BAPESU Earth Day 2011 Campaign Report

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BAPESU Earth Day 2011 Campaign Report

“IF YOU WAN We are hundredsT of young Africans impacting positive changes in thousands of lives in Africa! Joins us! MOR E YOU HAV E TO BEC OME


FEATURES Letter from the Editor EDITORIAL TEAM 1 Letter from the Editor 1 NAYD has just completed elections for Country Co- 1 This issue has been BAPESU Earth Day 2011

0 2 ordinators and from May 2011 we will have 2 compiled by: Campaign Report representation in 43 African Countries. y Christian P. Tabifor Pochi Assessment Report for Gender a 2-4 Congratulations to all the newly elected members

M Tamba, Based Violence and we trust that all the candidates, elected or not, 1 4 The Inamori Ethics Prize Award

4 Paul Shaw will work together in helping to widen and strengthen . o 4-5 African Youth Forum Highlights the NAYD network in their country and throughout N Peace Network Established In DESIGN AND LAYOUT 5 the continent. Our motto is ‘Together is Better’ and Christian P. Tabifor Somali we believe that only through holding hands and Rapport DE L’O.N.G ASRAD- supporting each other Africa will become a great 5-6 Network of African MALI continent to live and work in. Why don’t YOU hold PASOS Water Trucking Project our hands as well, join NAYD , and ‘do your little bit Youths for 6 Activities of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good Development put together that overwhelm the world.’ (Archbishop The Green Economy Eco- 6-7 Desmond Tutu). C/O Pochi Tamba Business Challenge Adolescents and Youth P.O. Box 15422 If you would like your organisation to feature on Migration: Harnessing the Yaoundé, Cameroon 7-8 NAYD’s home page (see as an Development Potential while example) then please send a very brief summary, a Mitigating Risk logo and a couple of photos to [email protected]. EMAIL World Social Forum ‘Another 8-9 [email protected] World Is Possible’ In this forty-first edition there is a rich content of African Union Youth Receives reports from African youths impacting lives all over 9 the continent that we hope will send inspiring WEBSITE Office Equipment messages to you, as well as the usual grants and 9-10 OPPORTUNITIES opportunities. We also post many funding 10 Wisdom Corner opportunities to our discussion group so please join ****** that as well. The editors have taken every care to make sure that We are very much interested in publishing your the contents of this articles - send them to [email protected] but please newsletter are as accurate as make them brief (no more than 1½ pages long), possible. The authors have concise, in good language and with preferably a couple of good quality pictures. ultimate responsibility, however, for the content of Your constructive criticism and suggestions on how individual articles. we can improve our newsletter are welcome.

Thank you.

Christian Phuebong Tabifor and Paul Shaw INSPIRE Journal 41 2

NAYD MEMBERS Name of Pupil: LEKEUFACK BAPESU Earth Day 2011 Campaign Report I pledge to pick up plastic objects to prevent toxic Benevolent Association for the destruction of our environment. Protection of the Environment and Name of Pupil: NGO NGEMB CECILE the Socially Underprivileged (BAPESU) alongside with ENBITOW I pledge to throw waste in dustbins and not to litter the another nongovernmental environment. organisation in Cameroon carried Name of Pupil: TABBE MAFFOSSI environmental Education talk as part of activities marking the Earth Day 2011 Campaign. We I pledge not to waste energy. chose to give education talk to a Nursery and Primary school Name of Pupil: BRICE called ECOLE LA BETHANIC (in Douala-Cameroon). The education talk to the pupils covered the following issues: I pledge to throw waste in dustbins. - Non Name of Pupil: Alicia biodegradable and toxic I pledge to pick up plastic papers and dispose materials that them into dustbins in order not to pollute our are environment. environmental Name of Pupil: Yvette Mamo pollutants(all categories of TREE PLANTING: Also BAPESU planted some 300 plastics, bottles, mahogany trees in Cameroon as a measure to help to used batteries, protect some watershed areas that are reducing. This bad phones etc) activity involved some 23 volunteers made up of mostly - The importance women, children and youths. Before the planting of of trees to our these trees the environment and participants where brief to man’s survival. on the theme of this - Reducing energy consumption and/or actions that year’s Earth Day them discourage energy wastage “A BILLION ACTS OF GREEN” and also on the Below are a few of pledges taken by pupils as part of a importance of each billion acts of green to protect our fragile planet earth. person to continuously try to live a green I pledge to pick all plastic wastes I come across and lifestyle. Zie Mirabel throw them in dustbins (BAPESU Secretary). Name of Pupil: BOGMIMG S. MANUCHA Assessment Report for Gender based Violence I pledge to pick up plastic papers and dispose them SOPDDO assessment team has carried out 5 days for into dustbins so as not to GBV Activities through utilized the different elements of pollute our environment. tools like: mobilization, slogans, and Name of Pupil: Yvette interviewing individual victims, focus group Mammo discussion & collecting data cases information different locations in Banadir I pledge not to waste region. the areas that visited are; 21st energy by putting off December IDPs Camp, 21October IDPs Camp, lights before going to Dharkaylay IDPs Camp, sleep or to bed at night. Wadajir IDPs Camp, and Sidii Name of Pupil: STELLA IDPs Camp in Banadir region. The GBV assessment has I pledge to protect the planet by avoiding to dispose wastes been started on the 2nd Aril – anywhere and to pick plastic waste that has been dispose 6th April, 2011. wrongly into nature. The team has utilized the Name of Pupil: NGOKO following methodology during this assessment occurring in I pledge not to dispose of electronic wastes anywhere. the target IDP camps in Name of Pupil: TAMO Mogadishu surrounding areas.

