English Course Syllabus Mrs. Pamela Wilson-Sullivan [email protected] Course Description The major purpose of this course is to develop student focus and active engagement with text. Students are required to analyze, identify, define, explain, and critique with an increased emphasis on advanced forms of evaluation in expository critique and literary criticism and advanced presentations on problems and solutions. Sixth grade students are expected to write narrative, argumentative, and informative texts of at least 500 to 700 words and continue to demonstrate a command of Standard English. Project Based Learning Project Based Learning (PBL) is a classroom approach which allows students to experience the academic content through the exploration real world problems. Throughout the course of the semester, students will engage in PBL assignments which will require them to work collaboratively with their peers as well as independently to produce a public product. During PBL assignments, students will have opportunities to access the grade level standards, engage in sustained inquiry, and critique, revise, and reflect on their work. Text Book Prentice Hall Literature: Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes, Copper Level, CA Edition Additional Materials Book Title / Description/Price/Lexile Bud, Not Buddy by Christopher Paul Curtis It’s 1936, in Flint, Michigan, and when 10-year-old Bud decides to hit the road to find his father, nothing can stop him. $7.99 950L Dragonwings by Laurence Yep Moon shadow is eight years old when he sails from China to join his father, Windrider, in America. Windrider lives in San Francisco and makes his living doing laundry. Father and son have never met. $6.99 870L

World Without Fish by Mark Kurlansky, Frank Stockton Mark Kurlansky, beloved award-winning and bestselling author, offers a riveting, uniquely illustrated, narrative nonfiction account for kids about what’s happening to fish, the oceans, and our environment, and what kids can do about it. $10.85 1230L Frightful's Mountain by Jean Craighead George Sam Gribley has been told that it is illegal to harbor an endangered bird, so when his beloved falcon, Frightful, comes home, he has to let her go. But Frightful doesn’t know how to live alone in the wild. $6.99 640L You are responsible for checking with your local libraries regarding the availability of the books. Grading System A = Outstanding level of performance 90-100% B = High level of performance 80-89% C = Acceptable level of performance 70-79% D = Minimal level of performance 60-69% F= Unacceptable level of performance Below 60% Assessments Teacher designed formative assessments Essays and oral presentations Summative assessments Homework Expectations You will read from your assigned novel. You will turn in homework on the assigned date. You will complete projects/papers and turn them in on the assigned due dates. You will complete and turn in other assignments as assigned on the due dates.

Homework Passes You will be assigned 2 homework passes per semester to use at your discretion. Homework passes can only be used if you are going to turn in an assignment ONE DAY after the due date. If your assignment is TWO DAYS late, you will receive NO CREDIT. If you turn in a homework assignment ONE DAY late and you are NOT using your homework pass, the HIGHEST SCORE you can receive is 50%. Please note that homework passes do not exempt you from completing your assigned homework. Passes expire at the end of the semester. Parent Signature:______Student Signature:______Late Assignments Classwork and projects CANNOT be turned in late. Parent Signature:______Student Signature:______Absences When you are absent, it is your responsibility to obtain the missing classwork. When you are absent, it is your responsibility to request the homework that was assigned in your absence. When you are absent it is your responsibility to request to make up the assessment that was given while you were absent. Parent Signature:______Student Signature:______Required Classroom Supplies Pencils/Pens Post-its Highlighters Agenda (only need 1) Notebook for ELA (Blue) 2in Binder (only need 1) Loose Leaf Line Paper Sheet protectors

Parent Signature:______Student Signature:______

Classroom Expectations You must come to class prepared with all required materials. Pencils must be sharpened prior to the start of class. You must have your materials at ALL times. You are responsible for communicating with your parents to replenish materials during the school year. If you consistently (3 or more) CHOOSE to come to class without classroom supplies you can potentially receive an Unsatisfactory grade in Work Habits on the Report Card in a five week grading period. Parent Signature:______Student Signature:______Tardy If you receive 5 or more tardies during a five week grading period will receive an Unsatisfactory grade on the report card. Cell Phones and Electronics in Class Cell phones/electronics turned off and put away during school hours (unless otherwise authorized by the teacher for instructional purposes). First time cell phone/electronics is visible – take away and parents will pick up Parent Signature:______Student Signature:______Internet Access Students will be required to complete assignments at home which will require Internet access. Students who do not have Internet access at home must visit the library at least once a week to ensure they complete online assignments. Students who are unable to get to the library must make arrangements with an adult on campus to use one of the computer labs to complete assignments which require Internet access. Parent Signature:______Student Signature:______

Classroom Behavioral Procedures Not Meeting Classroom Expectations ** 1st Time – Verbal Redirect ** 2nd Time – Verbal Redirect ** 3rd Time – Timeout and Refocus Form Reflection ** 4th Time – Removal ** 5th Time – Referral to Dean Not Displaying Mutual Respect ** 1st Step – Conversation with Teacher ** 2nd Step – Conversation with School Personnel ** 3rd Step – Removal from Classroom ** 4th Step – Conference with Teacher and School Personnel Within 24 hours Parent Signature:______Student Signature:______Bathroom You are expected to use the restroom during break times and during the passing periods. You will be assigned two bathroom passes per semester to be used at their discretion. Passes expire at the end of the semester. Parent Signature:______Student Signature:______School Website You and your parents are required to subscribe to the school website. www.wrightms.org You signature below indicates you have subscribed to the website. Parent Signature:______Student Signature:______

Parent Contact Information for the Classroom PARENT NAME:______Parent Email:______Parent Best Contact Number:______Emergency contact person & phone number______Place of employment & phone number______Parents’ Comments/Questions/Concerns Parents, please list any gifts/talents/resources that can be offered & utilized in your child’s classroom. ______Student Comments/Questions/Concerns ______Student, please use the space below to tell me anything you would like me to know about you. ______

WRIGHT’S REAL REPORT Wright STEAM Magnet Middle School has launched its 2015-2016 Core Values. BE REAL!!!! R – Respect E – Empathy A – Ambition L – Leadership In an effort to get to know more about your child, we would like you to answer the questions below. 1. Provide an example of a time when your child demonstrated respect. ______2. How can you tell if your child understands the concept of empathy? ______3. What are your child’s ambitions? ______4. What are your ambitions for your child? ______5. Provide an example of a time your child demonstrated leadership. ______6. Who is a leader your child admires? Why? ______