01a reading strategies: - Phonics; - Context clues; T- Word analysis skills. 2. Students will preview materials to understand structure and 752.01b anticipate content.
14 3. Students will develop analytic processes for understanding and 752.01c remembering words, phrases, and information from reading material.
4. Students will identify, collect, and/or select, and relate pertinent 752.01d information to given situations.
5. Students will explain how an author uses language and literary 752.01g devices: - Mood; - Tone; - Style; - Figurative language; - Format; - Structure.
6. Students will know defining characteristics of literary forms and 752.02a genres.
7. Students will identify and compare own experiences to those of 752.02b others in situations, events, and cultures within reading selections.
8. Students will interpret the social, cultural, and historical significance 752.02c of a text.
9. Students will evaluate how an author uses language and literary 752.02d devices to evoke a response in a reader: - Style; - Format; - Structure.
10. Students will analyze author’s purpose within a literary text: 752.03b - Characterization; - Setting; - Plot structure; - Theme; - Point of view; - Organization and form.
11. Students will write for literary response and expression. 753.04
15 Standard 752.01
Read a variety of traditional and electronic materials for information and understanding.
Content Knowledge Skills
752.01a Decode unfamiliar words using a comprehensive set of reading strategies: - Phonics; - Context clues; - Word analysis skills.
752.01b Preview materials to understand structure and anticipate content.
752.01c Develop analytic processes for understanding and remembering words, phrases, and information from reading material.
752.01d Identify, collect, and/or select, and relate pertinent information to given situations.
752.01g Explain how an author uses language and literary devices: - Mood; - Tone; - Style; - Figurative language; - Format; - Structure.
Standard 752.02
Read and respond to a variety of literature to compare and contrast the many dimensions of human experience.
Content Knowledge Skills
752.02a Defining characteristics of literary forms and genres.
752.02b Identify and compare own experiences to those of others in situations, events, and cultures within reading selections.
752.02c Interpret the social, cultural, and historical significance of a text.
752.02d Evaluate how an author uses language and literary devices to evoke a response in a reader:
16 - Style; - Format; - Structure.
Standard 752.03
Read a variety of traditional, technical, and electronic materials for critical analysis and evaluation.
Content Knowledge Skills
752.03b Analyze author’s purpose within a literary text: - Characterization; - Setting; - Plot structure; - Theme; - Point of view; - Organization and form.
Standard 753.04
Write for literary response and expression.
Content Knowledge Skills
753.04 Write for literary response and expression.
17 Suggested Activities Resources
1. List the characteristics of an epic. Then, as you read Beowulf, record 752.01 b, d, evidence of the presence or absence of those characteristics. Share your e, f findings with the class. 752.02 a, c 752.03a, b, d, e 752.04a, b 753.01b 2. Identify Anglo-Saxon literary devices such as kennings, caesura, 753.01g alliterations, and personification. 752.02a, c, d 3. Write modern day kennings and Anglo-Saxon verse. Write Anglo-Saxon 752.01g verse including kennings alliterations, caesura. 753.04c
4. Research the burial customs for great leaders in ancient Anglo-Saxon 752.01 d, e, and Viking cultures. Compare your findings to the burial customs of great f leaders in today’s society. 752.02 b. c
5. In groups discuss how the specific cultural characteristics of the Anglo- 752.01e, f Saxons are similar or different from the cultural characteristics of the 752.02b, c students of our time.
6. Imagine that you are one of Hrothgar’s warriors. Write a letter to a 753.01b comrade, in which you describe Grendel, his nightly visits, and your fears 753.02a, b about what might happen. 753.04c
7. Write a literary analysis of one of the Anglo-Saxon selections. 753.01a, b, c 753.02a, b 753.03b 753.04a, b, c
8. Have students work in cooperative groups to prepare a dramatic 754.01b, c interpretation of “The Wanderer.” 754.02b 754.03a 755.01c 755.02a
9. Research for visuals of Anglo-Saxon artifacts and report those 756.01a, b discoveries with the class. 756.02a
10. Describe the universal themes and human conditions in Anglo-Saxon 752.02c
18 literature that recur.
11. Write a scene from Beowulf as a movie script: include actions, camera 752.01 angles, dialogue, and description of the set. 752.02 753.04
12. Have students write a paraphrase of the events in “Pardener’s Tale” 752.01e 753.01 753.02 13. Recognize that literature reflects the attitudes and customs of the author 752.02c and his or her culture.
