Simmons College Nursing Program: NUR 228

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Simmons College Nursing Program: NUR 228

Simmons College Nursing Program: NUR 228

Introduction to Professional Nursing and Evidence-Based Practice Fall 2016: Syllabus

Part 1: Course Information

Instructor Information

Instructor: Jean Christoffersen, PhD, PMHCNS-BC

Office: S338C Office Hours: Mon. 11-12; Thurs. 2-3 and by appointment Office Telephone: x2435 E-mail: [email protected] (preferred method of contact)

Course Description

NURS 228 introduces the student to the interrelationships among theory, practice, and research in professional nursing. Within the rapidly changing health care delivery system, nurses must articulate and demonstrate the unique contribution they make in the care of patients. The course introduces the student to the art and science of professional nursing. Emphasis is placed on the nursing process and evidence- based practice as foundational in the development of the professional nurse. The student will identify the differences between quantitative and qualitative research and EBP. This course provides an understanding of how research and evidence-based practice informs and guides nursing practices to achieve effective, high quality patient outcomes.


Psych 101

Textbook & Course Materials

 Required Texts:

Wilkinson, J. M., Treas, L. S., Barnett, K. L., & Smith, M. H. (2016). Fundamentals of Nursing: Theory, Concepts, and Applications Volume 1 (3rd ed.). Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis Company.

Masters, K. (2014). Role Development in Professional Nursing Practice (3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Langford, R. & Young, A. (2013). Making a Difference with Nursing Research. Boston, MA: Pearson Education Inc.  Recommended Books & Additional Resources:

Purdue OWL APA website:

Doenges, M. E., Moorhouse, M. F., & Murr, A. C. (2010). Nurse’s Pocket Guide: Diagnoses, Prioritized Interventions, and Rationales (13th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis Company.

 Journal articles will supplement assigned readings and will be available on Moodle

Methods of Instruction

This course will include class lecture and discussion, assigned readings, case studies, out of class assignments, small group activities, audio-visuals, etc.

Part 2: Student Learning Outcomes

Course Goals and Student Learning Objectives

Outcomes/Goals Nursing Content Evidence of student Program outcome achievement Outcomes

Demonstrate the ability to NPO 6 Lecture and group discussion Multiple choice quizzes identify the characteristics of regarding the roles of the and tests nursing as an art and science. professional nurse, characteristics of the profession, and Group discussions and incorporating the ideals of written questions research and evidence-based Reflective Essay practice in professional nursing. Group presentation View the film Nurses: If Florence Could See Us Now

Textbook readings

Demonstrate the knowledge of NPO 6 Lecture and group discussion Multiple choice quizzes the historical development of about the historical timeline of and tests the nursing profession and the nursing in healthcare and theoretical foundation in highlighting the impact and professional nursing. contributions of nursing theories on the profession

Textbook readings

Recognize the responsibilities of NPO 1 & 6 Lecture and group discussion Multiple choice quizzes the professional nurse to review research principles and advance nursing through the critique process and tests formulating research questions, conducting and disseminating Textbook readings Written critiques of both research findings, and quantitative and performing research critique. qualitative research articles

Perform a literature review

Developing a PICOT research question

Group discussions and written questions

Demonstrate the ability to NPO 6 Interactive demonstration from Multiple choice quizzes research the nursing and college librarian which educates and tests scientific literature by students where to find reliable identifying and critiquing sources for locating evidence Using online nursing various research methods reports for clinical practice databases search for, utilized for scholarly work. guidelines identify, and submit acceptable quantitative Lecture and group discussion and qualitative nursing regarding basic statistical tests research articles and rationale for use, trustworthiness of research, and Written critiques of both the various methods and types of quantitative and nursing research. qualitative research articles Textbook readings

Recognize the essential facet of NPO 2 Lecture and group discussion Multiple choice quizzes providing culturally competent help the student develop an and tests and spiritual care in professional understanding of personal nursing practice. cultural and religious beliefs and Group discussion and provide a basic overview of written questions varying cultures and religions Group presentation

Textbook readings LGBTQ Lecture and reflective essay

Demonstrate the ability to NPO 6 Lecture and group discussions Multiple choice quizzes identify the professional and regarding morals, nursing ethics, and tests ethical standards of nursing values, law, liability, malpractice, practice. nurse practice acts, and Group discussion and guidelines for practice written questions

Textbook readings Group presentation

Demonstrate the knowledge of NPO 6 Lecture and group discussion Multiple choice quizzes the role of evidence-based regarding ethics in research and tests research principles of ethics in research. View the film The Deadly Submit certificate of Deception completion of online CITI training module Online training module enforcing proper ethical standards in Group discussion and research written questions

Textbook readings

Demonstrate skilled NPO 3 & 4 General principles of Group presentation interpersonal communication communication and group and group dynamics. dynamics Multiple in-class group discussions

Part 3: Topical Outline, Class Preparation, and Assignments

Refer to topical outline and assignment description on Moodle homepage.

Part 4: Grading and Course Policies

Course Policies

Students are expected to adhere to all policies as printed in the Nursing Program Student handbook. Students are responsible for reviewing and adhering to these policies.

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

Reasonable accommodations will be provided for students with documented physical, sensory, cognitive, learning and psychiatric disabilities. If you have a disability and anticipate that you will need a reasonable accommodation in this course, it is important that you contact the Learning Disabilities Specialist in the Academic Support Center 617 521-2473 early in the semester. Students with disabilities are also encouraged to contact the instructor immediately to discuss their needs for accommodations. Accommodations cannot be made except through the Academic Support Center and need to be updated each semester. Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism

Academic dishonesty violates the spirit and purpose of an academic community, and is therefore subject to disciplinary action. Academic dishonesty includes cheating on examinations and unauthorized duplicated submission of work. Plagiarism is an act of academic dishonesty. Any work submitted that is not your own is an act of plagiarism. In preparing assignments, you must acknowledge in writing, any use of outside sources, or any assistance you received in preparing an assignment. Direct quotations must be enclosed in quotation marks and the reference cited with page number. If an instructor believes that a student has committed an act of academic dishonesty or has plagiarized material, the instructor may award a failing grade for that assignment to the student. One way to avoid inadvertent plagiarism is to understand and use proper APA formatting and referencing techniques. Please discuss this with me if you have any questions prior to handing in your assignment.

Graded Course Activities

Percent of Total Assignment Title Grade

20% Reflections Papers (10% each):  Why Me? Why Nursing  Diversity in Nursing 30% Research Article Critiques (15% each):  Quantitative Research Article  Qualitative Research Article 10% Group Project

5% In-Class Participation, Homework, Attendance, & Small Group Activities

35% Exams:  Exam 1 (10%)  Exam 2 (10%)  Final Exam (During finals week) (15%)

Grading Notes

Assignments are to be passed in at the beginning of class on the day they are due. Assignments that are not received by 5:00 pm on the date due will receive a grade reduction of 5% for each day late.

Points will be deducted for unexcused absences or poor participation in class.

Note: This syllabus is not a binding contract and is subject to change at any time based on needs of course and instructors.

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