I pledge to prevent the destruction of plants. INSPIRE Journal 41 3

The team has utilized the following methodology 2. Ahmed Gure Ali through community entry and also, last case that was happened in this camp  Community committee namely 21 October, there is women rapped by two men SOPDDO Interview with a woman in Banadir Camps discussion armed with AK47 at front of her husband while he could  Focus group not able to defend his wife and also, this women has  Religious group been asked by SOPDDO team if she could identify the  Elder community faces of the men? She  Local authority express that she could not  Women groups clarified their faces because  Grass root people from their faces were covered with the community parties shawl, in this regard the  Individual interview family of the raped lady has These camps have been created in 1993 during the worst taken from her husband civil war, drought and severe famine that affected most of house after blaming him that the Somali people, partially in south regions. he failed to defend his wife These camps have been living over from the men who raped her 3,223 families who are from mostly in front of him but BAIDOA, BAKOL and central regions unfortunately the lady has refused to take picture out as they report by the community shame after requested by the team since she mention elders, in this regards SOPDDO her name Mrs. Amal Sacid. team has discussed and asked FGM issue: Most of the communities of the two camps about the Domestic violence, Early have been explained to the FGM is most damaging Marriage, FGM, Child soldier, Child practice that demoralize, causing pain and punishing the labor, child abuse and women rape issues which happens in dignity of small girls and most of the people have said the camps, one of the camp chairman Mr. Ahmed Sheikh for long voices FGM must be stop and do away with any has express the cases happened in the camps that she related of that culture and one lady namely Sahro remember on her memory Mr. Ahmed Sheikh said the Hassan who was among the community said that I most problems the camps community has been faces always could stop my girls to be circumcised already but fear to are: robbing of their daily earning and killing, also 2 persons abuse from me when my girls marry a man then to has been killed for the last two months the reason of their divorce and say your girl not virgin so that I can’t stop daily earnings and also been raped by unknown men that circumcising because of that action. comes in the camps at night time. Child abuse: Since separation of the families are mainly Other questions that were asked community committee was: existing in the camps or outside residents the more can you identify their names of those who come in the night children have been neglected with habitualzed to use at camps? The community members said that they could not Khat, bhangs, traditional alcohols and others easily to identify their names because they cover their faces when recruit soldiers by insurgent groups in the country and they are robbing and raping and mostly done in the night SOPDDO has put importance on to the community to time. avoid any related or created child abuse in the society The fourth question that was asked is: can you name those and community has understood the aim of awareness. who killed the camp members and took their daily earned Child soldiers: Two families of the camps have been (money, food & clothes), mobiles and also raping their wives revealed their two boys have not been seen last of July in these camps? 2010 and expecting that they attended insurgent militant The community parts of camps have been mentioning the group while they have no proper source information category of cases that occurred in the comps as here according to their states and the ages of two boys the below. families have mentions eleven and twelve while their Domestic violence: Through asking questioner with names of two boys are: regards domestic violence the women groups has revealed 1. Yusuf Adan Yarow there is a women her namely Faduma Ali Abdiyow and her 2. Ali Ahmed Faroole husband has divorced with three children after he failed to Child labor: Child labor is main factor in IDP camps pay the bill of his children due to Khat chewing and sleeping attribution for hard living condition in Somalia with other women the most of his time and also these cases particularly in displaced people camps for helping the happening in the camps. survival of their family from them. While more than 2,238 children are not participated of school in a case for Rape cases: At least five cases of raping has been economic hardship of community camps. However, that happening in a monthly and mostly happened in the night causes increasing for child recruitment of privet piece time that are committed by the men with having AK47 and work which are not usually well paid or even not paid at take forces out from their houses and same times killed all, the rights that they suppose to receive as legally their husband who tried to defend their wives and while child employment is illegal through the get- community groups have mention the names those who lost together of child’s rights already made by United Nation their lives protecting of their wives as