14. Compare and contrast genres, symbols, images, and archetypes found 752.02c in the literature of the Middle Ages.
15. Analyze types of comedy Chaucer employs in “The Canterbury Tales.” 753.05c
16. Identify and understand the characteristics of the following terms: tone, 753.05c satire, irony, understatement, incongruity, disproportion, ambiguity, rhetorical stance, serious and mock-serious tone, anastrophe and parallelism.
17. Recognize and analyze the effects of figurative language (e.g., simile, 753.05c metaphor, personification, hyperbole, imagery, symbolism, idiom, analogy, allegory) in prose, poetry, and drama.
18. Analyze the ways in which cultural, social, political, and philosophical 752.01a background and perspective are reflected in the literature.
19. Imagine how Chaucer would describe a modern-day person. Write a 752.04c character sketch of that person, identifying his or her social role, 753.01a, c profession, and personality. Mimic Chaucer’s poetic style. 753.02a, b
20. Have students research the background of morality plays and read 752.01d, f, “Everyman.” g 752.02a, c 21. View First Knight or Ivanhoe. 756.01 756.02 756.03 756.04
22. Work in small groups to research aspects of cathedral and castle design 752.01d and decoration in the medieval periods. Share their information either with 756.01b photocopies from books, or with models, original sketches, or other 756.03a visuals. 756.04a
19 Block 2 23. After reading “Pardner’s Tale,” think of a situation in which people 752.02b hoped for something and then, ironically, were disappointed when they 752.03e received it.
24. Research the warfare technology of the Middle Ages and present your 752.03d, e findings to the class. 752.04b, c 755.01b, c 755.03a, b
25. Recognize and analyze archetypes, motifs, symbolism, and allusion in 752.02d literary passages.
The English Renaissance
he student will
Objectives References 1. Students will decode unfamiliar words using a comprehensive set of 752.01a reading strategies: - Phonics; - Context clues; T- Word analysis skills. 2. Students will preview materials to understand structure and 752.01b anticipate content.
3. Students will develop analytic processes for understanding and 752.01c
20 remembering words, phrases, and information from reading material.
4. Students will identify, collect, and/or select, and relate pertinent 752.01d information to given situations.
5. Students will explain how an author uses language and literary 752.01g devices: - Mood; - Tone; - Style; - Figurative language; - Format; - Structure.
6. Students will know defining characteristics of literary forms and 752.02a genres.
7. Students will identify and compare own experiences to those of 752.02b others in situations, events, and cultures within reading selections.
8. Students will interpret the social, cultural, and historical significance 752.02c of a text.
9. Students will evaluate how an author uses language and literary 752.02d devices to evoke a response in a reader: - Style; - Format; - Structure.
10. Students will analyze author’s purpose within a literary text: 752.03b - Characterization; - Setting; - Plot structure; - Theme; - Point of view; - Organization and form.
11. Students will write for literary response and expression. 753.04
21 Standard 752.01
Read a variety of traditional and electronic materials for information and understanding.
Content Knowledge Skills
752.01a Decode unfamiliar words using a comprehensive set of reading strategies: - Phonics; - Context clues; - Word analysis skills.
752.01b Preview materials to understand structure and anticipate content.
752.01c Develop analytic processes for understanding and remembering words, phrases, and information from reading material.
752.01d Identify, collect, and/or select, and relate pertinent information to given situations.
752.01g Explain how an author uses language and literary devices: - Mood; - Tone; - Style; - Figurative language; - Format; - Structure.
Standard 752.02
Read and respond to a variety of literature to compare and contrast the many dimensions of human experience.
Content Knowledge Skills
752.02a Defining characteristics of literary forms and genres.
752.02b Identify and compare own experiences to those of others in situations, events, and cultures within reading selections.
752.02c Interpret the social, cultural, and historical significance of a text.
22 752.02d Evaluate how an author uses language and literary devices to evoke a response in a reader: - Style; - Format; - Structure.
Standard 752.03
Read a variety of traditional, technical, and electronic materials for critical analysis and evaluation.
Content Knowledge Skills
752.03b Analyze author’s purpose within a literary text: - Characterization; - Setting; - Plot structure; - Theme; - Point of view; - Organization and form.
