The Glass Castle Ronit Sarig

So You Think You Know The Glass Castle…

Who said this, in what context, and to whom:

1. “We already did that. It was fun.” 2. “And did it have pointed ears and evil eyes with fire in ‘em, and did it stare at you all wicked-like?” 3. “you’d be destroying what makes it special” 4. “I guess we scared them off pretty good.” 5. “Mix it with sugar. Tastes like frosting.” 6. “She doesn’t even know all the words in a Sad Sack comic book.” 7. “I’ll keep it, but I’m not going to wear it.” 8. “I’ve got half a mind to sneak in here some night and free these critters.” 9. “People overdraw their accounts all the time.” 10. “Life is a drama full of tragedy and comedy. You should learn to enjoy the comic episodes a bit more.” 11. “Nice of you to let me see my grandchildren before I die” 12. “I won’t have any competition. My career could really take off here.” 13. “This girl ain’t got no buttons on her coat!” 14. “This isn’t exactly the Garden of Eden.” 15. “There are people in Ethiopia who would kill for a place like this” 16. “You strike me as the kind of girl who’s one day going to be eating roast chicken and those on-fire desserts just as much as you want.” 17. “You live in garbage because you are garbage.” 18. “You move the lever to make the house warmer or cooler.” 19. “No, thank you. I’ve got kites to fly and fish to fry” 20. “You apologize for that comment” 21. “That would be a terrible mistake. You live here.” 22. “I’ve thought of trying to entice your brother into it” 23. “We only just got here and we’re already famous.” 24. “I think that maybe sometimes people get the lives they want” 25. “This is just a drizzle, monsoons could be ahead.” 26. “And does your family own coal mines?” 27. “But she laughs just like you do.” 28. “You know, it’s really not that hard to put food on the table if that’s what you decide to do.”