Smoking, alcohol, diabetes, obesity, socioeconomic status and the risk of colorectal cancer in a population-based case-control study Terry Boyle ([email protected]) 1,2,3, Lin Fritschi, Seyed Mehdi Tabatabaei, Kathrin Ringwald, Jane Heyworth 1. Cancer Control Research, British Columbia Cancer Agency, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 2. School of Population and Public Health, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 3. Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research, The University of Western Australia, Perth, Western Australia, Australia

Journal: Cancer Causes and Control

1 Online Resource 1. Exposure Characteristics of the Cases and Controls in a Case- Control Study of Colorectal Cancer in Western Australia Controls (n=972) Cases (n=872) Characteristic % % Sex Male 58.8 61.0 Female 41.2 39.0 Age (Years) 40-49 7.5 6.4 50-59 21.9 25.7 60-69 34.8 36.7 70-79 35.8 31.2 Alcohol intake ten years ago <1 standard drink/week 27.5 25.0 1-6.9 standard drinks/week 23.9 23.2 7-20.9 standard drinks/week 26.9 25.9 21+ standard drinks/week 21.8 25.9 Beer Less than 1 day/week 77.1 72.6 1-4 days week 14.2 14.1 5-7 days/week 8.7 13.3 Wine Less than 1 day/week 59.4 55.5 1-4 days week 21.6 23.4 5-7 days/week 19.0 21.1 Smoking Status Never Smoker 46.0 40.3 Former Smoker 44.8 50.6 Current Smoker 9.3 9.2 Pack-Years Smoked 0 46.0 40.3 0.1 to 19.9 27.1 27.9 20 or more 27.0 31.9 Diabetes and/or High Blood Sugar Neither 85.8 79.4 High Blood Sugar 5.1 5.6 Diabetes 9.2 14.9 Energy Intake from food 10 years ago Mean kilojoules per day (SD) 8332 (2768) 8619 (2778) Body Mass Index at 20 years of age Normal weight 83.3 78.9 Overweight 14.4 18.7 Obese 2.2 2.4 Body Mass Index at 40 years of age Normal weight 58.4 53.1

2 Overweight 32.3 34.1 Obese 9.2 12.8 Socioeconomic Status Group 1 (least disadvantaged) 31.3 30.6 Group 2 15.0 15.3 Group 3 26.9 25.2 Group 4 20.2 19.7 Group 5 (most disadvantaged) 6.7 9.2 Lifetime Vigorous Physical Activity Low in all age periods 42.0 45.8 High in one age period 28.1 27.4 High in two age periods 16.4 15.9 High in all age periods 13.4 10.9 Abbreviations: SD, Standard Deviation