Standard 753.04
Write for literary response and expression.
Content Knowledge Skills
753.04 Write for literary response and expression.
23 Suggested Activities Resources
1. Write an analysis of a sonnet. 753.01a, b 753.02a, b 753.05a, b
2. Compare and contrast 3 Shakespearian sonnets. Record on a chart or 752.02a, d graphic organizer words and phrases the author uses to create sensory 753.01c images in the reader’s mind: sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell. 753.04a
3. In a small group, discuss and compare Duncan’s enemies in Macbeth 752.05b with those of the speaker of “Sonnet LX.” Record your findings using a 755.01a graphic organizer. 755.02a 755.03b 4. With a partner, write a literary analysis of the theme in Macbeth. 753.01a 753.02a, b 753.05a
5. Paraphrase Macbeth’s or Lady Macbeth’s soliloquy in Act I. 752.01 753.01b, c
6. Compare and contrast various directors’ versions of one scene from 756.03 Macbeth.
7. Divide the class into groups. Assign each group a scene for Act I of 754.02a Macbeth to perform for the class. Include setting, sound effect, costumes, 754.03a etc. 755.01b,c
8. Describe the universal themes and human conditions in Anglo-Saxon 752.02c literature that recur.
9. Recognize that literature reflects the attitudes and customs of the author 752.02c and his or her culture.
10. Identify and understand the characteristics of the following terms: tone, 753.05c satire, irony, understatement, incongruity, disproportion, ambiguity, rhetorical stance, serious and mock-serious tone, anastrophe and parallelism.
11. Recognize and analyze the effects of figurative language (e.g., simile, 753.05c metaphor, personification, hyperbole, imagery, symbolism, idiom, analogy, allegory) in prose, poetry, and drama.
12. Analyze the ways in which cultural, social, political, and philosophical 752.01a
24 Block 3 background and perspective are reflected in the literature.
13. Recognize and analyze archetypes, motifs, symbolism, and allusion in 752.02d literary passages.
The Restoration and Enlightenment
he student will demonstrate understanding that . . .
Objectives References 1. Students will decode unfamiliar words using a comprehensive set of 752.01a reading strategies: - Phonics; - Context clues; T - Word analysis skills. 2. Students will preview materials to understand structure and 752.01b anticipate content.
3. Students will develop analytic processes for understanding and 752.01c remembering words, phrases, and information from reading material.
4. Students will identify, collect, and/or select, and relate pertinent 752.01d information to given situations.
5. Students will explain how an author uses language and literary 752.01g devices: - Mood; - Tone; - Style;
25 - Figurative language; - Format; - Structure.
6. Students will know defining characteristics of literary forms and 752.02a genres.
7. Students will identify and compare own experiences to those of 752.02b others in situations, events, and cultures within reading selections.
8. Students will interpret the social, cultural, and historical significance 752.02c of a text.
9. Students will evaluate how an author uses language and literary 752.02d devices to evoke a response in a reader: - Style; - Format; - Structure.
10. Students will form opinions and make judgments about fiction and 752.02e non-fiction.
11. Students will write for literary response and expression. 753.04
26 Standard 752.01
Read a variety of traditional and electronic materials for information and understanding.
Content Knowledge Skills
752.01a Decode unfamiliar words using a comprehensive set of reading strategies: - Phonics; - Context clues; - Word analysis skills.
752.01b Preview materials to understand structure and anticipate content.
752.01c Develop analytic processes for understanding and remembering words, phrases, and information from reading material.
752.01d Identify, collect, and/or select, and relate pertinent information to given situations.
752.01g Explain how an author uses language and literary devices: - Mood; - Tone; - Style; - Figurative language; - Format; - Structure.
Standard 752.02
Read and respond to a variety of literature to compare and contrast the many dimensions of human experience.
Content Knowledge Skills
752.02a Defining characteristics of literary forms and genres.
752.02b Identify and compare own experiences to those of others in situations, events, and cultures within reading selections.
752.02c Interpret the social, cultural, and historical significance of a text.
752.02d Evaluate how an author uses language and literary devices to evoke a response in a reader: - Style; - Format;
27 - Structure.
Standard 752.03
Read a variety of traditional, technical, and electronic materials for critical analysis and evaluation.
Content Knowledge Skills
752.03b Analyze author’s purpose within a literary text: - Characterization; - Setting; - Plot structure; - Theme; - Point of view; - Organization and form.