here below. on bases for child protection treaty reached world 1. A/qadir Da’ud Geney communities, in this case the mother of child has INSPIRE Journal 41 4 explained to the SOPDDO campaign team the child has been the rule of law, and the promotion of access to justice" in meet the problem for not paying the work cost from the Zimbabwe. Michael Mabwe (ZUSAA Coordinator and employers and no were to complain their rights. new Country Co-ordinator for Zimbabwe) SOPDDO [email protected] African Youth Forum Highlights The Inamori Ethics Prize Award In preparation for the June/July 2011 AU Summit, the Congratulations to Beatreace Mtetwa for being African Youth Forum /AYF/ was organized by the African honored. Union Commission /AUC/ Youth Division from 1-9 April ZUSAA member, 2003 International Visitors 2011. AYF aims to raise Leadership Programme alumnus and Human awareness and mobilize effective rights lawyer Beatrice Mtetwa has been commitment and actions on the awarded the Inamori Ethics Prize by Case part of all stake holders and Western Reserve University in Ohio, US. partners at all levels to effectively mainstream youth concerns into development policies, strategies The Inamori International Center for Ethics and Excellence at programmes and practices in Africa. The Forum is also Case Western Reserve University will present Mtetwa with intended to strengthen Africa's participation and the prize at a ceremony at the Ohio campus in September, engagement in the International Year of Youth with a where she will give a lecture about her work and the view to ensuring that its concerns and priorities are challenges that lie ahead. She was selected from adequately reflected. Around 100 young people from nominations solicited from leaders, scholars, and around Africa and the Diaspora met at the AUC organizations around the world. Headquarters in Addis Ababa Ethiopia. The forum classified into three tires, High level panel on financing Mtetwa told the Sunday Times that the award belongs to all youth development from 1-2 April, 4-6 April African Zimbabwean human rights lawyers and institutions fighting Youth Forum on issues affecting young people in Africa for the upholding of human rights in the country. Youth Issues, Conference of Youth Ministers of Youth (COMY) bureau meeting 8-9 April. The main objectives "I feel honored for the entire human rights community in of AYF include; Zimbabwe," Mtetwa said of the award.  Create continental momentum towards the summit First allotted in 2008, the Inamori Ethics Prize honors  produce input for discussion during the Heads of outstanding ethical leaders whose actions and influence have States summit helped to change the world since that year.  discuss issues affecting young people on the continent and their possible solution In honoring Mtetwa, the Inamori International Center for  launch a green ribbon campaign for Africa’s Ethics and Excellence at Case Western Reserve University youth said the human rights lawyer had demonstrated exemplary  discuss the implementation of an African Youth ethical leadership - and her actions and influence had greatly Fund improved the condition of humankind.  Arrive at a consensus on priority areas in need of accelerated actions by 2015 in line with the 2010 The Inamori International Center for Ethics and Excellence ministerial African position on Youth. said: "Dragged, beaten and nearly choked to death, Mtetwa  Proposals on possible strategies for promoting has not wavered in her quest to use the law to further a free Public-Private Sector partnerships in stimulating press for foreign and domestic reporters and to fight for domestic resource for implementing youth social justice for her country's most vulnerable residents, development programmes and plans. particularly women... "  Share youth perspectives on good practices in programming for results. The Inamori Ethics Prize carries with it a monetary award,  Propose common principles on mainstreaming which is intended to support Mtetwa's ongoing work for Youth issues in monitoring progress towards justice. development targets (comparative data on youth for advocacy and programming). Recipients of the international ethics award include Francis S Till today 23 African States have ratified and 37 States Collins, a physician-geneticist and the first recipient of the signed the African Youth Charter. The AUC have also Inamori Ethics Prize; former UN High Commissioner on come up with a plan of action for the youth decade Human Rights and the first woman president of Ireland, 2009-2018 devoted to Youth Empowerment in Africa. Mary Robinson; and Stan Brock, a humanitarian, The implementation of the African Youth Charter, and conservationist and former co-host of the television show, the Plan of Action for the Decade (2009-2018) and the Wild Kingdom. African Union Youth Volunteer Corps will create the opportunity for meaningful youth participation and Last year, the American Bar Association awarded Mtetwa its investment in concrete youth capacity building. prized ‘International Human Rights Award' for her It is a known fact that, the continent pressing challenges "extraordinary contributions to the cause of human rights, related to wide spread poverty, unemployment, INSPIRE Journal 41 5

