STEAL THE BACON Tracey Miller and Pam Marsh

Category of Game: Steal the Bacon – Tag Game Grade Level: 5

Learning Expectation: - 5p34 - participate vigorously in all aspects of the program - 5p21 – perform a combination of locomotion/ traveling movements, incorporating a variety of speeds, in relationship to objects or others

Equipment: - Any object- ball, sock, rubber chicken etc. - A deck of cards

Rules of the Game: - have opposing teams sit on opposite side of the gym - each team is numbered from 1-10 (or whatever works for your class) - place an object in the centre of the playing area - the leader of the game calls out a number between 1 and 10 and the two students with the corresponding number run toward the middle to capture the object - the person who retrieves the object first must return to their team, if they reach their team they score a point - the person who does not get the object must try to tag the opposition before they arrive to their team, if the person with the object is tagged before they reach their team, the opposing team receives the point - Caution: the leader should call the numbers in a variety of combinations. (ex. 1,7,4,3,6,2)

Teaching Strategies/Management Strategies: - have the students sit in a semicircle in front of the teacher - the teacher will then explain the rules of the game - at this point the students will be divided into their groups - the class will be divided by using a deck of cards – the cards from ace to jack in all four suits will be handed out, the students will then form a group based on suit, and the number of their card will represent their calling number (ace being 1 and jack being 10) - if student are misbehaving, their number can be called to bring them back to the activity - if students are not being engaged enough then more then one set of numbers can be call (example – call 1, 3 and 6 and all most try and get the object and work as a team to get it back to there side)

Modifications/Adaptations for Special Needs: - for students who do not run well (either poor co-ordination or physical disability) you can adapt the locomotion ex. Crab walk, skip, walk - For student with ADHD have the leader call the numbers extremely quick to keep the students engaged in the activity - this activity lends itself well to mathematics (call an equation and then the person with the answer runs – call 6-2 and 4 runs), language arts (give everyone a word and when the synonym and antonym of their word is called they run), and geography (food chain – give each student an animal – and when there predator is called they run) - the leader of the game can call more than one number at a time to promote teamwork and cooperation in inclusive activities - more than one object can be added (have 2 balls in the centre)