Standard 753.04
Write for literary response and expression.
Content Knowledge Skills
753.04 Write for literary response and expression.
Standard 752.01
Read a variety of traditional and electronic materials for information and understanding.
Content Knowledge Skills
752.01a Decode unfamiliar words using a comprehensive set of reading strategies: - Phonics; - Context clues; - Word analysis skills.
752.01b Preview materials to understand structure and anticipate content.
752.01c Develop analytic processes for understanding and remembering words, phrases, and information from reading material.
752.01d Identify, collect, and/or select, and relate pertinent information to given situations.
752.01g Explain how an author uses language and literary devices: - Mood;
28 - Tone; - Style; - Figurative language; - Format; - Structure.
Standard 752.02
Read and respond to a variety of literature to compare and contrast the many dimensions of human experience.
Content Knowledge Skills
752.02a Defining characteristics of literary forms and genres.
752.02b Identify and compare own experiences to those of others in situations, events, and cultures within reading selections.
752.02c Interpret the social, cultural, and historical significance of a text.
752.02d Evaluate how an author uses language and literary devices to evoke a response in a reader: - Style; - Format; - Structure.
752.02e Form opinions and make judgments about fiction and non-fiction.
Standard 753.04
Write for literary response and expression.
Content Knowledge Skills
753.04 Write for literary response and expression.
29 Suggested Activities Resources
1. As you read a selection from Gulliver’s Travels, determine the object of 752.01b, f, Swift’s satire. Record your conclusions in some type of visual presentation h to share with the class. 752.05b 753.01a 753.06a, c 755.01
2. Have students identify each paragraph’s main idea as they read and to 752.01h paraphrase it in their notes. 753.01b
3. Research background information about the political, religious, and 753.06a, b cultural life style in Ireland during the 1700s. Report your findings to the class.
4. Write a satire poking fun at people, ideas, customs, or institutions of our 752.04c day. Consider tone, exaggeration, understatement, and specific examples. 753.01a, c 753.02a, b 753.05c
5. View Gulliver’s Travels and discuss its depiction of satire. 752.04c 753.01a, c 753.02a, b 753.05c 6. Discuss today’s specialized vocabulary associated with law, medicine, 752.01a and technology. Read “The Lady of Shallot” and pick out the words that 752.01b were the specialized vocabulary of Knighthood.
7. Write a literary analysis of the Percy Shelley’s poem “Ode to the West 753.01a, b, Wind.” c 753.02a, b 753.03b 753.04a, b
8. After reading various selections, meet in groups and discuss important 752.01d, f, and interesting information that relates to the Enlightenment. h 752.02c 752.03b, d, e 9. Research the issues that concerned the Enlightenment and write a report 752.03a, d, explaining how the issues impacted the culture. e 752.04b, c 10. Describe the universal themes and human conditions in Restoration 752.02c literature that recur.
30 Block 4 11. Recognize that literature reflects the attitudes and customs of the author 752.02c and his or her culture.
12. Identify and understand the characteristics of the following terms: tone, 753.05c satire, irony, understatement, incongruity, disproportion, ambiguity, rhetorical stance, serious and mock-serious tone, anastrophe and parallelism.
13. Recognize and analyze the effects of figurative language (e.g., simile, 753.05c metaphor, personification, hyperbole, imagery, symbolism, idiom, analogy, allegory) in prose, poetry, and drama.
14. Analyze the ways in which cultural, social, political, and philosophical 752.01a background and perspective are reflected in the literature.
15. Recognize and analyze archetypes, motifs, symbolism, and allusion in 752.02d literary passages.
The Romanticism and Victorian Periods
he student will demonstrate understanding that . . .
Objectives References 1. Students will decode unfamiliar words using a comprehensive set of 752.01a reading strategies: - Phonics; - Context clues; T- Word analysis skills.
31 2. Students will develop analytic processes for understanding and 752.01c remembering words, phrases, and information from reading material.
3. Students will identify, collect, and/or select, and relate pertinent 752.01d information to given situations.
4. Students will explain how an author uses language and literary 752.01g devices: - Mood; - Tone; - Style; - Figurative language; - Format; - Structure.
6. Students will know defining characteristics of literary forms and 752.02a genres.
7. Students will identify and compare own experiences to those of 752.02b others in situations, events, and cultures within reading selections.
