Albany FFA Alumni Scholarship

Scholarship Due on: March 5th by 3:15 2016 turned in to Mr. Rupp

Scholarship Information: This scholarship was established in 2009 with funds raised by the Albany FFA Alumni Chapter. To reward an Albany FFA member(s) for outstanding accomplishments and involvement in the Albany FFA Chapter and help with Albany FFA Alumni activities.

Qualifications: 1. Recipient must be a senior at Albany High School and claim the scholarship money within two years. 2. Recipient must have been enrolled in vocational agriculture classes and have been an active member of FFA for at least two years while in high school. 3. Recipient must be a student enrolling in any accredited college, technical college or Ag short course. 4. Preference given to agriculture related study, but not required. 5. Preference given to members that have a completed State FFA Degree. 6. Students are encouraged to submit up to three letters of recommendation that exhibit strong levels of citizenship and attitude. Awarded: Amount awarded each year will be determined by the FFA Alumni based on available funds. Selection Committee: Selection of the scholarship will be voted on at the March Albany FFA Alumni meeting by all Albany FFA Alumni members present at the meeting. Judging: Selection committee shall consider scholarship, citizenship, leadership, character, FFA and FFA Alumni activities involvement in awarding the scholarship funds. Personal interviews may be requested at the committee’s discretion. Photos will be taken of the scholarship recipients for promotional use. Distribution: The scholarship will be paid out after the first semester of post-secondary school is completed. The items below are required to receive the scholarship check. 1. First semester minimum 2.5 GPA and submit a copy of the transcript. 2. Copy of the 2nd semester class registration. 3. A thank-you note must be sent to the Albany FFA Alumni Chapter. 4. Presentation of the award to the recipient shall be made at the Annual Spring FFA banquet. (Must be present to receive scholarship)

Application: To type the application below add pages as needed and turn in to Mr. Rupp. Electronic copy of the application is available on the FFA website. Make a copy of the application and do a save as using your name as the file name. See Mr. Rupp or Jenny McNeely with any questions. Albany FFA Alumni Scholarship Application

Deadline for submission is March 5th by 3:15 turned into Mr. Rupp. Application must be typed. Additional pages may be included.

Name ______Phone Number ______

Address ______

Parent/Guardian’s Names: ______

Cumulative GPA ______Guidance Counselor signature ______

Advisor’s signature ______Principal’s signature ______

Years in FFA: ______

Applied for State FFA Scholarships Yes/No National FFA Scholarships Yes/No

1. List any FFA activities in which you have participated. Include any honors, awards or special recognition you have earned and how many years you participated in each activity. Include any FFA committees you served on and those you were a chairperson for. List all FFA community service projects you participated in and what your role was.

2. List all FFA Alumni activities that you helped at or participated in. List the years you helped and what you did.

3. List the agriculture classes you have taken while in high school:

4. List any high school activities in which you have participated and include any honors, awards, or special recognition you have earned and how many years you participated in each activity. (Forensics, student council, class officer, band, sports, chorus, drama, yearbook, National Honor Society, etc.)

5. List any community-related activities in which you have participated and include and honors, awards or special recognition you have earned and how many years you participated in each activity. (4-H, church, boy/girl scouts, volunteer help for community event, etc)

6. What is your intended major course of study or field of training? What are your plans and goals after you complete your post secondary high school training? What type of job would you like to have after graduation?

7. How has FFA helped you reach your goals and achieve your dreams to this point in your life?