HIV/AIDS, lack of services to sexual and reproductive health, 5) Main office is the capital of Somalia Mogadishu illiteracy, conflict situations are hampering the development 6) Three focal point: punt land, Somaliland and Csz. of young people unlike other groups of society. 7) Registration fee 100$ How are we going to improve the situation is the main 8) Monthly fee 50$ agenda that need to be addressed during the summit. The So now we agreed to be the chairman of the network question lies on what is the concrete recommendation that is Mr.: Aweis Nor Abokar till 6 months as emergency after going to be presented for the heads of state summit? that we shall make a election if Allah allow. For a very unknown reason the AU kept the profile of youth We would like to thanks NAYD who had this effort low. This can be characterized by the AUC youth division is because all these groups are member of NAYD Somalia under staffed and under budgeted (no specific budget line and we hope to success our vision ASAP. item to youth programs). Youth issue is considered to be Aweys Nuur ( Country Co-ordinator for Somalia) cross cutting on all programs be it education, peace and conflict, HIV/AIDS and Health issues. Which leave more Rapport DE L’O.N.G ASRAD-MALI room for not really having a concrete monitoring and  Conception d’un programme d’activité ; evaluation and reporting mechanism on what was is done on  Conférence de presse le 10janvier 2010 au mémorial youth specific activities. There needs to have a youth Modibo Keita dont l’objectif était de directorate within the AUC for more visibility and better faire connaître le bureau national et coordination of youth programs. Talking of youth related vulgariser son programme d’activité. issues and the underlining problems one can come up with  Acquisition d’un nouveau siège long list of problems. But in order to change the situation the équipé : effort of youth led organizations and those people engaged  Formation des membres du bureau sur la technique in youth development programs need to play a role. Youth d’animation de séance de réunion au siège du conseil participation in matters affecting their lives has got national. momentum, especially in the past couple of years. In  Conception et mise en œuvre du « Projet d’éducation contrary to this the type of participation we have been civique pour une meilleure participation des jeunes witnessing is supply sided. By supply side I mean young au développement communal » dans les communes people are participating whenever an organization, a policy rurales de Mountougoula, Kati et Dokodouman. maker wants to have the opinion of young people. Exécuté en trois sessions de formation; Participation need to be demand driven, in that youth led Au terme de ce projet, il a été constaté qu’au moins organizations and youth activists need to push for a space to vingt (20) jeunes de chacune des trois communes : have a meaningful participation. Participation won’t happen  sont formées sur le PDSEC (Programme de just because we are youths between the ages of 15-35. We Développement Social, Economique et Culturel) de la need to be proactive and updated on what’s going. We need commune ; to ask ourselves what we will ask if we had a chance to meet  peuvent répondre à toutes les questions relatives au people who have a decision making power. Hence working in budget communal au Mali ; close partnership and networking needs to a high priority.  connaissent à 100% leurs droits et devoirs dans la Ephrem Berhanu (Country Co-ordinator for Ethiopia) commune ;  peuvent faire un plaidoyer et mener une Peace Network Established In Somalia sensibilisation au niveau de leurs communes ; After twenty one years of military dictatorship Siad Barre’s  sont capables de participer à la planification et à la Regime had collapsed in January of 1991, and the clan réalisation des activités annuelles de la commune. militia that overthrown him could not agree to form a central government.  Organisation des semaines de l’intégration Africaine The succeeding power vacuum has triggered clan hostilities en Mai 2010 à travers des activités diverses, and power struggle, and created clan warlords. The warlords comme : la nuit des contes et légendes d’Afrique, la continue to fight over for power to rule, territorial control montée des couleurs et match de foot Ball ; (par and financial gains. ailleurs nous avons participation à toutes les Main while INDEPEN is born out at the group of CSO and réunions préparatoires au Ministère des Maliens de CBO organizations that organized forum to discuss most l’Extérieur et de l’Intégration Africaine) present concern the development of peace in Somalia.  Participation aux caravanes de l’Intégration Africaine The findings of the discussed issue included the dire need to en 2010 ; improve the co-ordination of the various youth groups. Thus  Participation aux journées de conférences et INDEPEN has been formed to not only to co-ordinate but to d’expositions des forces armés de sécurités et de la develop connect the youth group and other key CSO and société civile au C.ICB ; CBO of the country Somalia and structure are here:  Organisation de la coupe J.UA. 1) General assembly, consist of 13 organizations Participation au débat sur « les Etats Unis d’Afrique 2) Board of director: 5 members outside of the réalité ou utopie » sur la chaine AFRICABLE, dans organizations l’émission « AGORAJ » le 25 mai 2010 ; 3) Management team: 7 members  Participation à l’élaboration de la politique nationale 4) Areas of operation: Punt land, Somaliland and south de l’économie solidaire et sociale, organisée par le and central zone of Somalia INSPIRE Journal 41 6