8. Students will evaluate how an author uses language and literary 752.02d devices to evoke a response in a reader: - Style; - Format; - Structure.
9. Students will analyze author’s purpose within a literary text: 752.03 - Theme; - Point of view; - Organization and form.
10. Students will write for literary response and expression. 753.04 11. Students will use listening skills to gain enrichment and information 754.01b about various cultures.
32 Standard 752.01
Read a variety of traditional and electronic materials for information and understanding.
Content Knowledge Skills
752.01a Decode unfamiliar words using a comprehensive set of reading strategies: - Phonics; - Context clues; - Word analysis skills.
752.01b Preview materials to understand structure and anticipate content.
752.01c Develop analytic processes for understanding and remembering words, phrases, and information from reading material.
752.01d Identify, collect, and/or select, and relate pertinent information to given situations.
752.01g Explain how an author uses language and literary devices: - Mood; - Tone; - Style; - Figurative language; - Format; - Structure.
Standard 752.02
Read and respond to a variety of literature to compare and contrast the many dimensions of human experience.
Content Knowledge Skills
752.02a Defining characteristics of literary forms and genres.
752.02b Identify and compare own experiences to those of others in situations, events, and cultures within reading selections.
752.02d Evaluate how an author uses language and literary devices to evoke a response in a reader: - Style; - Format; - Structure.
33 Standard 753.03
Read a variety of traditional, technical, and electronic materials for critical analysis and evaluation..
Content Knowledge Skills
752.03b Analyze author’s purpose within a literary text: - Theme; - Point of view; - Organization and form.
Standard 753.04
Write for literary response and expression.
Content Knowledge Skills
753.04 Write for literary response and expression. Standard 754.01
Listen for information and understanding.
Content Knowledge Skills
754.01b Use listening skills to gain enrichment and information about various cultures.
34 Suggested Activities Resources
1. After reading various selections, meet in groups and discuss important 752.01d, f, and interesting information that relates to the Romantic Period. h 752.02c 752.03b,d, e
2. Research the issues that concerned the Romantics: materialism, 752.03a, d, industrialism, and authoritarianism. Write a report explaining how these e issues impacted the culture. 752.04b, c
3. Describe the universal themes and human conditions in Romantic 752.02c literature that recur.
4. Recognize that literature reflects the attitudes and customs of the author 752.02c and his or her culture.
5. Identify and understand the characteristics of the following terms: tone, 753.05c satire, irony, understatement, incongruity, disproportion, ambiguity, rhetorical stance, serious and mock-serious tone, anastrophe and parallelism.
6. Recognize and analyze the effects of figurative language (e.g., simile, 753.05c metaphor, personification, hyperbole, imagery, symbolism, idiom, analogy, allegory) in prose, poetry, and drama.
7. Analyze the ways in which cultural, social, political, and philosophical 752.01a background and perspective are reflected in the literature.
8. Recognize and analyze archetypes, motifs, symbolism, and allusion in 752.02d literary passages.
Modern and Block Contemporary 5 he student will demonstrate understanding that . . .
Objectives References 1. Students will decode unfamiliar words using a comprehensive set of 752.01a reading strategies: T- Phonics; - Context clues; - Word analysis skills.
2. Students will develop analytic processes for understanding and 752.01c remembering words, phrases, and information from reading material.
3. Students will identify, collect, and/or select, and relate pertinent 752.01d information to given situations.
4. Students will explain how an author uses language and literary 752.01g devices: - Mood; - Tone; - Style; - Figurative language; - Format; - Structure.
5. Students will know defining characteristics of literary forms and 752.02a genres.
6. Students will identify and compare own experiences to those of 752.02b others in situations, events, and cultures within reading selections.
7. Students will evaluate how an author uses language and literary 752.02d devices to evoke a response in a reader: - Style; - Format;
36 - Structure.
8. Students will analyze author’s purpose within a literary text: 752.03 - Theme; - Point of view; - Organization and form.
9. Students will write for literary response and expression. 753.04 10. Students will use listening skills to gain enrichment and information 754.01b about various cultures.
37 Standard 752.01
Read a variety of traditional and electronic materials for information and understanding.
Content Knowledge Skills
752.01a Decode unfamiliar words using a comprehensive set of reading strategies: - Phonics; - Context clues; - Word analysis skills.
