2013 Buck Institute for Education

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2013 Buck Institute for Education

P R O J E C T O V E R V I E W Name of Project: The Cost of Love Duration: 3 weeks

Subject/Course: ELA, Social Studies, Math Teacher(s): Morgan, Cizenski, Hall Grade Level: 8

Other subject areas to Culinary Arts students enrolled in Career Academy Art classes be included, if any:

Project Idea Summary of the issue, Students will examine the cost of love in relation to nationalism surrounding the secession and reconstruction of the challenge, investigation, scenario, or problem: South during the Civil War era (Social Studies), expression through poetry (ELA), and the connection between proportional relationships, lines and linear equations (Math).

Driving Question What is the cost of love?

CCSS to be taught and ELA: 8.W.4 (a), 8.W.6, 8.W.10, 8.W.11 (b) assessed: Math: 8.EE.5, 8.EE.7, 8.EE.8

Social Studies: 8.SS.3.1, 8.SS.3.3, 8.SS.3.4, 8.SS.3.5

Additional Standards to be taught and assessed:

21st Century Collaboration × Creativity & Innovation × Competencies to be taught and assessed: Communication (Oral Presentations) Other

Critical Thinking

Presentation Audience:

Group: Cake Design (based on concepts from the Civil War and Reconstruction) × Major Products Class: & Performances × School: × Community:

© 2013 Buck Institute for Education 1 Individual: Creative Writing (poetry), Graphing System of Linear Equation Experts:



P R O J E C T O V E R V I E W Entry event to launch inquiry, New iPad Air advertisement focusing on how poetry is an important mode of expression (the ad asks the viewer “What will be engage students: your verse?”-how will you create beauty in this world through poetry. We will also be analyzing a song by a regional band, Driftwood, entitled “Love Is” that discusses what love is not, and students can use the model of the lyrics to create their own poem (they will also be exposed to a number of other poetic styles and templates to utilize in creating their finished product). Assessments Quizzes/Tests Practice Presentations Formative Assessments Journal/Learning Log × Notes (During Project) Preliminary Plans/Outlines/Prototypes Checklists Rough Drafts × Concept Maps Online Tests/Exams Other: Written Product(s), with rubric: × Other Product(s) or Performance(s), with rubric: Summative ______Poems with a visual representation of the concept of ______Assessments the poem______(End of Project) Oral Presentation, with rubric Peer Evaluation × Multiple Choice/Short Answer Test Self-Evaluation

Essay Test Other:

. Resources On-site people, facilities: ELA, SS, Math, and Art instructors Needed Equipment: Amplification for the auction Materials: Cakes, Computers to publish finished poetry, Graph Paper, Document Frames, Cake Decorations Community resources: Family members (and possibly a professional auctioneer)

© 2013 Buck Institute for Education 2 Reflection Journal/Learning Log × Focus Group Methods (Individual, Group, and/or Whole-Class Discussion × Fishbowl Discussion Whole Class) Survey Other:

© 2013 Buck Institute for Education 3 P R O J E C T T E A C H I N G A N D L E A R N I N G G U I D E Project: Course/Semester:

Knowledge and Skills Needed by Students Scaffolding / Materials / Lessons to be Provided to successfully complete culminating products and by the project teacher, other teachers, experts, performances, and do well on summative assessments mentors, community members Knowledge of Poetic Devices  Poetry Templates, Poetic Devices vocabulary, Phrasing/rhythm/rhyme scheme lessonsand Analysis of poetry

Solving systems of linear equations Graph linear equations from y=mx+b form or a table 

Civil War and Reconstruction History Effects of the South’s secession from the Union due to  their love of their way of life: slavery, autonomy (Civil War/Reconstruction)

© 2013 Buck Institute for Education 4 © 2013 Buck Institute for Education 5 P R O J E C T C A L E N D A R Project: The Cost of Love Start Date: Tuesday, January 28, 2014

M O N D A Y T U E S D A Y W E D N E S D A Y T H U R S D A Y F R I D A Y P R O J E C T W E E K O N E 1/28/14-Entry Event in ELA



Culminating Event (Gallery Walk for viewing student poems, and cakes, live performance of love songs during the gallery walk followed by an auction to benefit Cause for Paws

© 2013 Buck Institute for Education 6

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