Ministère du Développement Social et des Personnes Best regards Agées ; Chairman of PASOS.  Participation au congrès ordinaire du Conseil National de Mohamed Jumale Ali. la Jeunesse à tombouctou. Cellphon+2526-  Organisation et participation à plusieurs conférences 15671427. - dont voici quelques thèmes: Mogadishu Somalia.  « Quelle jeunesse pour le Mali » le 11 avril 2010 à la Cellphon+251- maison des jeunes 922107192-Addis-Ababa-Ethiopia.  « Historique de l’U.A en passant par l’O.U.A » Cellphon +254-722 398986. Nairobi, Kenya.  « Elections municipales, qu’els enjeux pour les P.O.Box:-71637-00622, Juja-Road East Leigh. jeunes ? » Nairobi, Kenya.  « La roue du développement »  Mise en place de 7 nouveaux comités et identification de The Green Economy Eco-Business Challenge répondants dans trois régions en vue de l’installation de I want to draw your attention to the fact that Peace Child nouveaux comités et coordinations. International’s preparations for the Rio+20 Summit next Sur le plan international : year are now moving into top gear.  Participation aux 7ème et 8ème assemblées annuelles de la jeunesse au siège de l’ONU à New York aux Etats Unis We launched the website d’Amérique en 2009 et 2010 sur les OMD ; last month – which is packed full of fun ideas for ème  Participation à la 7 assemblée annuelle de la jeunesse teachers and for youth groups to raise awareness about au siège de l’ONU en Suisse du 23 au 27 Août 2010. the Summit and its Green Economy theme. Our first regional meeting starts in Bangalore, India in 2 weeks. Projets d’activités planifiées mais non exécutées :  Semaine de l’Intégration Transfrontalière à Zegoua ; We’re just about to launch the call for applications for  Atelier de formation des jeunes sur les lois et textes des our other regional meetings. These will take place in organismes sous régionaux ; Ghana in August; in Izola, Slovenia, August/September;  Projet d’installation des clubs de l’Association des Clubs in Latin America in Sept./Oct. and in North America in d’Etudiants et Entrepreneures de la francophonie ; November. We are planning to announce the World  Conception d’un projet de création d’emploi massive Youth Congress in Rio de Janeiro on World Environment pour la jeunesse. Day - 5th June! I was just there and the team « Les Etats Unis d’Afrique, l’Assurance du Future » (Mr. Doumbia Kabiné, Le coordinateur du mali) organising it is AMAZING – as is Rio itself, and the way that youth and the whole of Civil Society are preparing PASOS Water Trucking Project Activities for it! As you aware the situation in Somalia at this moment is very I also want to encourage you to check out the GEEBIZ hard because there are severe Contest website: ( ). The site has droughts causing the deaths of just been launched with a brilliant little video made by many people and animals and our friends at WE-Canada. Please spread the word many others are very ill with about it as we hope that many young people will be malnutrition. inspired to think up concepts for businesses that help Because of that we put into restore, rather than deplete, the natural environment. action to help the people who are This is the first stage of the contest – where we see ill with lack of water and also the what kinds of proposals we get from youth around the livestock. We succeeded in world and learn what additional support / guidance implementing this project and we young people need to develop their plans. The second have taken photos to show how stage will be launched at the UN in New York in the project is going on and what it does. (More photos on the NAYD gallery) November and climax at the World Youth Congress and the Rio+20 Summit next year. We would like to explain here the project beneficiary and the areas, the beneficiaries are some of the people and stocks We are also busy raising funds so that we can bring as who lives in the middle region of Somalia specially Abudwaq many winners to Rio as we can. We are confident we district and Balanbale and some other sub district who are will get the funding IF young people come up with really nearby . interesting ideas. (If your ideas are crap, we probably This project is funded through the common humanitarian won’t!) So please – help us out here: get some great fund (CHF). ideas coming in, and, if your’s is amongst the best, we’ll bring you to the UN in New York in November for the INSPIRE Journal 41 7