752.01b Preview materials to understand structure and anticipate content.
752.01c Develop analytic processes for understanding and remembering words, phrases, and information from reading material.
752.01d Identify, collect, and/or select, and relate pertinent information to given situations.
752.01g Explain how an author uses language and literary devices: - Mood; - Tone; - Style; - Figurative language; - Format; - Structure.
Standard 752.02
Read and respond to a variety of literature to compare and contrast the many dimensions of human experience.
Content Knowledge Skills
752.02a Defining characteristics of literary forms and genres.
752.02b Identify and compare own experiences to those of others in situations, events, and cultures within reading selections.
752.02d Evaluate how an author uses language and literary devices to evoke a response in a reader: - Style; - Format; - Structure.
38 Standard 753.03
Read a variety of traditional, technical, and electronic materials for critical analysis and evaluation..
Content Knowledge Skills
752.03b Analyze author’s purpose within a literary text: - Theme; - Point of view; - Organization and form.
Standard 753.04
Write for literary response and expression.
Content Knowledge Skills
753.04 Write for literary response and expression. Standard 754.01
Listen for information and understanding.
Content Knowledge Skills
754.01b Use listening skills to gain enrichment and information about various cultures.
39 Suggested Activities Resources
1. Review characteristics of Realism and Naturalism. 752.01g
2. Review the evolution of dramatic form from the 18th and early 19th 752.01g century to the rise of Realism.
3. Recognize and analyze archetypes, motifs, symbolism, and allusion in 752.02d literary passages.
4. Identify and/or analyze the effect of an author’s diction, syntax, and style 752.02d on meaning (e.g., the impact of word choice on tone, mood, and theme).
5. Identify themes and/or analyze one or more literary passages in terms of 752.03b themes (e.g., human interaction, personal identity, growth to adulthood, conflict and struggle, social and economic change.)
6. Understand the application of Existential philosophy to modern 752.02c literature.
7. Examine and evaluate historical and cultural aspects of texts. 752.02c
8. Identify and understand characteristics of Modernism in literature and 752.02c the relationship to contemporary cultural viewpoints.
9. Identify and understand characteristics of Surrealism and Absurdism in 752.02c literature.
10. Describe the universal themes and human conditions in Anglo-Saxon 752.02c literature that recur.
11. Write an essay of literary analysis focusing on the influence of 752.02c historical and/or cultural events of the 20th century.
12. Demonstrate understanding of characteristics of literary movements 752.02c and the connection to historical and/or cultural events of the 20th century.
13. Recognize that literature reflects the attitudes and customs of the author 752.02c and his or her culture.
14. Analyze the cultural conflict between Western values and traditional 752.02c values of non-western cultures.
15. Identify universal themes and human conditions that recur in the 752.02c literature of all cultures.
40 Block 6 16. Identify and understand the characteristics of the following terms: tone, 753.05c satire, irony, understatement, incongruity, disproportion, ambiguity, rhetorical stance, serious and mock-serious tone, anastrophe and parallelism.
17. Recognize and analyze the effects of figurative language (e.g., simile, 753.05c metaphor, personification, hyperbole, imagery, symbolism, idiom, analogy, allegory) in prose, poetry, and drama.
18. Analyze the ways in which cultural, social, political, and philosophical 752.01a background and perspective are reflected in the literature.
Research Paper, Portfolio, or Project
he student will demonstrate understanding that . . .
Objectives References 1. Students will read a variety of traditional and electronic materials for 752.01 information and understanding.
2. Students will read a variety of traditional, technical, and electronic 752.03 Tmaterials for critical analysis and evaluation. 3. Students will generate relevant and researchable questions. 752.04a
4. Students will systematically organize and record information. 752.04b
5. Students will produce research projects and reports. 752.04c 6. Students will demonstrate understanding of graphics, layout, white 752.05b space, italics, parentheses, and other visual aids.
41 7. Students will identify the organization and nature of technical texts; 752.05c ascertain that such texts require precise understanding rather than interpretation.
8. Students will demonstrate steps of the writing process: 753.01a - Brainstorm; - Draft; - Revise; - Edit; - Publish.
9. Students will evaluate and choose appropriate style and vocabulary 753.01c for particular audience.
10. Students will apply rules and conventions of the following: 753.02a - Grammar; - Punctuation; - Capitalization; - Spelling.
11. Students will formulate purpose, thesis, relevant support, and 753.02b focused paragraphs: - Use topic sentences, appropriate word choices and sentence structure parallelism, transitions,; paragraphing, indentation, organization, and documentation of sources. - Choose tone, voice, style, mood, and persona appropriate for different purposes, disciplines, and audiences.
12. Students will write to inform and explain. 753.03 13. Students will write for literary response and expression. 753.04 14. Students will write to critically analyze and evaluate. 753.05 15. Students will write to gather, synthesize, and communicate research 753.06 findings.
16. Students will speak to share an understanding of information. 755.01 17. Students will view for information and understanding. 756.01
18. Students will view media sources for personal response and 756.02 expression.
19. Students will view media to engage in critical analysis and 756.03 evaluation.
20. Students will use a variety of resources to produce visuals that 756.04 communicate through print and non-print media.
42 Standard 752.01
Read a variety of traditional and electronic materials for information and understanding.
Content Knowledge Skills
752.01 Read a variety of traditional and electronic materials for information and understanding.
Standard 753.03
Read a variety of traditional, technical, and electronic materials for critical analysis and evaluation.
Content Knowledge Skills
752.03 Read a variety of traditional, technical, and electronic materials for critical analysis and evaluation.
Standard 752.04
Read to locate information from a variety of traditional, technical, and electronic sources.
Content Knowledge Skills
752.04a Generate relevant and researchable questions.
752.04b Systematically organize and record information. 752.04c Produce research projects and reports. Standard 752.05
Read for technical information.
Content Knowledge Skills
752.05b Demonstrate understanding of graphics, layout, white space, italics, parentheses, and other visual aids.
752.05c Identify the organization and nature of technical texts; ascertain that such texts require precise understanding rather than interpretation.
Standard 753.01
Understand and use the writing process.
43 Content Knowledge Skills
753.01a Demonstrate steps of the writing process: - Brainstorm; - Draft; - Revise; - Edit; - Publish.
753.01c Evaluate and choose appropriate style and vocabulary for particular audience.
Standard 753.02
Write and edit for correctness and clarity.
Content Knowledge Skills
753.02a Apply rules and conventions of the following: - Grammar; - Punctuation; - Capitalization; - Spelling.
753.02b Formulate purpose, thesis, relevant support, and focused paragraphs: -Use topic sentences, appropriate word choices and sentence structure, parallelism, transitions, paragraphing, indentation, organization, and documentation of sources; -Choose tone, voice, style, mood, and persona appropriate for different purposes, disciplines, and audiences.
Standard 753.03
Write to inform and explain.
Content Knowledge Skills
753.03 Write to inform and explain.
Standard 753.04
Write for literary response and expression.
Content Knowledge Skills
753.04 Write for literary response and expression. Standard 753.05
Write to critically analyze and evaluate.
44 Content Knowledge Skills
753.05 Write to critically analyze and evaluate. Standard 753.06
Write to gather, synthesize, and communicate research findings.
Content Knowledge Skills
753.06 Write to gather, synthesize, and communicate research findings. Standard 755.01
Speak to share an understanding of information.
Content Knowledge Skills
755.01 Speak to share an understanding of information. Standard 756.01
View for information and understanding.
Content Knowledge Skills
756.01 View for information and understanding. Standard 756.02
View media sources for personal response and expression.
Content Knowledge Skills
756.02 View media sources for personal response and expression. Standard 756.03
View media to engage in critical analysis and evaluation.
Content Knowledge Skills
756.03 View media to engage in critical analysis and evaluation. Standard 756.04
Use a variety of resources to produce visuals that communicate through print and non-print media.
Content Knowledge Skills
756.04 Use a variety of resources to produce visuals that communicate through print and non-print media.
45 Suggested Activities References
1. Collect writing samples to be included in a portfolio (see Appendix A for sample criteria). 2. Research the issues that concerned the Romantics: materialism, 752.03a, d, industrialism, and authoritarianism. Write a report explaining how these e issues impacted the culture. 752.04b, c
3. Use MLA or APA format and produce news articles, individual and 753.06a collaborative reports, brochures, proposals, critiques, and multimedia presentations or research.
4. Generate critical, relevant questions that can lead to a greater 752.01e understanding of a passage or further research.