2nd Stage launch event. And, if it’s really, really good – we’ll A call for attention for the largely “invisible” also bring you to Rio next year. people

Please circulate this information as widely as possible to your Despite the growing number of young people affected by network. Put it in your newsletters and, if possible, make a international migration, youth migration is rarely a key link from your Website! issue at international debates as compared to other issues like female migration. It is exciting, however, to Many thanks and Best wishes, see that the international community was no longer David Woollcombe, President, Peace Child turning a blind eye to Child and Youth Migration at a International,Project Director, GEEBIZ Challenge time when youth unemployment – a key reason why many young people wish to migrate – has sparked Adolescents and Youth Migration: Harnessing the revolutions in countries like Tunisia, spreading through Development Potential while Mitigating Risk Egypt to other North African countries. The entire African Migration is not a new phenomenon; however, there are new continent is at the brink of a revolution if we use youth demographic revelations with the estimated 214 million unemployment as a yardstick for unseating failed international migrants (World Migration Report 2010). For governments or regimes. Still within the confines of the instance, women now comprise approximately 49 % of the UN-proclaimed International Year of Youth, and for the world’s migrants – the so-called “feminization” of migration. second time the World Bank has advised African More important is the startling numbers of young migrants. governments to urgently tackle youth unemployment to According to the Youth Supplement of the United Nations avoid losing economic gains in its 2011 World Population Fund(UNFPA) State of the World Population Development Report. Report 2007, young people make up about a quarter of These developments also reminds me of a recent migrants worldwide. If the definition of youth includes young speaking engagement I had with UNICEF following the people up to the age of 29, young people represent half of launch of its flagship State of the World Children’s global migrant flows (UNFPA, 2006).1 Beyond migrating report, which tried to make a case for investing in themselves, youth are affected by migration in other ways. adolescents. As the total number of international migrant’s increases, so does the number of children and youth who accompany their Traditionally, many politicians see young people as a “problem group.” Economists and demographers have parents in the migration process or feel the impacts of put forth a number of reasons why Africa’s current youth migration – negative or positive – if they are left behind. The bulge should be seen as a catalyst for development, recent revolution in North Africa has already led to refugees however; if offered the right investment of resources, seeking asylum and work in Europe, and is likely to further they will yield great economic, social and political increase the number of young people in forced migration. dividends. All other things being equal, when a greater proportion of a country’s total population is in the For demographic reasons and forecasting with various middle-age phase of the demographic transition the economic theories of migration, it is important to note that, country enjoys increased income growth, higher savings rates and increasing economic power, as experienced by Europe with its aging population will need young migrants as many as a third of East Asian countries with their so more than ever to sustain and promote its economic growth. called “miracle” growth rates over the past few decades. This middle age or youth bulge presents a demographic Youth in the age of globalization have access to relatively dividend or potential which can help increase cheap and easy means of transport, and are more likely than productivity, savings and investments – all of which are ever to migrate for reasons ranging from family reunification crucial for economic growth. However, sound economic to the desire for better education and employment policies are needed at this stage to help propel economic opportunities to the need to escape war or conflicts. As growth. mobile phone networks and internet spread rapidly around There are many logical reasons to invest in young people the developing world, youth are increasingly aware of by promoting entrepreneurship and smooth school-to opportunities beyond their borders, even as immigration work-transition opportunities, amongst other programs. laws become stricter worldwide. A recent study in Ghana by For instance, young people who would otherwise have an affiliate of Young People We Care, for example, found been engaged in socially destructive activities such as that over 88% of Ghanaian youth internet users had plans to armed robbery, irregular migration and prostitution, leave the country within five years for education or instead find worthwhile opportunities that promote their personal and community’s development in their country employment. of origin. When opportunities are abundant for young people, they are able to make rational choices. 1 Conversely, when youth lack opportunities such as INSPIRE Journal 41 8 education and employment, migration for instance becomes for behavioral change, spread communication & a necessity rather than a choice. To read more click here experiences through group mobilization and participation and introduction of NAYD and its projects towards the An open access article by Michael Boampong, with inputs Pre AU Summit. from Ausrine Pasakarnyte and Céline Lemmel submitted to the Global Migration Group and the President of the General Recommendations Assembly ahead of the informal debate to be held at the Any relationship between Africa and Europe must be United Nations Headquarters in New York on 19th of May, based on our development agenda and recognize the 2011 on “Migration, Adolescents and Youth: Harnessing principles of non-reciprocity, the right to protect our Opportunities for Development”. Michael, Ausrine and Céline domestic and regional markets, and our economic are youth development activist who have coordinated three sovereignty Youth Consultations on Migration and Development since African Governments should be advised not to sign the 2008 to enhance youth perspectives on migration and EPAs and to realize that its people are in for trade for development for NGO – Young People We Care. For further development not increase in poverty. enquiries contact Michael via [email protected] To prioritize investment in agriculture, with attention to Africa’s unique climate and needs, to enhance its crucial World Social Forum ‘Another World Is Possible’ role in food security and providing an industrial hub for In the month of February 6th to 11th 2011, the World Social agro-processing and strengthening of Africa’s industrial Forum was hosted by Senegal and its co-host The Gambia base. with the theme: ‘Another World is Possible’. The capital of Industrialized countries to Senegal, Dakar was the epicenter pay their adaptation debt to of the world social movement. developing countries by Registration was immediately committing to full financing followed by a March pass from and compensation for the through the streets of Dakar with a adverse effects of climate massive crowd of individuals from change on all affected all parts of the world representing countries, groups and their country with cultural displays, people and to implement advocacy placards, music, pro-poor adaptation banners, vow-vow zelas etc. measures to counter the impact of climate change. The World Social Forum 2011 took place in a global context To call on African leaders to demand a fair share of full marked by the deep crisis repayment of climate debts owed by developed of the capitalist system, countries, and full technology transfer, financing and symbolized above all by the compensation for the costs to Africa of adapting and collapse of market mitigating to climate change. fundamentalism, illustrated by the food crisis which Member states should ensure that young people and added millions to the youth organizations participation is embedded in the already long list of those political process at all levels. who are suffering from Government should also involve its youth in all its chronic hunger, estimated decision making processes and engagements and should at more than one billion seek to work with a broad range of the youth population people. and incorporate them into the mainstream programmes Youth-led side event. and to establish avenues that allow them to share their Youth Alliance-The Gambia (YAG) and Network of African particular experiences, priorities and expectations. Youths for Development (NAYD) organized a Youth Side Young people and their organisations should be Event to bring together students, scholars, civil society encouraged to observe and understand the principles of organizations and local communities to exchange transparency, accountability, non-discrimination and experiences and practices of national and organizational mutual respect. partnership activities with a focus on the World Social Forum Environmental sustainability, gender equality, disability area of intervention. and human rights are cross cutting issues and should be mainstreamed through each Africa country’s Goals of the Event development policy and programming . To impart and share knowledge among participants and youth on how to work and build partnership for sustainable development; to raise awareness on the immediate steps in actualizing the UN millennium Development Goals by 2015; to discuss lessons learned on the issues of financial , economic and social crises, patriotism, poverty, climate change; to gain information, education and communication INSPIRE Journal 41 9