5. Research the burial customs for great leaders in ancient Anglo-Saxon 752.01 d, e, and Viking cultures. Compare your findings to the burial customs of great f leaders in today’s society. 752.02 b. c
6. Produce a report or multimedia presentation that communicates an 752.01e understandable explanation of information, citing and integrating sources and using technology as appropriate.
7. Make an inference or draw a conclusion about content, events, patterns, 752.01f motifs, or perspectives in one or more reading passages and point to evidence that supports inference or conclusion.
8. Recognize and analyze the author’s purpose and intended impact for a 752.02g text and evaluate how intent affects the structure and tone.
9. Recognize and analyze the effects of figurative language in prose, 752.01g poetry, and drama
10. Determine the main idea and relevant details in a passage. 752.01h
11. Analyze how genre and structure contribute to the understanding of a 752.02a text and shape its theme and its presentation of a topic.
12. Respond and engage with text by relating information to prior 752.02a knowledge or personal experience.
13. Compare and contrast genres, symbols, images, and archetypes found 752.02c in literature of different cultures and historical periods.
14. Describe universal themes and human conditions that recur in the 752.02c
46 literature of all cultures.
15. Evaluate the quality or validity of information available on electronic 752.03a sources.
16. Analyze the relationship among elements of literature, including plot, 752.03a setting. Characterization, point of view, theme, tone, and mood (e.g., how the narrative affects tone, characterization, and plot).
17. Generate critical, relevant questions that can lead to a greater 752.03a understanding of a passage to further research.
18. Organize information around a thesis, using a wide range of primary 752.04c and secondary sources; include charts, illustrations, or graphs when appropriate; create a bibliography; and provide MLA style parenthetical documentation to achieve balance between researched information and original ideas.
47 Suggested Materials and Resources
State approved anthologies for language arts Write for College, Write Source MLA Handbook APA Handbook
Suggested Reading
The Iliad The Odyssey Beowulf MacBeth, by Shakespeare Canterbury Tales Pardner’s Tale Wife of Bathe Sir Gawain and the Green Knight The Epic of Gilgamesh Oedipus the King Poetry of Sappho Arthurian Legends A Modest Proposal by Swift Tartuffe by Moliere Candide by Voltaire The Rape of the Lock by Pope Gulliver’s Travels by Swift Frankenstein by Shelley Ozymandias by Shelley The World is Too Much With Us by Woodsworth When I Have Fears by Keats Kubla Khan by Coleridge The Prisoner of Chillon by Byron A Doll’s House by Ibsen The Albatross by Baudelaire Ophelia by Rimbaud London 1802, Lines Composed Upon Westminster Bridge by Woodsworth Two Friends by de Maupassant The Bet by Chekov How Much Land Does a Man Need by Tolstoy The Overcoat by Gogol Fathers and Sons by Turgenev A Tale of Two Cities by Dickens The Mayor of Casterbridge, Return of the Native, Jude, The Obscure, Far From the
48 Madding Crowd by Hardy Heart of Darkness by Conrad The Importance of Being Ernest by Wilde No Exit by Sarte Inferno by Dante The Myth of Sisyphus by Camus The Pearls by Dinesen Pygmalion All Quiet on the Western Front by Remarque Lord of the Flies by Golding The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World by Marquez Ode to My Socks by Neruda House of Spirit by Allende Song of Lawino by p’Bitek Tribal Scars by Sembene Studies in the Park Desai Zenzele by Maaaire Cry, the Beloved Country by Paton Things Fall Apart by Achebe Nectar in a Sieve by Markandaya Holder of the World by Mukherje Behind the Veil by Ayyoub My Old Home by Hsun Under Reconstruction by Ogai The Ultimate Safari by Gordimer The Diameter of the Bomb, The Book of Esther, I Filtered the Sediment by Amichai
Suggested Reading for Applied English
The Jungle Death of a Salesman Cold Sassy Tree
Suggested Reading for English Review
Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde
Suggested Videos
Dead Poet’s Society MacBeth Ivanhoe First Knight Cathedral Castle Golding
49 Story of English Death of a Salesman Twelve Angry Men Gung Ho Renaissance Apollo 13 Far and Away
50 APPENDIX A Language Arts Resources
51 52 APPENDIX B Idaho Achievement Standards: Language Arts/Communication
53 54 This publication is not copyrighted. All contents may be duplicated and distributed as needed for school or classroom use.
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