Government should promote the inclusion of its people with Fellowship, named for the 1998 IWMF Courage in disabilities and vulnerable groups in development actions. It Journalism Award winner and The Boston Globe should also take a lead role in collecting data and monitoring correspondent who was killed in Iraq in May 2003. inclusive development and tracking progress The fellowship will run from September 2011 to March towards this through the 2012. The application deadline is May 27, 2011. full implantation of its This program, created with Neuffer’s family and friends, national development aims to perpetuate her memory and advance her life strategies. mission of promoting international understanding of Government should human rights and social justice while creating an include civil society opportunity for women journalists to build their skills. representative for future summits and must One woman journalist will be selected to spend an support the effective academic year in a tailored program with access to participation of local Boston-area universities as well as The Boston Globe and communities (including The New York Times. The flexible structure of the the most marginalized program will provide the fellow with opportunities to and vulnerable), civil society organisations and parliaments pursue academic research and hone her reporting skills in national plans and strategies covering topics related to human rights. Government should focus on food for people rather than The Elizabeth Neuffer Fellowship is open to women seeing food as just another market commodity and should journalists whose focus is human rights and social also democratizes control of food systems including territory, justice. Applicants must be dedicated to a career in land, grazing, water, seeds, livestock and fish populations- journalism in print, broadcast or online media and show both in policies and in practice. a strong commitment to sharing knowledge and skills with colleagues upon the completion of the fellowship. Prepared By: Mr. Albert Joe S Bongay Excellent written and spoken English skills are required. Country Coordinator-The Gambia (NAYD) A stipend will be provided, and expenses, including National President/Chairman (YAG) airfare and housing, will be covered. Interpreted by: French-English-French Mr. Cheikh Mamina Diedhiou Application Checklist Program & Development Officer (NAYD International) Completed applications must be received by the IWMF on or before May 27, 2011. Incomplete applications and African Union Youth Receives Office Equipment applications that arrive after the due date will not be UNFPA Liaison Office considered. Provides Equipment worth $12,000 to The following items constitute a completed application: the Youth Division of • Completed application form (including signature and HRST Department date) for the successful implementation of the African Union Youth • Two completed recommendation forms Volunteers Corps (AUYVC) programme: • English assessment form (for non-native English speakers only) - 1 Dell Precision T3500 Desktop • Current resume or CV - 1 Dell Optiplex 980 Desktop • Three work samples - Dell Latitude Field Laptop - HP Colour Printer CP4525 Applications should be submitted electronically when - HP Office Printer P3015 possible to [email protected] . If it is not possible to - Sony Overhead Projector submit your application electronically, it can be - 500GB External Hard Drive submitted by mail, either regular post or international WE SAY THANK YOU courier, to: *** OPPORTUNITIES *** Elizabeth Neuffer Fellowship International Women's Media Foundation Elizabeth Neuffer Fellowship Boston, USA 1625 K Street, NW, Suite 1275 Scholarship / Financial aid: a stipend offered and Washington, D.C. 20006, USA. Email [email protected] airfare and housing covered Date: September 2011 - March 2012 2011 International Essay Contest for Young People Deadline: May 27, 2011 Young people from around the world are invited to enter Open to: women journalists whose focus is human rights the 2011 International Essay Contest organized by the and social justice Goi Peace Foundation and UNESCO. The International Women’s Media Foundation is now accepting applications for the 2011-12 Elizabeth Neuffer INSPIRE Journal 41 10

The theme for this year's contest is: Application deadline: 31 May. "MY STORY OF INSPIRATION"-- Many people experience For more information and application, see: Deputy inner change that motivates them to create a better world. Country Director Please share your story of inspiration that has affected your life and changed you to make a change in the world. _listings/position_listing_intl/deputy_country_director_s outh_sudan_590 The deadline for entry is June 30, 2011. Prize winners will receive a cash award and will be invited to GLOVICO Opportunity Japan for the award ceremony. Details at Glovico is a start-up non-profit organisation, which aims to help people in developing countries worldwide html improve their incomes by teaching their mother tongues over Skype. Furthermore the social business wants to To read winning essays from last year's contest, please visit foster intercultural dialogue in this way. For more information visit /index.html Originally offering Spanish, French and May Peace Prevail on Earth English, Glovico is currently looking The Goi Peace Foundation to extend its language spectrum to all languages that are spoken in Well-Paid EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES in USA developing countries. If you are A major world class web hosting company based in USA is fluent in English, have access to an recruiting for the following positions below: internet connection allowing for - Linux Administrator: Skype-calls and would be interested in earning some - Windows Administrator: extra money by becoming an online teacher, please fill - Perl Developer: out the following form: - Chat/Phone Technical Support Representative: formkey=dDdndHRfRm5Ob211azh5bXFUUDZodkE6MQ. Requirements: 1. They must be able to legally work in our Houston or For further inquiries do not hesitate to send an email to Austin office. [email protected] 2. They must be ready to work for not less than 90 days (3months). Income earning program impacting lives. 3. The employee needs to be full-time Are you ready for a business that offers Success, 4. You must be referred by some other person. Freedom and Luxurious Vacations? If you are in currently Anyone interested should send the following basic personal facing unemployment, huge debts, serious financial information to this email: [email protected] problems, and you are seeking PROSPERITY, DECENT First Name: LIFESTYLE, GOOD HEALTH and FINANCIAL FREEDOM. Last Name: Then check out the following generous income E-mail Address: generating opportunity program. This program is Phone Number: currently changing poor people’s lives in more than 150 Position: countries across the world. So don’t be left out. Please NB Candidates who express interest shall be contacted share the address with your friends, family and people directly by the company. around you. Help impact lives positively with it. To get started go now to: Samaritan’s Purse International Jobs: Samaritan’s Purse is a nondenominational evangelical Christian organization providing spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around WISDOM CORNER the world. It seeks to recruit: “To have more, you must become more”. Deputy Country Director - South Sudan Christian Phuebong Tabifor Qualifications: - Bachelor’s degree and two years related experience. - Previous experience working overseas, particularly in Africa. - Ability to be flexible and adaptable. - Excellent leadership qualities and ability to work very well in a multi-cultural environment. - Ability to coordinate activities with local involvement and establish working relationships with other NGOs. - Good team-worker and able to live and work closely with a team.

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